Tom's POV
Alia. It's perfect. Suits her perfectly.
She and I have been talking ever since Robert left. Apparently she's here at the party because one of her friends got tickets from his friends who couldn't make it. She tells me about herself a bit. How she moved to London and her sister that she endears so much. And even though she knows that I'm famous -which I'm kinda disappointed about, just a little bit only - she's asking me questions too, some of which I can tell she already knows the answers to, but she's kind enough to listen to me babble. She seems genuinely interested in the conversation. And whenever I say something stupid or funny, she crinkles her nose and closes her eyes, while her smile grows and spreads across her face, showing her braces that I hadn't noticed until tonight.---"Alia!? Alia, where are you?" Some guys call out for her. She snaps her head in the direction of the voice, and I do the same, and to my surprise one of the guys is Jake!
How does he know Alia?
-"El!" She raises her hand, to draw his attention. He sees her and starts making his way to us.
--"I've been looking everywhere! I thought you were just going to the bathroom. I was worried." They're standing really close to each other. He's way more taller than her (and me - just about 3 inches only!) and he's really buff. She smiles at him and he hands her her purse that she probably left at the table.
---"Tom!" Jake exclaims.
"Hey, Jake! How you doing?"
---"I'm good, I'm good," He replies while simultaneously coming in for a hug.
---"Alia! Hey. We were looking for you." He says, jokingly.
-"Oh, yeah well I was just... Mingling." She says, she's still smiling slightly.
-"Oh, this is Tom, by the way," she gestures to me, but talks to her friend.
-"and Tom, this is my best friend, Eliott."
--"Hi, nice to meet you." The guy- well Eliott- holds out his hand for me to shake it, and I take it. The next thing I know he's doing the Spider-Man handshake with me! And I realise that I'm casually doing it as well. Aah, so he's a fan.
"Bro." Eliott and I are laughing so hard, and once Alia and Jake realised what just happened, they laugh along also.
"Bro, give me a hug man." I say, still chuckling.
-"I can tell, El is fangirling so hard on the inside." Alia say between giggles. Eliott just rolls his eyes at her.
--"You ready?" He asks her. No, no, no. They're leaving!? No. Don't go. Don't say yes.
-"Uhh, yeah sure." Damn it. I wanna say something. Anything. But I don't know what to say to her.
---" You guys are leaving so soon?" Jake asks, quite bummed out. Yes! Thank you Jake Gyllenhaal!!!
"Yeah, I mean the party hardly even really started."
---"Yeah, man. We gotta go. We left her sister alone at home and it's getting late anyway."
Damn it.
-"Should we stop for McDonalds, for Jaz?" Jaz? That name sounds familiar. Oh. She was the one that came to pick Alia up the last time.
Eliott nods at her, before excusing himself to go to the toilet before they leave."Alia?"
She brings her eyes to meet mine.
-"Yes?" I step closer not wanting Jake to hear.
"Uh, could I get your, uh, number?" I whisper.
She smiles, but creases her eyebrows quickly.
-"Look, Tom... I'd love to. But do you really need it? I mean I'm pretty sure you're gonna be busy, too busy, you're a celebrity! You travel the world! We'll probably never se-"
"Don't you dare say that we'll never see each other again because the last time you had that mind set and I'm guessing that's the reason you didn't tell me your name. And look at us, now. We're standing together, right in front of each other. And if you don't give it to me now, I'm pretty sure I'd end up getting it somehow. So why take the long way around when you could just give it to me now?"There's a deadly silence between us. She's in deep thought.
Wow, that's just great, Tom. Youre getting rejected for the second time by the same girl!
Desperate.She looks at me, with a slight twinkle in her eyes, which is probably caused by the lights around us. But she looks good, nevertheless.
She sighs, and puts her hand out.
-"You win." She smirks.
I run my hands around myself looking for my phone. It feels like forever, but I finally find it and hand it to her. I watch as her thumbs taps lightly on my busted screen, adding herself as a contact, making sure to add a yellow heart next to her name.
Just as she was about to hand me back my phone, Eliott calls out to her making her drop it.-" Oh my god, I'm so sorry. " She gasps. Her eyes go wide and she rushes down to get it, but so do I and our heads bump each other.
We both groan in pain, but still smiling.
We get back to our feet, and she waves as she walks away. Once she reaches Eliott, she looks up at him and laughs at something he says. They link arms and carry on out the door.
They're cute together. Damn it. But they're just friends right? I mean I hope so...I look at my phone again. The screen was still on, and my eyes land on the newest addition to my contact list. I tap on it and message her.
Hey, 'Alia'. It's Tom. Tonight was nice. We should do it again sometime. See you soon... I have no doubts about that😉

FanfictionIt started with a strange encounter, where an actor met his fan. Little did she know, over time she would become his idol and he- her fan. *Language* Tom Holland Fanfiction [Uh- sorry besties but i have no idea how to continue this story so until i...