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"Lance told me what happened last night," London's features were indifferent and I watched her pace back and forth in my room. She was solving a rubric cube, the same one I'd messed up for her on purpose. It was a skill I had acquired by Daniel, who could solve it within twenty seconds.

London was a whole lot faster and she handed it back for me to scramble again. It was early and I was still wearing my teal pajama pants. Surprisingly, she hadn't teased me for my pajama choice yet.

I pressed my lips together, "It's not that big of a deal."

This only made her pacing worse. Her eyes widened and then she was full-on ranting at me. Last night, when London went to get alcohol for the kickback, Lance got the wrong message when we laid back onto a soft blanket and discussed the worst composers in history. Sometime before she got back, he kissed me.

It was nice really and if I felt anything romantic for him maybe it would've changed the dynamic of our relationship. But I was hopelessly into the brunette in front of me and only attracted to her endless optimism and gorgeous greenish eyes. The part of me that was hopelessly into her wanted to believe that she was jealous and damn, it was becoming harder and harder to eliminate that from my mind.

"He knew you weren't into him, I told him that." She tossed me the rubric cube and I scrambled it for the eighth time. This time around it would take her a little longer since I used a specific order. London frowned at the cube and paused momentarily before continuing.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Don't make him feel too bad. I'm pretty difficult to read sometimes,"

"No, you're not." London stared at me, slightly annoyed. It was the first time she'd ever been annoyed with me and I decided to tease her.

My eyes bored into hers, "Then what am I thinking about right now."

She dropped the cube on my comforter and sat with her legs crossed on my bed. She wouldn't be able to guess that I was thinking about her fingertips against my shoulder blade a few weeks ago. The very moments that caused me to acquire these feelings that I felt for her altogether. And as my eyes dropped to her mouth London pouted childishly.

"Maybe you're right. I just, don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Or maybe you just don't want Lance to have me.

I smirked, "I recall you telling me that you're selfish a little while ago."

And London blushed lightly and her eyes wandered to my mouth ever so slowly. Then I was overanalyzing everything she did, from the manner in which she tucked her hair behind her ears to the way her eyes met mine. She was just too beautiful and I was completely distracted by the small things that she did. She hesitated before responding, "I am very selfish Victoria and I stand by my statement."

And then the atmosphere shifted and I could feel the tension between us. I didn't know when it got there but it was new, similarly to the way London blushed while I stared at her.

"Kickback tonight?"

She shook her head and grinned, "House party. You're going to love Owen, he plays the cello too so maybe you can talk about whatever musicians talk about. Who knows, maybe you'll gain a make out buddy."

London wriggled her eyebrows at me and I urged her to not. Because the only person who I didn't mind being that intimate with was casually trying to set me up with other people and I was frustrated by it. Because one moment she was upset about Lance making a move and then she was insisted on me meeting someone else.

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