Chapter 3 - Virgil

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October 9

     I couldn't get the guy from the park out of my head. More specifically, his words. Was I lonely? How stupid must I have looked to him when I answered that question? What kind of person doesn't know if they're lonely? I held my hands way out above me and stared at them. They looked unfamiliar to me.

     "You alright in there, kiddo?" Patton called from the hallway, knocking on my door. I hummed a 'yes' and rolled over to face the other way. I had been home for an hour or so and had yet to speak or get out of bed. I was too busy thinking about that stupid Roman. I mean, really, who did he think he was? "Virgil, come out and eat, at least. It's getting late," he said. His voice was suddenly quieter, and I knew how I was upsetting him.

     I stood up and walked to the door, unlocking it. Patton smiled at me and I nodded.

     We ate ramen noodles together while discussing the differences between dogs and cats. I was arguing the superiority of the felines, as he attempted valiantly to convince me they were equal.

     "Cats just... get me," I said, finishing my bowl and setting it in the sink. "Dogs are too clingy. And they demand attention, like, all the time." If there was anything I hated, it was attention seekers.

     "No! They just love you unconditionally and support you through every mood," Patton replied. "Doesn't that sound great?" I shrugged and walked into the living room. He followed after putting his bowl away.

     I sat on the couch and turned the TV on.

     Patton stood by the door. "I'm heading out with Logan, but call if you need anything, alright kiddo?" he asked. I nodded without looking at him. I listened to him shuffle around, probably to get his shoes and jacket, before he left and locked the door behind him. A slow breath left my lips. The sudden quiet freaked me out. As terrible as my boyfriend was, I missed having someone to cuddle with. I could act like I didn't enjoy the affection or the company, but no matter what I did I still felt the emptiness he left behind. Suddenly, a dog didn't sound so bad. My eyes welled up with tears.

     With only a blanket to comfort me, I turned on The Nightmare Before Christmas to distract myself from me being the only mind in the house. It was like every wall was watching me.


October 10

     The next day, I returned to Oakville Park. I couldn't help myself. It was the only place that being alone didn't feel weird. Back on my bench, I looked around. For once I was the only person around. It was darker than usual since I went around 5:40. It was... nice. For a bit.

     "Hello, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance," a voice sang out to me. I flinched. "Hope you didn't miss me too much."

     "I didn't," I said.

     "Ow. You've wounded me with your poisonous words." I rolled my eyes and looked at him for the first time. He was already looking at me, sitting himself down on my left.

     With a glare, I asked, "Why are you here, Roman?"

     "You remembered!" he cheered, grinning. "Well, of course you did. I'm not so easy to forget. And I'm here to see you, duh." He winked.

     "Yeah, right." Suddenly, I was looking everywhere but him. I couldn't help but wonder the real reason he was there. 'To see me'? Why lie? No one goes out of their way just to see people, especially to see people like me. I was a total stranger to this guy. He could have never seen me again and we'd both forget about the existence of each other in no time at all. Yet here he was.

     He leaned back, stretching his legs out. "I'm serious! I need some drama in my life." And there it was. He was there for entertainment. That made more sense to me.

     "Well, you got it. Please leave, I was trying to relax." I glanced at him again. He was frowning.

     He paused for a moment. "You can relax?" he asked smugly.

     "What's that supposed to mean? You don't know me, Princey." I couldn't help but feel defensive. Who was he to come to my spot and make assumptions about me? It took an effort to not shove him right off the bench and storm off. I don't know why I didn't. What was stopping me from leaving right then and there?

     "Calm down, I only meant your leg," he laughed. I looked at my leg, which was bouncing mercilessly. I forced it to stop. "If you truly don't want me here, I can go. Just say it," he said.

     "I already did."

     We sat in silence for a while. It seemed we were both waiting for the other to speak up. Neither of us did. I watched a bird, or maybe a bat, fly across the sky. It was cloudier than usual, so the stars remained hidden behind a blanket of blue-grey. Only the blurry light of the moon managed to shine through, and even that was hardly noticeable. "Why 'Princey'?" he asked finally. I could see him look at me, but I kept watching the sky.

     "I don't know," I admitted. "It just came out."

     "I mean, it wasn't terribly wrong. I am a bit of a prince," he gestured dramatically with his arms, and I hid my smile by looking the opposite direction.

     "Keep dreaming, Princey."

     I couldn't help but hope that he was smiling, too.

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