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"You look magnificent, Madam." The styling droid, LO-VY--pronounced 'lovey', as Rey had learned--remarked. She had done her part in weaving delicate curls into Rey's loose hair. It felt peculiar for Rey to not have that characteristic three-bunned style she grew so accustomed to for so long. Though one long gaze at her own reflection in the crystalline mirror changed her thoughts entirely; tears collected in the inner corners of her eyes. She looked beyond beautiful.

"Is everything alright, Madam? Do you not like the style?" LO-VY said quickly, outstretching metallic arms in a gesture of comfort, having noticed Rey's watering eyes. 
Rey shook her head, her diamond drop earrings swaying with her. "No, no, of course not. I love it," she smiled wide and deep, running her fingers through her unfamiliar, beautifully curled hair. "This is just gorgeous."
"Spectacular!" LO-VY exclaimed. The greenish orbs of her droid-eyes glowed. "Now, please stand up, My Lady. I need to add my last touches. By the way, you do look marvelous in that dress."

My dress
, Rey thought, sighing in fondness of her embellished, golden-trimmed dress that hugged her waist and flared out at her hips in a modern, yet old-time fashion. It was just stunning. She stood still, gazing in stupefaction as she watched LO-VY clip on a golden necklace decorated with protruding, champagne-colored pearls. 
"You are all done! Ready for the camera, and of course, your ceremony." 
The grandeur of Rey's ensemble was inexplicable. Her necklace alone was worth more than she could ever bargain for at the Niima Outpost. Even slaving in Jakku for a lifetime could never amount to the wealth of that dress. Rey drew in an inhalation as she gave a small, semi-twirl, watching the train of her dress twist with her. "I can't begin to tell you how I feel, Lovey. Thank you."

LO-VY bowed her head, then motioned for the door leading out to the west colonnade that led to the vast balcony where Ben would be, waiting for his rightful empress. "They're calling for you."
Rey had subconsciously blocked out the fanfare and cheering that echoed into the vanity-room until LO-VY mentioned it. The burst of orchestral symphonies and adoring admirers came rushing into her mind, accompanied by the ongoing adrenaline pulsing in her ears. With a cordial pat of appreciation on the stylist-droid's hard back, Rey took stride. Small, hovering droids assembled at the ends of her dress train, lifting the expensive fabric from off the floor.

Ben's hands gingerly wrapped around Rey's as floating cameras broadcasted the inauguration all across the galaxy. He felt the thumping, fast beat of her heart inside her palm. No doubt was she raging inside with anxiety, joy, and everything in between. He turned to Rey, eyeing her peripherally. Rey turned to him with steady, alight hazel eyes. A tight, exuberant smile was radiating from her face. Ben squeezed her hand tighter, tenderly rubbing his thumb along her palm. He spoke to her through the Force, something they rarely did. It's alright
I know, Rey replied. 

You look so beautiful, Ben added. He meant it with every last part of his being. Rey blushed, internally melting into bashful goop. She had to admit that she felt truly beautiful in the dress, being broadcasted in front of the whole galaxy like she was a precious gem on display; Ben's precious gem. You're ravishing, she told him.
Why, thank you. Ben fully turned to her, lifting his eyebrows only subtly enough for her to notice. Rey repressed the urge to chuckle, but naturally she stopped as her mind focused on his face. His body. Everything about that man--his beauty. The way his suite fitted his body, the broadness of his chest, and the width of his arms--even covered in clothing, his biceps were prominent. His lips were soft, and his eyes warm. Ben was ravishing.

All around them, down below the balcony in the vast gardens, sat officials and dignitaries from several planets, generals and commanders, including Hydrus and his men. Woven in between those onlookers, sat every last member of the Resistance. Beyond them, the people of Coruscant were packed tightly together. Seats had run short and many stood, shielding their eyes from the crisp, morning sunlight. 
"You may now recite your vows." The minister spoke calmly, waving his blue fingers at Ben and Rey. He was a Pantoran, a near-human species known for their blue skin and piercing golden eyes. Ben had known many in his lifetime.               

Rey stepped up first, as a soon-to-be empress was inclined to do. "I, Rey Skywalker, Empress of Coruscant, take Ben Solo as emperor to reign beside me."
Ben's eyes met hers, and calmly spoke, "I, Ben Solo, Emperor of Coruscant, take Rey Skywalker as empress to reign beside me."
The minister cloaked Ben in the royal cape of the viceroy immediately after. A tall, thin droid clothed in its own impeccable suite, gently placed the dazzling sapphire and aquamarine crown atop his head. 

 A tall female droid assisted in crowning Rey a brilliant golden topaz crown. Sunlight pierced the gemstone, turning the stones into glowing embers. Her heart pumped feverishly as she drew in a breath, feeling the weight of the crown atop her head, and the weight of the galaxy upon her shoulders as the minister spoke with pleased grace, "I present to you the crowned Empress and Emperor of Coruscant, rulers to the galaxy's new era: The Jedi Reign!"

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