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Even though Roger didn't have a single problem with it, he found it adorable that Brian still felt the need to check with him before he could ask him anything. He liked that he had good manners, always thanking him for whatever he did to help and Roger didn't mind a bit. Going outside, ready to go home once more, he was met with the sight of Brian with the same face he wore a few days ago. The sad puppy face. He knew where this was going. Before he could get a word out, Roger was ready to respond, leaving Brian with an open mouth.

"I was hoping you'd ask me that, let's go."

Taking ahold of his hand, he stopped for a second, struggling to keep going. What the fuck was he doing? He didn't just hold Brian's hand, yep, he did. He couldn't stop now, and there was only one thing left to do, keep going. Pulling him along to his place, Brian being confused with what he did and Roger full of excitement, having a smile on his face. Soon enough they reached the familiar apartment building and expecting it to go like it had gone last time, it was fair to say that his mind went blank and he fell deeper into his state of confusion as Roger led him to a door that wasn't his own. What was he doing? Maybe he was high for all he knew and needed to be sobered up. Ready to say something, Roger broke the silence between them as he opened the door, Brian's sneaking suspicions fading away.

"Welcome to your new home," he said, handing him the key.

This couldn't be happening, Roger had already done too much for him and this, this couldn't be real. If he accepted it, he had no idea how he would ever make it up to Roger. He hated to put that burden on him and would let him know it. Brian didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve Roger.

"Rog, I...I can't."

He wouldn't let him give up so fast, he never wanted to see him in the situation he was in again, where he didn't have anything and was willing to get through to him.

"Shh, all yours," he came in closer to where he was, gesturing to inside the room.

Brian knew what Roger was trying to do and wouldn't let it slide.

"No, I still can't." He backed away from where he was.

"It's all my pleasure, you don't have to do anything. What are you waiting for? Go inside!" He insisted and opened the door further, walking in, leading Brian in by the arm. He hesitated to step in but broke out of his stubborn state and gave in to what Roger had done for him, he would make it up to him as he already had an idea on how to do it. Going back to the scene that awaited him, he wasn't ready to be hit with such a surprise, a nice one. The room was better than he had anticipated, resembling his old luxury apartment. The bed filled with pillows and decor filling the place, creating a calm atmosphere. He loved it. But one thing remained unanswered in his state of utter pleasant shock. How?

"How did you...?"

Roger knew what he was referring to and came back with an answer for him in regards of getting through the apartment owner's narrow mind.

"I convinced them, somehow."

"Thank you so much," Brian went in for a hug, arms wrapped around Roger tightly. "It means a lot." Roger brought him closer, letting himself get lost in the moment, this was the kind of Brian he wanted to see. The happy one that was still content with his life, despite the circumstances that he was going through. Having him in his embrace brought something different to him, a feeling that he didn't know what it was, but he urged to know. This hug was different, something sparked up this time, the start of something new.


A few weeks had passed since Brian got his new apartment and in that time span, things had changed for the better. He'd gotten around to reorganizing the room and now it resembled his old luxury apartment, making it feel as if he had never lost the original one. It felt like home, the one that he would always have a special place for in his memories. His overall situation went for a better direction, his financial struggle lessened and now he could somewhat sustain himself and get by with what he had just fine. Roger and his bond grew stronger by the day, and with that and everything else, the idea that had been floating around in his mind for some time came back to his full attention. Today would be the day that he would return Roger the favor. Waiting for the familiar sight of him, he stood around, wanting to finish his shift already. Impatience crept into him by the moment, he longed for the old days of waltzing around in the production studio as happy as he could be. Zoning off into his own world, steps came up behind and he whipped around, Roger coming into view.

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