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"Coruscant," Beaumont Kin nodded. He was pleased, "It's lost much of its population. There also hasn't been any form of government on that planet in decades. It's gone on a sort of a hiatus. But it has everything we would need."
As historians did best, Beaumont prated on, spewing all sorts of facts about the planet's ecosystems and early beginnings from thousands of years in the past, recalling each specific feature. It was evident that he knew more about Coruscant than anyone else there.
"I think this is actually gonna work." Poe said, deep in contemplation, his eyes locked on the holographic projection of Coruscant on the green radar screens. The glowing mammoth orb rotated slowly on the screen, displaying all its geographical patterns and imperfections.

"Of course it will." Rey replied, studying the planet for herself. Even from afar, Coruscant's features were easily detected with an abundance of life in the minuscule glowing lights that emanated from the globe. There may have been less inhabitants now than there was before, but to Rey, it seemed like there was still an overwhelming plentitude of life on that planet.  
"Golo, is the connection coming along?" Ben inquired from where he stood beside Rey.
The short Sullustan nodded, fidgeting with various controls at the radio panel adjacent to Beaumont. He spoke in his quick Sullustese language. Ben internally translated that Golo was on the brink of reaching full contact with officials on Coruscant. 
"Awesome, keep at it, Golo." Beaumont clapped him on the shoulder. The rest of the small team huddled around the radio com. 

BB-8 rolled over to Rey, carrying along a small cloud of loose dirt. His dome-like head rotated upwards to glance at her. The spherical shape of his black eye taking in her kindred expression. He spoke in a series of mechanical chirps. 
"Me too, BeBe-Eight." Rey said, a grin across her face. She had truly come to love that droid.
Golo exclaimed just then, quickly becoming drowned out by Beaumont's holler. "We're in!"
He held an outdated headset over his ears, along with Golo who was already speaking to members on Coruscant. Rey felt herself involuntarily lean over the dusty console, straining her ears to catch a glimpse of whatever Golo was saying, even though she could not decipher his language. 
"You gonna translate?" Finn asked Beaumont. He stood beside Rose, arms folded in angst. 

Beaumont, who both understood and spoke Sullustese fluently, held a finger up as if to say hold on. Ben was relieved he wasn't called to translate Golo's words; the first time was hairy enough. 
Beaumont nodded, his expression changing from excitement to concentration, then back to excitement as he listened attentively to Golo's conversation.  
"He's speaking with high-ranking officials on Coruscant--comrades of his." He explained, eyebrows furrowed as he inwardly translated the flurry of words being thrown his way.
"And?" Poe prodded. 
"He's asking for permission to bring the Resistance to their planet . . . Okay--yes. Yes, they have agreed!"

A flurry of quiet hollers broke out in the small huddle. Rey felt her heartbeat accelerate inside her chest. Ben pulled her into his shoulder; the squeeze of his hand on her arm the acknowledgment of success. Rey looked to Finn standing closely beside her. His smile flared wide.  
"Golo's telling the officials of Ben and Rey now . . ." Beaumont continued, as attentive as ever.
Rey swallowed hard. This would tell all now. Whatever those officials would say, whatever they would think--the decision to dub her and Ben as leaders to a broken galaxy was entirely up to them. Though Rey had ultimate faith in the Force; that vision she dreamt was too vivid, too well-planned, too tangible. Rey was convinced there was no way in the galaxy that it was a hoax.

"They say . . . wait--hold on," Beaumont pulled his headset away momentarily, grimacing as boisterous static filled his ears. "No, no--the connection's gone."
Commander D'Acy and Poe were already fumbling with the wires, scrambling to retrieve the connection that had just been zapped. 
"C'mon, we can't lose this." Poe exclaimed, exasperated. Before he could ask for more assistance, Rose was by his side, crouching down to examine the radio cables. 
"I have it!" She rose to her feet and jammed in one of the unattached wires to its correct cable hole. "Poe, connect that one to this--yep, right there. Good, that should do the job."
"Is it fixed?" Rey could hardly contain her anxiety. 

"Yes, wonderful. Back online!" Beaumont announced. He sat back in his chair, eyes darting from side to side in close attention. He squeezed the headset to his ears, stunned by what he was perceiving. 
"What is it?" Finn asked eagerly, having sensed Beaumont's amazement. Everyone waited, the silence loomed. Ben straightened his stance and Rey could feel the anticipation mounting inside the both of them. 
"The officials say they are pleased to hear this desire of leadership," Beaumont translated, "and they are requesting that the Resistance come as soon as possible!"

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