Episode 4: Casino Games

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Shuichi's POV

I'm greeted with the morning announcement the minute I open my eyes. My movements are sluggish as I pick myself of the bed. I take a shower and while I'm in there, I think about yesterday. Kokichi was in a different mood than usual. It's like he was testing me in some way. It's probably nothing, I say to myself. Thinking about him makes my face feel warm. It's just the water from the shower head. Just as I'm to leave my room, Monokuma appears from nowhere.

"Heyya kiddo!" He says waving at me.

"Um h-hi? Is there anything you need Monokuma?" I ask

"Well I've noticed you and Kokichi have become quite buddy-buddy!" The statement makes me blush.

"So I've come to inform you about the school's casino!" He raises his arms in the air.

"Casino?" Why does a school have a casino?

"Yup! The casino is where you can play games to earn Monocoins! And with those coins you can buy gifts, food, and most importantly, Date Tickets!!" He says, his voice raiding throughout the room.

"I see. And what do those date tickets do?" I ask with a finger on my chin.

"Well you see little Shuichi, when you spend time with people, their affection meter towards you goes up! Until it gets to the point where hanging out with them won't be enough. Soooo, you have to go on dates! And the way to do that is to buy date tickets!" he explains. I ignore the 'affection meter' part, thinking it's some figure of expression.

Date tickets huh? I say to myself.

"So, in order to buy those tickets of affection, you have to earn Monocoins by playing games at the casino." He says.

"Okay then. Date tickets, got it." I tell him. I walk out the door and he shouts at me before I fully close it.

"Also! I recommend buying the Love Key as well! Your sure to have fun times with it!!"

I take a mental note to take a look at the Love Key when I go to the casino later. I don't really know why I'm interested in buying a date ticket, maybe I'm just curious of what it will do? Yeah that's it. It's not because I want to hang out with Kokichi more. Right? I reach the dinning room and sit down. After a few minutes, Kaito comes in and sits on my right. He smiles at me and I smile back. While we are eating Kokichi opens the door and sits to my left. He says a simple 'Hey!' as a greeting and I just wave at him. Kirumi places his food down in front of him and he starts stuffing his face. This makes me giggle a little. When Kaito sees him, he does a small glare and returns to eating his food.

Now that I think about it, Kaito has been acting strange lately. Yesterday, after I left hanging out with Kokichi, he walked up to me and started talking to me. I didn't mind for the most part, but he looked behind me and glared at something. But before I was able to turn around to see what he was looking at, he put his hands on my shoulders and reassured me that it was nothing. I shrugged it off when I left and didn't think much of it. But recently he's been glaring a lot more. Specifically at Kokichi, but Kokichi doesn't seem to care. I wonder what's up with Kaito.

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