Episode 1: Getting to know you

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Shuichi's POV

      I awake slowly, eyes fluttering open as I remember the events of the previous day. I scan the room confirming this wasn't a dream. No matter how much I didn't want it to be, this is my situation. The monitor in my room turns on, and the monocubs show up.

"Rise and shine ursine!" They shout in unison.

"This is an official announcement. It is now 8 am." Monotaro announces.

"Now you bitches can start loving each other!!" Monokid adds.

"Ya! Have a fun love-filled day everyone!" Monophanie concludes.

      And with that the monitor switches off leaving me in silence in my dorm room. I get out of bed and fix my bed head before putting on a new pair of the identical clothes I was wearing yesterday. The previous day, we all agreed to meet each other in the dinning hall to have breakfast. I place my hat atop my head and walk to the designated meeting area. Opening the door to the dinning hall, a few heads turn towards me, making me nervous. My hand tilts my hat downward so I cant see their eyes, and I sit down next to Kaede. 

"Good morning Shuichi!" She says with a smile.

"G-g'morning." I reply stuttering.

     Kirumi places our food down and we all dig in. Everyone chats with each other and I chat with Kaede. After we finish eating, I decide to go back to my dorm to think. As I close the door to my dorm, I'm greeted with a Monokuma jumping on my bed like a little kid.

"Hello Shuichi!" The Mickey Mouse sounding bear says, still jumping.

"W-what do you want Monokuma?" I stutter. I cant help but feel a bit scared of what he may be here for.

"Awww! Whats with the attitude mister protagonist?" He stop bouncing and looks at me, tilting his head slightly. I just narrow my eyes awaiting a real response.

"Annywaaayy! Now that you've eaten...Who are you gonna hang out with!!" He questions with excitement. I sear I saw a sparkle in his eyes, or well, eye.

"Um I don't know yet." I respond shyly, looking to the side.

"Well..PICK ONE!! Cuz you ain't leaving this place unless you find love, and I need better ratings!" I ignore that last part assuming he's joking. 

"How am I supposed to fall in love in 10 ten days!?"

"FIGURE IT OUT!!!" After that he leaves, and I'm left in silence.

   Who should I hang out with? I think over all the other ultimate students. Their all interesting and unique in their own way. After I think for about 10 minutes, I decide to hang out with Kokichi. There's something about him that I can't place. Unlike that others, he's more recluded. He never talks about his past and whenever people ask about it, he either dodges the question or distracts them from it. I walk out my dorm and lock it behind me. When I find him his eyes light up and sparkle.

"Hi Shuichi! What brings the Ultimate Detective to the Ultimate Supreme Leader?" The purple asks.

"W-well, I wanted to hang out with you." I respond. His cheeky grin turns into a mischievous one and he puts a finger to his lips.

"What's this? Is the detective developing feelings for me?" I instantly panic, and I can feel my face heat up.

"H-huh!? N-no! That's not it! I just wanted to learn more about you!"

"Oh I know. I was just messing with you! That face is priceless!!" He laughs at my flustered face and my head shakes trying to get rid of the blush.

   We talk for a bit, even though it was mostly me asking questions about his "Secret organization." He claims it controls the world behind the scenes and that he controls several things in the it, and without him the world would be in chaos. He tells me that the world can change with a simple phone call, and if I ever get bored with the world I can come to him to make it less boring.

"Now that you know about us, Shuichi....You must die!" 

"W-what!? You're the one who told me! You didn't even have to!" I become scared of what he's capable of.

"Oppsie Poopsie! I'm such a ditz! Then I'll let you live for now, but I'll kill you eventually Shuichi."

    I leave clearly on edge. Is he really serious? Or is he just joking? I can't tell! I continue on with my day, but I end up coming back to him. Despite being scared, I'm still intrigued.

"Wow eager to come back are we? Have to come to beg for your life?" Kokichi questions.

"Are...are you serious about killing me?" I ask hoping that this id just another one of his lies.

"Yup of course! Since I'm the ultimate supreme leader, duh. I swore on own title that I would protect my organization. That's why, you must die." He says as if this was just a normal conversation. I can't tell...if he's serious.

"C'moon! Get on the ground and beg like a dog! I wanna see you slit your stomach too! C'mon do it, pwweeetttyy pwweeaassee!?" 

"If I did that, I would die!"

"Aww I guess I couldn't trick you. Booorrrriinggg. O-kay how 'bout this. If you want to live, you have to beat me in a game." The purple suggests. "A game?"

"Ya. This is your chance to survive, and I'm not gonna ask again." He gives me a friendly smile even though we will be playing a game with my life on the line.

"O-okay. I accept."

   He explains that we're gonna play a "shadow game." It's basically a game wear we have to each pull a card out of a deck, and the person with the higher card wins. He pulls out a deck of cards from his pocket. Where did he get those? We somehow both draw a 7. He says that because I 'aimed for a tie' I intrigued him. That wasn't my intention and comment makes me blush very faintly, but I quickly shake it off. Since I didn't win nor loose he lets me live, and tells me that I have three more events to live, and that I have to entertain him till then. I leave for the day and return to my dorm feeling relieved. Even though he's kinda trying to kill me, I still want to see him. He makes me want to see what happens next, and I sort of feel...excited to see him next. I climb into my bed and close my eyes rethinking the day. I can't help but smile thinking about the sort of 'fun' I had today, but then something hit me. Is it possible to fall in love with Kokichi some day?

I'm sorry things are going a bit slow, but I promise that after all the free time events are out of the way, things will start to progress more. Thank you for reading!

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