Chapter 19

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Hellu there Bonbons, I'm back, dont know for how Long but im back for today ^^


1 Month Later - Bts Dorms

After the trial the boys had setteled back into a semi-normal scheduel, their break wa coming to an end and they were confident about going out on stage again, at least most of them were.

Namjoon and Jin still had their doubts and worries over Yoongis mental health, they knew such big trauma as he had experienced wouldn't just go away with a few therapy sessions.

Yoongi was seemingly ok, for the most part at least, most of his bruises had healed up and it didnt hurt to move as much as it had a month before, he sometimes came to dance practice with the other members, Dae Liu was mostly going easy on him or nicley pointed out the mistakes he made instead of her usual yelling, she toned it down into a soft reprimanding, but only for Yoongi, the other boys were still being yelled at, but of course not too much.

Seijin had met with yoongi and bang-pd to discuss if he wanted to leave the band, temporarily or long-term, yoongi had thought for maybe a second before he decidedly said he'd be staying with them.

So and agreement was made, Yoongi was allowed to participate in any band-activities like vocal- and Dance-practice, live at the dorms and even go to public meet-n-greets and smaller guest acts, But ONLY if he said when it became too much for him or would at least inform another member before he fully went into a panicked state, he also had to go to therapy twice a week, but that was a given.

Yoongi was getting better with social interaction and last week he had cuddled up to Jungkook on the couch wich the boys had considered a huge milestone to getting their lil kitty rapper back.

Their new album "Wings" was to be realeased in about Three weeks and they were really hoping that yoongi would feel confident enough to go back onto stage with them by then, of course only if he wanted to, but they still wanted to be seven and not seven with one missing.

Tonight the boys were going to ask Yoongi if he still wanted to be with them, relationship wise, they would be fine if he said no, although most of them doubted that the rest of them would stay together that long without Yoongi, he was always a Core-person in the seven-person-realtionship, the younger ones went to him when they had done something to upset andother member and Jin, his only hyung would come to him when he needed help with taking care of some chores or sometimes even another member.

They all had different idead on how to make Yoongi comfortable after he'd be coming back from his therapy session that evening, he had felt safe going there alone after a while and didnt need one of the other members to accompany him at all times anymore.

Namjoon had suggested they put on some music and have a serious talk, Jimin suggested they go out and play something like karaoke or bowling, Hoseok suggested they have a sleepover in the dance-room, Jin suggested they all cook a big meal and talk over a nice dinner, and finally Jungkook and Taehyung had the idea of a movie night.

In the end they decided that Jimin, Hoseok and Jin would Cook some dinner while Jungkook and taehyung woud set up the livingroom into a gigant pillow-forti-sh setup so they could all cuddle onto one couch and if yoongi wanted to he could join them.

Later that evening

Yoongi Came home after an exhausting session, it was harsh but rewarding, they had talked about Coping mechanisms and triggers, specifically Yoongi's triggers.

He had absoloutley not expected to find a huge Pillow fort on matresses in the middle of the livingroom floor, there was a bowl of popcorn in front of the gaming consol and candels on the already set table, there were voices coming out of the kitchen so yoongi peeked into it through the adjanced doorway.

He had expected to find Jin cooking whilst trying to keep the rest of the boys off the unfinished food, but what he actually saw surprised him, Jin was cooking on the stove with Namjoon handing him spices and ingredients, Hoseok was finishing setting the table and the Maknaes seemed to be scavenging for sncks in the cupboard, at least thats what yoongi guessed from seeing all the chip bags in Jungkooks arms while taehyung and jimin kept putting more onto the small mountain in kookies arms.

Hoseok was the first to notice Yoongi Looking into the kitchen "welcome home hyung" he said passing the smaller to get the last of the glasses for the table before swiftly returning to offer yoongi a hug, which the smaller male gladly threw himself into.

By this Point all the other members had also noticed that yoongi was home and crowded around him for hugs, while still allowing ao much space so that yoongi could get out of the small crowd of seven bodies.

"whats all this, don't tell me i forgot someones Birthday" Yoongi asked, "No silly, it's for you" Jin answere, "but why" Yoongi culdn't think of anything Special tnat had happened, and it certantly wasn't his Birthday, "Just let us surprise you Hyung" Jungkook said.

They had Dinner and then picked a movie, all the Boys cuddled down onto the matresses, leaving an open space for yoongi in the middle.

Yoongi helped Jin clean the dishes before both of them went into the livingroom, Yoongi carefully laid down at the edge of the matresses before being pulled into the center by jimin, he looked confused at the younger before namjoon spoke up.

"Actually Yoongi Hyung, we wanted to ask you something, but well im not sure, we were thinking that maybe now that some of the mess is cleared up that maybe, if you wanted to-" he was cut off by Jungkook "We wanted to ask if you'd like being with us again, just like before".

Yoongi was quiet for a bit before blurting out a "Yes" with tears in his eyes, he'd loved the boys throughout the whole ordeal and wasn't sure weather or not the boys had still wanted him as part of their relationship, but now this question made him so happy, he couldn't belive the boys still loved him like that.

The rest of the evening was just the boys cuddling in the livingroom, watching one movie after the other, eating snacks and before all of them fell asleep on the matresses soft 'Love you's' were muttered into the night.


hellu bonbons, happy and sad news, happy news im back and motivated, sad news the storyline is pretty much done at this point and the next chapter will be the last for this book, but don't worry i already have a new book started as well as an idea for a fantasy book to my liking, thats all for now bonbon's, stay safe.

Love you 


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