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Ben watched as the last Padawan, a Resistance pilot named Zarden, bowed his head in gratitude, then followed the rest of his fellow trainees along the pathway back to camp. Every Padawan had been amazed by the capabilities Ben brought forth in them. Rey was mesmerized by his teachings, how far he had truly progressed the Force-sensitives. 
"What you did with them was incredible." Rey said as she leaned against Ben's shirt, sweaty and parched. It was midday, and the sun was blaring through the cracks and crevices of the foliage above. A wide ray of burning sunlight shone directly in their vision, and Rey noticed how her eyes began to sting from being squinted too long. 

Ben nodded. "You know, the whole thing reminded me of when Luke and I trained. I was young, and I needed so much guidance and control. Luke never gave up on me."
"He taught you a lot," Rey agreed, absently staring into the jungle shrubs in front of her that were searing with heat. 
"He taught me everything." Ben replied. His hand caressed Rey's shoulder, and he squeezed it. "Life is so . . . It's everything I wanted, everything I never had--until now. I wish I could have always had it this way. With the people I love, the right and not the wrong. The good and not the bad. And I could have had it, if it wasn't for--"

Rey was suddenly zapped out of her catatonic gaze. She turned to Ben, watched as his eyes flickered from one side to the other in a pondering state. Saw the glistening sweat on the side of his neck and ends of his hair. "Ben, please--no one can blame you for what happened. Not even yourself. It was out of your control." She said the last part slowly, emphasizing how important it was for Ben to understand that. 
Ben turned to look Rey square in the eyes. His eyes softened, and the smallest of grins crawled onto his lips. "You're right, I know that."
Rey reached up to kiss Ben, and he met her halfway, locking his lips onto hers. A flutter of bursting emotion filled Rey's body, almost rejuvenating her from her enervation. 
"Let's do something--something fun." 


Ben ignited the lightsaber Rey lent him. He had yet to craft his own, which wouldn't take long at all. He had grown accustomed to building his own kyber crystal sabers, and he had to admit, he was skillfully proficient at it. Another thing Luke Skywalker taught him.
"Last round. We're tied, but I would prefer if you let me win." Ben swung his lightsaber tauntingly. It revolved around his fingers in a terrifyingly elegant manner, like silk in his hands. Part of him would never lose Kylo Ren's dynamic fighting tactics. Which is why Rey had already lost to him one time, but she didn't plan to lose again.
"Never!" Rey feigned anger, but she caught herself laughing before she could stifle it.
Ben suppressed a grin. He stood in a fighting pose, shoulders squared.

Rey bent her knees and gripped her saber. Sweat had already trickled down her temples and rolled along her neck, soaking the rim of her shirt. But that didn't matter--she'd win, and the exhaustion would be worth it.
"I don't think you're ready." Ben mocked.
"I don't think you're ready."
Ben cocked his head to an incline, raising his eyebrows in question. "Oh, really?"
Rey began sprinting towards him in reply. Ben held his ground, letting his grin fully spread across his face now. Rey was so engaged, so focused, and he could feel her drawing on the Force. Her arm drew high in the air, her yellow saber sparking, as she reached Ben and their lightsabers clashed with an energetic sizzle. 

Rey may have been quick, but Ben was physically stronger, and he wasn't backing down. He deftly blocked each of her repetitive, unyielding swings. Rey groaned. Ben was nearly impossible to beat. But I've done it one time, I can do it again, she told herself as her saber clashed down viciously atop Ben's. Once again, he had blocked her effortlessly. Rey would have to try another maneuver.
She propelled herself backwards, flying with the help of the Force, and landed smoothly on the ground, looking up at Ben with defiance.
"Force-tricks?" Ben questioned. He watched as Rey stood teasingly still, calling him to her this time. He took the challenge on. "I am the king of Force-tricks."


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King. The word pulsed in Rey's mind. She shook her head. Suddenly, her mind was engulfed in an odd recollection that came swimming into her brain. King and queen. She hadn't cleared the thought in time to dodge Ben's lightsaber that was soaring through the air, pointed precisely at her. A clear aim to the chest.
"Rey," Ben sensed her mind was unfocused and fogged. He yanked his saber away from harm as Rey shrieked. The lightsaber flew back into Ben's palm with an audible smack, before any lethal accident transpired.
Ben's eyebrows were furrowed tightly together as he jogged to Rey's side. Her face was flushed with confusion and revelation. It was the strangest epiphany she had ever experienced. "I'm sorry, I--"

"Are you okay? Something's troubling you. I can feel it." Ben could sense it as tangibly as the sweat dampening his back.
Rey nodded, eyeing him in wonder. "Yes, there is--" she snapped herself out of her awestruck expression and stepped away from Ben in sudden spite --"but why did throw your saber at me?!"
Ben was taken aback, " . . . Force-tricks, remember?"
"No--you could've--"
"I'm sorry," Ben dropped his saber in surrender, "I thought you would have sensed it coming, but something else was on your mind. What was it?"
Rey re-focused her attention to the engrossing epiphany, and cooled her temper. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you, Ben. While I was asleep, after bringing you back, I had a revelation . . ."


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