Chapter 2

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Valleystar's familiar call rang out across the clearing.

Jadewhisker and Yellowpelt appeared from the warriors den, and Rosepaw and Heatherpaw looked up from where they were sharing a piece of prey.

Shadowbreath gathered with the rest of the clan, sweeping Firekit with her. She rapidly groomed his pelt and smoothed down his whiskers.

Today was the day that Firekit would become an apprentice. Shadowbreath swelled with pride to think that she had raised that tiny kit, and now he was one step closer to becoming a warrior.

"Firekit, step forward," Valleystar mewed from atop the huge rock. Firekit bounded across the clearing, and then, remembering what he was doing, slowed his pace and tried to act dignified.

"Firekit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be Firepaw," said Valleystar. "Rabbitnose, you have shown strength and loyalty to this clan, and I hope you pass on all you know to young Firepaw." Valleystar encouraged.

"Of course I will. You can count on me!" Rabbitnose exclaimed, skipping forward to touch noses with his new apprentice.

Valleystar dismissed everyone and Firepaw ran over to Shadowbreath. Shadowbreath congratulated him with," Don't forget you will always be my little kit."

"Dont worry, when you become an elder, I will be the first to bring you fresh kill!" Firepaw enthused.

"Hey! I still have many more warrior years left in me!" Shadowbreath growled good-naturedly. And with that, she playfully chased him away, saying "Go explore!"

*When Tigerstar comes, she thought, we will be one step closer to winning this battle now that our clan has another generation of young warriors in it!*

Dewmist was expecting kits, and Applebloom was in the nursery with Horsekit, Molekit, and Stonekit.

"WE ARE READY!" She screamed inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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