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London was sitting on my lap arguing with me over the appropriate manner to break someone's heart. This topic was not something random but rather requested by Lance.

"How would you break up with me?" Her eyes met mine with curiosity and I leaned into her easily.

"I wouldn't," And our kiss was cut short by a very uncomfortable Lance. His features were in awe and London blushed with slight embarrassment. Because he was still in the initial shock of when London told him about the new dynamic of our relationship.

"This is never going to be normal. Don't get me wrong, you two are really cute together. I just never saw this coming, how did this happen?" His features were genuinely stunned and London reached out and squeezed his face.

I shrugged my shoulders, "She got me drunk and interrogated me until I cracked."

My girlfriend gasped dramatically and shook her head. Then she told Lance a quick summary that was quite PG and I grinned to myself knowing that both of our stories were lies. We were getting sidetracked because Lance had developed an overnight girlfriend and didn't quite know how to get rid of her without hurting her feelings.

It was quite simple; tell the girl the truth and move on with life. But London insisted that it needed to be sugarcoated and less Victoria. Lance decided to just tell her in person and both London and I agreed on that part.

"The next time we see you, you better be single." I winked at him and Lance shook his head lightly. I was a realist and if the girl was anything like me, then she would prefer for him to get straight to the point. But then again, not everyone was like me.

London turned to face me and she was straddling my waist in her living room. My mind wandered briefly to what a wonderful first impression it would be if her parents walked in on us making out. But once her lips were on mine, none of that seemed relevant. Because London was wearing my all-time favorite shirt with four buttons evenly spaced out.

And as I undid them rather quickly, she pulled away just to tease me, "And this is why you prefer fewer buttons. How shallow Victoria,"

"Don't tease me American, you knew this about me all along." My mouth met hers again and this time around her hands were roaming the skin underneath my crewneck. Every time it seemed as if her hands would proceed north to the strap of my bra, they didn't. She was so frustratingly teasing that I was actually losing my patience.

To my shock, she slipped the warm fabric off my body and proceeded to lower us onto the living room rug. London's torso pressed against mine and we created enough heat to burn the house down. Somewhere along the way, I'd managed to slip off her shirt and now my fingertips gently memorized the sanctity of her curves.

I planned on memorizing the manner in which her body felt against mine but as her lips touched the sensitive skin right below my earlobe, it was more than difficult to concentrate.

Eventually, she heard my satisfaction and gently nibbled against my skin. If it wasn't obvious before, London was planning on killing me. The thought didn't even phase me anymore. I was growing fond of the idea that my death would be caused by my intoxication.

Rather abruptly she was gasping, like oh shit, and frantically looking for her shirt. I slipped mine onto my body, my heart racing once I didn't see her parents around, "What is it?"

Her eyes met mine with pure anxiousness, "We are so fucking late to the car show."

And then I grabbed her keys from the coffee table and proceeded to drive us to some stadium. Because London had been talking about this for the past week nonstop and we were definitely going. I wasn't going to earn the title worst girlfriend that didn't support London's dream in every way.

The whole drive, she fumbled with her fingertips and I could tell she was uneasy. I rested my hand against her thigh and she began to relax slowly. Parking was a nightmare, not as bad as parking at a concert in Scotland, but pretty damn close.

We held hands and ran to the entrance, in which a large pair of security men were turning people away. Nevertheless, I pulled London to the front.

"Sorry," The one on the left spoke emotionlessly, "arena is full. All further tickets have to be refunded at the window over there."

London sulked next to me and I did what only a good girlfriend would do.

"Are you absolutely fucking serious? I came all the way from Scotland just to give my girlfriend a wonderful long-awaited date. She's spent months talking about this and now you're going to stand here and say that some idiot didn't do their job so now she has to suffer? Bullshit and if you think we won't get on social media and put you on blast, you are completely wrong. I suggest you choose your next actions very wisely."

And of course, he swallowed and harshly blocked the doorway, "I suggest you and your girlfriend leave before I call security."

London pulled me away, her features filled with disappointment as she went to go get the tickets refunded. And then I did something that I swore I would never do.

I called my father and let him handle it.

London was leaning against the refund counter when I wrapped my arms around her, "C'mon American. Someone's had a change of heart."

Her eyes were sea green under the California sun and her lips grinned and she intertwined our fingers. It took everything in me not to do something completely uncalled for to the security that almost ruined London's day. But as I felt her lips against my neck, I felt that it was unnecessary.

This was her natural habitat and she analyzed every piece of machinery critically. Her lips parted in natural awe once we came across the sports cars.

"Damn, that's hot." London was currently obsessed with an old school Rolls-Royce and I was tempted to take pictures of her with pure excitement in her features.

I tilted my head with genuine curiosity, "Should I be jealous?"

London smirked her features hesitantly debating over a response. I shoved my hands in my pockets and eyed her suspiciously, mainly because I couldn't tell if she was playing with me or not. She batted her lashes and for a moment, I forgot that London was the most mischievous person I know.

"You don't want to know."

Then she was conversing with other car fanatics and they fell in love with her the same way I was; abruptly and ever so painfully.

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