Episode 5: This Side of You

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Kokichi's Love suite is different in this

(Smut warning)

3rd Person POV (Why not)

Shuichi's eyes landed on the short purple haired boy sitting on the rounded bed. He stood there in slight disbelief. Kokichi noticed him standing there and staring at him, making him blush. They both just stood and sat there in silence looking into each other's eyes, until one decided to speak up.

"Hey Shuichi!" The small boy said with an innocent smile. Shuichi continued to stand with with wide eyes.

"Are you just gonna keep standing there, or are you gonna sit down?" Kokichi asked patting the space next to him.

"O-oh..uh...yeah." Shuichi said shyly walking over to the boy and sitting next to him, a blushing mess. Kokichi caught onto his blush and decided to tease him a bit.

"Why you blushing so much Shuichi? Think of dirty things?" He asked with a smirk.

"W-what!? No!" The bluenett retorted.

"Then why's your face all red? Hmmm?"

"I-I....Wait why are you hear Kokichi?" Shuichi said trying to change the subject. Kokichi just gave him a bored look, putting his hands behind his head and laying on the bed on his back.

"Eh..Monokuma suggest I get the key, so I got it to see what it did. Turns out it was just some key that unlocks this place that allows you to jerk off as much as you please." He said with a bored tone.

"Why'd you buy one Shuichi? Hoping to get it on with someone here?" The purplenett asked, smirking once again.

"O-of course not!! I would never!" Shuichi shouted.

"Then why did you buy one?"

"Same as you. Monokuma said I should get it. And out of curiosity, I did." He said looking down, fiddling with his fingers.

"Well.....why don't we take advantage of being here then?" Kokichi suggest, lowering his voice and sitting up. He then ran a finger down Shuichi's covered chest, make the taller boy shiver. Kokichi pinned him down on the bed and hovered over him, smirking.

"K-kokichi!! W-wait! wait!" He pleaded. The purple boy paused, his face becoming blank. He got off Shuichi and started to retreat from the room.

"Just kidding! See ya Shuichi!" He said while waving off. As he was leaving he felt something grab his hand and pull him onto the bed. It was Shuichi.

"Shuichi?" Kokichi asked. Shuichi suddenly felt a wave of heat hit him sending him shivers of an uneasy feeling. Just as Monokuma predicted, Shuichi's teenage hormones got the best of him. He threw of Kokichi's checkered scarf, and began kissing his neck softly. Kokichi let out a faint sigh at the soft touch.

Both boys grew hot at the feeling engulfing their bodies. The kisses became for sporadic, and the purplenett let out very faint and almost inaudible moans. But as said, almost. Shuichi deeply blushed at the fact that the boy under him was moaning because of his actions. Shuichi pulled back and looked at the small marks on the others pale skinned neck. This pause gave Kokichi the upper hand. He slipped out from under the bluenett and pinned the other down, sitting just above his waist.

Nee-heehee...I caught you off guard mister detective! And you know what happens when you get caught?" Kokichi asked smirking. Shuichi just stayed there blushing, waiting for an answer. Kokichi saw his silence as a response saying to go on. He leaned down to Shuichi's ear and lowered his voice while whispering,

"You get punished." 

Shuichi stiffened at the boy words, worried of what this 'punishment' may be. Kokichi then put a hand on the detective's chest and slowly lowered it down. Once he got to his pants, he palmed Shuichi's covered member, causing him to moan. 

"Oh? Does that feel good Shuichi?" He asked continuing to palm him. 

Shuichi didn't reply. He felt the other's hand go under his pants, and gently under his boxers, causing him to shiver at Kokichi's delicate touch. Kokichi gently wrapped his fingers around Shuichi's member and moved them slowly.

"Ah~! Nngh~ Mmm~" Shuichi covered his mouth with his hand to muffle his moans, much to Kokichi's annoyence.

"I want to hear your beautiful moans Shuichi. So let me hear them~" He said removing the other's hand away.

Kokichi's hand sped up it's pace making the taller moan loader. Out of pleasure, Shuichi bucked his hips up slightly. Kokichi moved his hand faster.

"K-kokichi! I-I'm ah~ gonna, Mmm~ c-come!"

"Then come my beloved." With a few more tugs, Shuichi came in Kokichi's hand. Kokichi pulled his hand out of the taller's boxers, cleaning it with his tongue.

Shuichi just watched the other clean himself with a blushing face. He sat himself up and nibbled Kokichi's neck once again. While the leader moaned, the detective took the opportunity to slip his hand down the back of the other's pants and boxers, much like the other did before. Shuichi gently pushed a finger into Kokichi.

"A-ah~! Sh-shuichi! Ngh~!"

Shuichi thrusted the finger in and out of Kokichi, gradually going faster. He then added another and started scissoring him.

"Mmm~ Ahh~ Ngghh~ Sh-shuichi~ F-faster~ Mmmm~"

Shuichi did what he was told, and went faster. He added one last final finger and thrustead all three of them at a face pace.

"Shuichi~! I-I'm gonna, aahh~! Come~!"

"Then come Kokichi~" He said mimiking the other.

After about another minute of thrusting, Kokichi came on their chests, resting his head on Shuichi's shoulder panting. Shuichi pulled his fingers out, and layed the leader on the bed next to him, laying beside him. He watched as the other drifted off into sleep, and shortly did so himself.

Shuichi awoke in his bed as he heard the morning announcement. The scene of last night repeated in his mind, making him blush a dark shade of red. He felt a warm feeling in his chest.

Was that a dream? I can still feel his delicate touch. He thought.

The detective sat up, now sitting on his bed and looked down at the floor. He stood uo and changed into a new pair of the same clohes, and brushed his teeth. His head perked up and shifted towards the date tickets that were sitting on the desk by his bed.

Todays going to be very awkward. He thought, as he grabbed a date ticket and walked out the door.

I hope you liked this! This was my first attempt at smut, well it was more of a lime. Anyway now we are onto the dates! Thank you so much for reading!!❤

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