Chapter 11 (First Date)

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~Chloe's POV~

It was already 7.35 PM. He's gonna be here in any minute. I opened my closet and took the new outfit I bought. It was still looking new. I smiled. I went to bathe. I scrubbed my body with the finest shampoo. I had to smell good. After bathing, I wore my new outfit. My animal printed top was so fabulous. I admired myself about my choice on clothes.

I checked the time at the clock on the wall. 7.55 PM. I was really late. I put on a bit of make up. I hate too much make up because i'll end up looking like a clown. A messed up clown. I headed for the door, passing the mirror. I stopped to look at myself. I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled, vaining at myself.

Suddenly, Mom burst into the room. She was smiling. "There's a guy at the door for you,"

'OK, Mom. Thanks," I grabbed my handbag and cellphone which was on the bed and walked past her.

"Hey, Chloe?" she called out. I turned around.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Have a good day,"

I smiled and nodded. I went to kiss her cheek and she replied with a smile. I waved and ran to the door. I saw Max at the door, leaning and crossing his arm. Probably waiting for me.

"Max," I called out.

Max stood straight and looked at me. He was startled. He brushed his hair which was covering his eyes. He smiled and said, "Ready to go?"

I nodded and we walked to his car. He was walking so close to me that our shoulders touched. I was feeling awkward, sweaty and shaky evey time I was with him. He glanced at me and he saw the weird expression on my face. "What's with your face?" he stopped infront of me.

I looked down, trying to avoid his gaze. But he lifted my face, our eyes meeting each other. He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. "Smile," he pleaded, showing one of his finest smiles.

I pushed his hand and crossed my arms. I felt goosebumps on my arms. He shrugged and put his arm on my shoulder, leading me into the car. I glanced at his arm on my shoulder and shivered. That was one of the most awkward moment with him.

He shoved the key in the ignition and drove off. I sat beside him at the front seat. I really wanted to sit at the back .I glanced at the back seat. No Lauren. Probably he was gonna pick Lauren up.

He turned to the main street . He turned left, heading for an elementary school. I thought he was gonna pick Lauren. But I was wrong. I turned to him and asked, "Aren't you gonna invite Lauren?"

He shook his head and smiled, eyes focusing on the road. "Its just the both of us,"

I widened my eyes. I felt awkward and there's not much conversation between us. Suddenly, the car came to a stop. We were right infront of a kindergarten. I looked at him who was sighing, looking at that place. "What is this place?" I asked, scanning the building. It was abandoned but it still looked new.

Max turned to look at me."Don't you remember?"

"I've never seen this place," I shook my head. I looked at him, seeking for answers. He went out of the car and closed the door. I froze, staring at Max who was opening the door beside me. He extended a hand at me. Still, I frozed. He shrugged and took my hand. He raced for the entrance, pulling me in. Then he led me to the swings. He sat at the swing and patted the swing beside him. "Hey, take a seat,"

I shrugged and sat beside him. He turned his gaze toward me and asked, "Now do you remember?"

I shook my head, staring at the grass. I was struggling to remember whatever he was saying. Then he pinched me at my arm "Ouch! What was that for?" I rubbed my arm.

"That's what I did back in kindergarten," he smiled, gazing into my eyes. I looked away, avoiding his gaze. Then I tried to remember -- remember my past.

I ran to the swing. Running with my little short legs. It was recess. The swing had two seats, one empty and one with a person on it. I ran as fast I could, heading for the empty seat on the swing. I climbed on the swing, one leg at a time. Then I held the chains which supported the seat at the swing. I didn't know how to swing. I stared at my other friends on the swings. They went back and forth. They were all tall enough, their feet touched the ground. I gaze at my feet. It was far from the ground as I was one of the shortest there.

Suddenly, the swing I sat on moved. Again and again, I went back and forth like the other kids. I felt my back being pushed. And then the swing stopped and so did the person who pushed me. The person went infront of me, smiling with his blue colored eyes. He was so cute. I smiled back.

"Now is my turn," he said, jumping up and down. He waited for me to get off the swing but I refused. "Please," he gave his puppy eyes.

"No," I protested, crossing my arms. I pouted to show I'm sulking.

He became impatient. He walked toward me and pinched my arm. I cried in pain and got off the swing. I rubbed my eyes while I cry. He felt guilty and convinced me. He patted my back and wiped the tears on my cheeks.

"Please," he pleaded. "Please don't cry,"

I kept crying and crying. No one had ever pinched me.

His eyes was watery, I knew he was going to cry. "I'm sorry," he apologized, his voice husky.

I looked up at him. My eyes was gazing into his. He smiled and hugged me. I stopped crying when I felt the warmnest of his arms, wrapped around me. I stood there, froze.

"Chloe?" he called out. He waved his hand infront of me.

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Do you remember?" he asked, hoping that I remember.

I nodded, staring at the grass. he fixed his gaze on me and smiled. I stood up. "Lets go home,"

"What? Now?" he asked, suprised. I ignored his question and walked toward the car. He stood up sadly and followed me behind. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I glanced at him. Was it really him back in kindergarten?

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