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Tears stung inside of Rey's eyes. How many instances had she dreamt of Ben's plump lips trailing their way amongst her flesh. How many times had she dreamt of his hands cradling her body. Innumerable times. And finally, those fantasies came to fruition.
She held Ben's face, he held her waist. His fingers skimming her body; his curious hands feeling their way down the curvature of her body. A flush of heat escaped Rey as she remembered the only article of clothing she wore was a measly robe. The material that lay between Ben's skin and hers was thin. Her unrestrained musing raged.

Ben began to leave series of kisses down Rey's neck. She tilted her head back, allowing him full access. He kissed on further, pushing his body nearer to hers, suddenly becoming rougher, sloppier. Perhaps losing his patience, imagining a plethora of different ideas, thirsting to preform them. The dire need for exploration. Ben's own breathiness became audible, matching Rey's in a beauteous melody.
Rey kissed at his firm collarbones, running her hands along the expanse of his chest. His apparition lacked the human feel of skin; it merely felt like a muscled mass. The translucence of his body duped her brain--made it difficult to understand how he felt solid, yet looked like as translucent as water, something she could stick her hand through.

Ben began to tug at the shoulder of Rey's robe, sliding it down to reveal the bareness of her tanned skin. She gave him permission. A twinkle of submission in her eyes. The willingness, the openness, the desire. He felt the rush of adrenaline in her veins, the pumping of her heart. The calling of her soul. She looked angelic. A film of sweet perspiration over her body. Eyes alight.
Ben's eyes traced over her. He pulled on her other shoulder, and the robe slid down, displaying both of her shoulders, her delicate collarbones. Instantly, he became animalistic, losing control entirely. He propped Rey up against the tent, startling her. The vastness of his brawny body covered her own. Fingers intertwined against the tent. Rey's full release of control, the ease of her body communicated hunger. But then, so suddenly, Ben's passion discontinued abruptly. A glint of chagrin laced his expression.

He backed away from Rey. Almost as if he had never known her. Disappointment prodded at Rey. She reached out to Ben who stood there quietly, face in his hand. His own dissatisfaction evident. "I--I can't do this. . ."
"What?" Rey was taken aback. She adjusted her robe, a flush of heat sizzled her face. Was it all ridiculous for her to have desired passion with a ghost--merely just a figment of the force?
Ben shook his head, biting his lip in vexation. "Physically, I can't do it. Force ghosts don't have that luxury."
Rey closed her eyes, willed the embarrassment to cease. Despondency laced her voice. "Did you feel anything--"
"I felt everything, and I shouldn't have. . . I know better, and I--I've set you up, I'm sorry." Ben replied, still clenching down on his lip.

"It's okay. . . It's not your fault--I shouldn't have--"
"No," Ben faced her, shaking his head adamantly, "you did nothing wrong. You're beautiful, and you deserve. . . well, you deserve what I can't give to you"--Ben motioned at his glowing ghost body--"not like this."
Rey met his eyes, desperately trying to communicate recognition. "Ben, now that I know, I won't--"
Ben grasped a hold of Rey's forearm, holding it steadily in place. His hands steely on her skin, but his eyes soft. "More than anything, I want to be with you, to love you, just to even hug you. . . but I can't. I'm a specter. I have my body, but it's not here.  And I can't live like this: loving someone, but not being able to really love them--not realistically.

Ben released Rey's arm. His eyes downcast. His jaw slack. "Better yet, you can't love a ghost. It's not," he fumbled for the correct wording, "right."
Rey shook her head forcefully, reaching up to touch him. "But I love you."
"And I do, too." He sighed, "Which is why I'm torn. But you know I'm right, Rey. You know we can't live like this."
"But we've only just seen each other this once--"
"That's why I'm taking action before it becomes too late. I'm telling the honest truth. Having a relationship with a ghost--it's uncanny. And I don't want you to live like this. Unable to love me, and me unable to love you."

Tears blurred Rey's vision, stinging with the verity that she was fearful to accept.
"Can you stay with me?" She finally replied. "For the night. Just to help me sleep."
Ben nodded. His glossy eyes searched Rey's, then he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I will. And I'll visit again. We can talk. . . there's still a lot I need to. . . get off my chest."
Rey wondered what he meant. But deep within, she knew that the remorse of once being known as the galaxy's murderous villain, Kylo Ren, still pierced his consciousness. Still prodded at him, tormenting his soul. She could only nod in response.
Without any last words, Ben and Rey laid together, holding each other, dreading the moment when they would both part ways.

The Redemption of Fate ~ A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now