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It would be the last time Rey ate Carida's measly porridge, which was not even enough for her, let alone Rey. It was the last time she drank the sweet, blue thickness of Bantha milk. The last time Rey stepped foot on the sandy, scorched earth of Tatooine. Her temporary sojourn to that windswept desert had been made feasible with Carida. Without her, the occurrence might have diverged.

BB-8 followed Rey out of Carida's lowly home and into the immense desert. The elderly woman  stood cloaked, beside one of her eopies, ready to stake a stroll to one of the nearby trading posts. Rey met her beside the stinky animal. Carida's expression grew--wrinkled--into a broad, kind smile.
"It's that time already, huh?"
Rey nodded, squinting from the harsh rays of the morning sunlight. "It is."
Carida opened her feeble arms endearingly. Rey leaned into her embrace, delicately wrapping her arms around her puny friend.
"Thank you, Carida. I really do appreciate it--everything you've done for my stay." Rey finally said, releasing from the warm embrace.

"Course." Carida was more than glad. "Take care now, Rey."
Rey nodded. A cordial smile spread amongst her tanned face. "Likewise. If I'm ever in the area, I'll come visit." Though Rey knew she'd likely never return.
Carida acknowledged her with a small wave. Rey returned it. The Millennium Falcon was just in view of Carida's home, off to the left. BB-8 followed Rey into the massive freighter ship. All the while Carida watched from the distance.

"Alright." Rey said, securing herself into the Falcon's cockpit, flipping numerous switches: ignition sequences, engine preps; the standard procedure before lifting off. "You buckled in, BeBe-Eight?"
A quick beeping response from the droid answered her question.
"Great, let's get flying, then."
A whirl of anticipation chimed from BB-8. Rey smiled, over-viewing the cockpit panel. "Setting course for Ajan Kloss. We'll be there in no time."
She took in one last view of the beige ground below her. Carida had already mounted her eopie, watching as Rey tipped her wing, disappearing into the horizon beyond view.


Tatooine wasn't too far off from Ajan Kloss. By the time Rey reached the vibrant, life-abundant jungle where her friends awaited, it was already dusk. The delicate sunset turned the greenery into a golden-emerald mixture of color. Swarms of rebels gathered around the Falcon, curious and inquisitive, having waited for Rey's arrival longer than expected.
Finn was the first familiar face to push his way through the throng of relieved individuals. Not surprisingly, Poe followed after, exuberant to see his droid, BB-8.
"I'm glad you're back, and that you've taken good care of my pal." Poe gripped onto Rey's shoulder, smiling widely. It seemed that he was mostly thankful to see BB-8.

"Are you okay?" Finn grabbed a hold of Rey's hand before she could register. The welcoming response she was receiving from everyone stupefied her. He pulled her aside from the boisterous crowd. Eyes trained on Rey's. "I felt something--"
Before he knew it, Rey's hands were wrapped tightly around his back. Relief flooded her heart. There was something joyous about the reunion of a familiar friend following her visit in the grim desert. "I'm fine--"
"No. No, you're not." Finn shook his head. Rey shrunk in the embarrassment of Finn's direct discernment. "I know what's been going on. Rey, I've felt it. I've heard your screaming, your thoughts. . . You told us you would only be gone for a day, not a week. I--we--thought something bad happened to you."

The Redemption of Fate ~ A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now