It started with a strange encounter, where an actor met his fan. Little did she know, over time she would become his idol and he- her fan.
Tom Holland Fanfiction
[Uh- sorry besties but i have no idea how to continue this story so until i...
So it's been about two days since the party and I'm just... I don't really know how to describe how I'm feeling because I'm feeling and understated type of overwhelmed, but I'm slightly more excited than normal. I'm sad that the night had been so wonderful and now it's over. I'm content that I achieved my dreams that night, however I'm down now that the thrill is gone. But there's so many great things that came from just that one night. I think the simplest way to put it in words is that basically, I'm happy. I'm just happy. It's been a long time since I've felt so ... happy? And when I tell you that true happiness feels so dream-like, serene and calming, you best believe it. These past two days it been as if I'm walking in the clouds. I'm so.... happy.
Happiness is such an underrated feeling, I kinda feel bad for it. Then when I tell you that when Tom posted a picture of him in his Peter Parker clothes at the airport, I almost died of that underrated feeling!
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aliax13: Just blame it on the Jetlag, Moviestar
(I just had to comment something under the post, to see if he'd notice my 'verification-less' account)
We haven't spoken after that morning. I didn't want to message first because I didn't know if he was busy or not. And also I didn't want to cross my boundaries causing him to block my number or think I'm annoying, so it's better off if he messages me first - in his free time (if he remembers that my number is still on his phone).
In the meantime, I'm sitting in the lounge while Jazmin and her boss are sat at the dining table discussing the fundraiser for the clinic. Jaz pitched in the idea of the fundraiser and her boss has been in and out of our home for like a week ? Yeah. It gets a bit much sometimes. I was given multiple tasks (Getting some sponsors, helping the kids with their act, printing out tickets) but it's for the kids so, whatever it takes, I'll be willing to put up with it.
-"Alia?" My sister calls out to me. I walk to the table and there papers and documents spread out everywhere! To be fair we have a small table that only seats 4 people but still, that's a lot of papers. "Yeah Jaz?" -"Um, yeah so I was wondering maybe you should add a few song to your performance. Because we still have like 2 hours that we need to fill in. Your performance only takes up 10 minutes of the program." "Another song? Jaz, I'm supposed to preform 3 already. And I'll be lucky if I even make it through the first one..."
Okay so I'm participating in the fundraiser as the entertainment. It will be the second time I'll be playing and singing on stage, while people -hopefully- donate. I only ever did it once before and after that I get quite nervous and anxiety usually kicks in. I'm just trying to be better and improve and conquer my fears I guess. And it will help the clinic, so it seems like a win-win situation. Unless I fall on stage, or forget my lyrics, or go off tune, or anything else I might do to embarrass myself.
Win-win situation.
—"We need something more. No ones gonna donate to a boring fundraiser. We need something to fill up the agenda," Jazmin's boss bluntly states.
-"It's a 6 hr event. We have the kids' little dance, your music, the clown, the comedian, the 'modeling/ fashion show', the Mental Health Doctor Ted Talk. And the newest act is the play that one of the schools offered to put on for us. That still leaves us with about 2 and a half hours left if we include the break in between." Wow, they really thought this through. What else could there possibly be? "Okay, Jaz, I'll do it..." my sisters eyes light up, but I interrupt her displays excitement in her features. "...IF... there's no other option. ONLY if it's a last resort. If there's still and 2 hours to spare then I'll go on a second time." -"Thank you thank you thank you!" She pulls me in tight for a hug. —"Okay now that that's sorted out..." Jazmin's boss, changes the topic and they move along with the rest of their decisions for the programme.
Ping My phone goes off. A text.
Tom: -Hey.
Holy Shit. Yes!
Alia: -Hi.
Tom: -Do you have Instagram?
Oh my god. He saw the comment...
Alia: -Yes... -Why do you ask ?
Tom: -What's your @?
Alia: Umm... aliax13??
Tom: -Aah so you did comment on my recent post. Gotcha (;
Alia: Great. You're stalking me now ? Haha.
Tom: -I could ask you the same question and we'd both be lying if we said no...:)
Alia: -Touché -Btw you used the winking emoji thing the wrong way. It's supposed to be like this, Tom ; )
Tom: That doesn't look like a wink at all! My way is better!
Alia: Why don't you just use normal emojis Tom? 😂 like these✨👌💀👀❤️👏🧚🏻♀️
Too much?
Tom: Oh I do babe😂 I just thought you didn't😂 well seems like it all worked out then. 🏠🙂👌😭✨🎈
B-babe? My butterflies zoomed around my abdomen quite fast.
Alia: -I'm glad we upgraded😂 Your winky eye emoji was giving me nightmares.