I walk away from the lady, and turn into the corner of the building so that I am out of sight from her. Uggghh! I hate the cold! I bring my chocochino close to me and take a sip. I lean against the wall of a building, wrapping my arms around myself to keep my body warm.
I close my eyes for a bit and breath out slowly.Not long after I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly open my eyes only to see "the guy" in front of me. The same one that bumped into me before. He's familiar.
He asks, leaving me totally confused. Why what? Why is he following me? Why is he talking to me? Why is he wearing sunglasses when it's damn raining like Indian Monsoons?
At this point, I've just been standing there staring at him, thinking about the possible results of this encounter.He looks down at me with his eyebrows creased together, almost as if he's trying to figure me out or he's probably trying to read my mind for the answer to his very unspecified question. That left eyebrow. Where do I know that eyebrow from?
-"Why did you lie?" His voice is firm and assertive.
Lie? When did I lie?"Umm... you're gonna have to be more specific." I manage to say, trying my best to sound confident and unintimidated, contrary to what I'm actually feeling.
He lets out a sigh of despair as he moves his face to the left while running his fingers through his dark brown locks. He turns back to face me. -"When you told that lady that you like the cold. Why did you lie to her? Why did you give her your jacket?" His voice is low and he sounds so... vulnerable? It contrasts so much to the way he is dressed- black jeans, leather jacket and white hoodie and the goddamn shades I've mentioned earlier. -"'Cause I can clearly see that you aren't 'embracing' the cold air but rather shivering yourself to death." He lets out a chuckle after that. He folds his arms across his chest, his little smirk never leaving. He looks at me, waiting for his answer. He looks good. I still don't get the sunglasses though.
"Well... I- umm- I went for a coffee and saw her there and I realised that she must have been sitting there all along for days while I've been in a warm, cozy home. She on the other hand doesn't have a heater, or a warm blanket ... Hell, she doesn't even have warm enough clothes! So I bought her a coffee and gave her my jacket... I guess" I let out a shiver, feeling the cold engulf me.
-"Here, do you want my jacket?" He asks but he's already taking it off.
"No, no, no. Don't trouble yourself, I'm okay."
-"Take it."
"No thanks, I'm fine."
-"I wasn't giving you an option..." He says blandly, holding it out to me."Thank you" I finally take it.
-"Don't mention it."-"So just like that? You'd risk your health for a stranger?" He asks, creasing his eyebrows again.
"Some people need it more than I do," I point out, taking in a deep breathe and letting his jacket parade my senses. The warmth from it, the scent. His scent.
"And besides ... I have plenty of jackets at home, but she- she doesn't- I'm not sure she even has a home..."
-"What if she does have a home?"
"Then she got the benefit of the doubt. Lucky her." I state.He looks a bit confused. I don't know why he's confused... he's the one wearing the sunglasses!
"Hey I have a question for you." He nods his head, signalling for me to carry on.
"Why are you wearing those stupid sunglasses when the skies are literally pouring out rain?"He laughs a bit, the crinkles by his eyes are now prominent. -"You think my glasses are stupid?" He asks, reaching up to take off his glasses.
"Oh my god..."
He smiles pleased with himself for some reason.
"Are those the new Tommy Hilfiger glasses?"
And then his facial expression changes to one that is confused and disappointed.-"Are you serious!" He whines.
"Huh?" Confusion is a key feature to this conversation.
-"Umm, No, nothing. I just thought-umm- Yes, they are Tommy Hilfiger," he replies.Weirdo.
"Oh ok. Cool, I guess. I like TH."
-"What?" He kinda snickered, I'm not sure...
I look at him again, a confused expression never leaving my face.
-"Umm... No, its nothing. So does that mean my glasses aren't stupid anymore?" he laughs, and I let out a giggle as well.
"Hey, you're wearing them on literally the coldest day in London history. It's not the best accessory for a day like this." I reply, earning another smile from him.He holds out his hand, gesturing a handshake.
-"Tom. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
I hesitantly shake his hand.Just then my I see Jazmin arrive at the opposite side of the street. I curse myself when I realise that I told her I'll be at the coffee shop. But me, being the idiot I truly am, I crossed the street and forgot to tell her.
"Jaz!" I call out to her, waving my hands in the air to get her attention. And obviously she doesn't notice which leaves me no choice but to run across... again.
Tom was still standing behind me.
-"Is that your ride home?" He asks, while I take off the jacket, and return it to him.
"Umm, yeah. If she can see me and doesn't eventually leave me." I let it a nervous chuckle. I mentally prepare myself for my 'sprint' to cross the street.-" Uh, hey, I- uh- I didn't catch your name..."
At this point I'm already making my way across, though I replied with a simple:
" I didn't throw it!" And I smirk, turning back to look at him, only to see him smiling back. He sends a wink my way and I think I blush but I get into the car quick enough for him not to notice. I hope.What a day.

FanfictionIt started with a strange encounter, where an actor met his fan. Little did she know, over time she would become his idol and he- her fan. *Language* Tom Holland Fanfiction [Uh- sorry besties but i have no idea how to continue this story so until i...