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The resonating thrum of dozens of starship engines rattled the landing pad with trembling vibrations. Poe snapped a finger in triumph, "They made it!"
As if on cue, the cockpit became inundated with responses from all forty-two Resistance ships.
"Squadron Seven to Millennium Falcon, we have arrived."
"Rascal here, Falcon. We've made it."
On and on the responses came, all adding to the exhilaration of the successful pilgrimage. Two other massive stone landing pads began to slide out from the main tower beside the Falcon, defying science as they slid out faster than expected for their weight. Even with the large landing spaces, squeezing all forty-three ships would be a challenge.

Ben killed the Falcon's engine after the last ship documented their successful voyage to Coruscant. "That's it--they're all here."
"Well, aren't we going out now?" Finn asked, eyes wide with eagerness. Ben understood his animation, and he unlatched the ramp, motioning for Finn to lead the way and--ecstatically--he did, leaping over to the boarding ramp, everyone falling in behind him.

The temperate climate of Coruscant welcomed its new, intrigued visitors. A not too warm, yet not too cool breeze gently tousled Rey's hair as she and Ben stepped up to introduce themselves to an approaching official.
"Welcome, welcome." The dignitary said, and Ben realized that he was the same man who had sent the coordinates, except he wasn't a human man; he was a Mikkian. Ben had known many Mikkians while visiting Coruscant in the past. They were a sentient species, known for their head-tendrils that acted as an odd mane.
"I am General Hydrus, of Coruscant, here at your service." Hydrus' tendrils danced atop his head, almost carefree, and Rey found it terribly difficult not to stare at them with fascination.
"This is Rey Skywalker," Ben introduced as she and Hydrus exchanged a delicate handshake. "And I am--"

"Ben Solo," Hydrus said it carefully, as if emphasizing Ben's redemption from Kylo Ren, who had no doubt surely caused a flare of panic inside the officials at first glance.
He reached out, took Hydrus' hand firmly. "Yes. Thank you for allowing us to live on this planet--it's wonderful here."
A soft gust of wind stirred the air, accompanied by the scent of ship fumes and exhaust. Definitely a drastic change from the environment at Ajan Kloss.
Hydrus nodded, pleased, his tendrils curling and uncurling simultaneously. "We are incredibly happy to have you--along with the entire Resistance fleet." He motioned around with open palms. Ships were packed tightly together on the three landing spaces. Everyone was disembarking their ships and huddling around, taking in the beautiful sunset that painted itself on the horizon.

Rey peeked behind her where Finn and Poe, along with the rest of the crew, were standing behind speaking to another official and Golo Ancros himself, who had somehow squeezed his ship on the other side of the Falcon.
"I'm glad to see everyone here," Hydrus said as he began to gesture at other men and women dressed in officer-like clothes similar to himself, dispersing to speak with the hundreds of Resistance members. "We intend to make haste with making sure everyone is situated promptly. They will settle into their own designated rooms in our adjacent towers, and we will store all aircraft in our underground hangars in time. But for now, I need you two to come with me."
Ben complied, piqued at what that meant. Rey took his hand as they began following Hydrus into the interior of the main tower, past the squadron of stationed ships.


 "This grand building was once a replica of the destroyed Imperial Palace

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"This grand building was once a replica of the destroyed Imperial Palace. The First Order had initiated its build around ten years ago when it used to serve as headquarters for First Order officers enforcing its citizens here on Coruscant, dubbed the Galactic Estate," General Hydrus explained thoroughly, gesturing around the ornately trimmed golden double staircase. Ten years ago Kylo Ren had still been Ben Solo, and the newfound fact that the First Order created this "estate" was intriguing in the least.

"However," Hydrus continued, "the recent defeat of the First Order was a wish come true. You see, I was forced against my will--along with many others here--to serve the officers of the First Order. I was praying upon the Force that a miracle would emerge, and finally--thanks to you--it did. Since then, this very building has become freed of the Empire's control, and now belongs to the Resistance."

Rey felt like she had been inflated with joy and wonderment. One glance in Ben's eyes, and she knew he felt the same way. Hydrus continued on as they passed wide-set windows, displaying the ever-growing nightfall. "Golo Ancros, an old friend of mine, and now of yours, contacted me to collect as many as I could to willingly fight in the Battle of Exegol. He eventually directed hundreds into the battle, as you know. I thank the Force that you, Rey, had the notion to come here and establish the Resistance's capital on Coruscant."
The Mikkian stopped at a golden door and waved his hand over a scanner. Immediately, the door slid open, revealing a pristine, well-kept office, also trimmed with precious metals.
"Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss."

Rey felt overstimulated with the events of that day, though eagerness swam fiercely inside of her, willing her on. "This is just beautiful."
She ran her fingers along the smoothness of the glossy, obsidian conference table, crackled with strains of inlaid gold. It made the tables at Ajan Kloss look like a spec of dirt.
Hydrus took his seat at the head of the table, a small grin spread across his yellowed skin. His vibrant blue eyes appeared impossibly bluer. "We must plan your inauguration."

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