Episode 2: Fun and Games

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Acidentally posted this before it was finished. Sorry

Shuichi's POV

     I wake up to the Monokubs talking on the morning announcement. It's my 3rd day in this school, and my 2nd day participating in this strange love game. I sit up in my bed before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Once I finish showering, drying and brushing my hair, and put on my hat, I walk out my door and head to the dinning hall to have breakfast. It scares me a little that this will become my morning routine. Wake up, shower, brush my teeth, grab my hat, and walk to the dinning hall. I hope people don't become desperate enough to leave that they would do things they wouldn't normally do.

     After I eat my breakfast Kirumi served, I return to my room to decide what to do during my 2nd day of this game. I suppose I should continue to hang out Kokichi again, considering that he still says he'll kill me and people keep getting mad at him for saying that. I search around and find him inspecting one of the grassy classrooms.

"Hi Kokichi." I say waving as I enter the room.

"Oh hello Shuichi! Still daring to talk to a supreme leader aye?" He says with a devilish smile.

"Anyway, are we going to play more games today-" I start, but before I could finish the question, Kokichi interrupts me.

"Hey Shuichi! Let's have a tea party today!" He says enthusiastically.

    Before I have time to protest, or ask why he wants to have a tea party, he grabs my hand and begins to drag me to the dinning hall. The sudden action makes me blush but I don't pull away. We sit down and drink tea. I get regular green tea, and Kokichi tells me it's a boring choice but I drink it anyway. Kokichi gets peppermint tea and he adds a ton of sugar in it to make it sweeter and starts drinking it.

"Mmhm, this is pleasant. I feel like my soul is coming back to my body." The purple haired boy says relaxed.

"O-okay." I say not knowing what to respond with.

"My organization requires to have an afternoon break. It increases productivity!"

"Ah. that sounds like a rather... peaceful organization." 

"Yup. The supreme leader *aheam* me, is a pacifist. That's why I settle fights with games." He says. Makes sense, I mean, he did say that in order to keep living I have to play and win at his games.

"By the way, everyone who lost to me should be working hard in Siberia right now." Wait what!? Siberia!?

"Well, if they're even alive." He adds casually. *If* they're alive!?

"Don't worry Shuichi. You'll be in heaven rather than Siberia." He says putting a finger to his lips.

"....I would prefer not to be." I respond.

"Hmm...well...how about you just join my organization? If you were a member there would be no problem. You're a pretty interesting guy, so I think joining might be good for you." Join his organization? I don't think that would be very good idea.

"I think I'm going to have to decline." I tell him.

"Whaaaaat? I thought you wanted to live Shuichi!" He says with a finger to his cheek tilting his head a little.

"I do! But I could never join some nefarious organization..." I say. He doesn't seem that bad of a guy, but I can't know for sure.

"Ah-haha! I guess that's true! But that's sorta disappointing. If someone like you joined, I would never get bored." Was that a compliment?


Some time passes. We sit in what I feel like is a awkward silence until Kokichi speaks up.

"Ok....So I think I'm gonna head out." I don't want him to go just yet, but I'm too shy to say anything.

"By the way, are you sure it was okay to waste this time period without playing a game?"

"Huh?" I say in pure confusion.

"Now there's one less chance for you to survive y'know? I already told you that you only have three events left, but you seem pretty relaxed." The short boy states with a smile.

"W-wait a minute, you're the one who said we should drink tea today!" 

"So you're blaming me? Yeah sure, whatever!" He says with a bigger smile. I didn't mean for it to sound that way! Did I not say it right?


"Ah-haha! Right there Shuichi! That's the face I wanted to see!" Kokichi exclaims, pointing at me.

"I'm the supreme leader of evil! I crush people's hopes and dreams! Now since I had my snack break, I should be able to work hard today! Nee-heeheehee!"

   And with that laugh he walks out of the dinning room, leaving be alone. I stand up from my chair and put our cups in the sink and wash them so Kirumi doesn't have to so them later. Even though I like hanging out with Kokichi, my mind and body become exhausted after talking with him. Because I'm tired, I decide to go back to my room to rest. On the way there, Kaito waves and walks towards me.

"Hey man!" He says with a smile.

"Hi Kaito." 

"So, I saw you were hanging out with Kokichi earlier..." For some reason he sounds concerned.

"Ya. We were just having tea. Is there something wrong?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Well..that guy is...he isn't the best dude to hang out with. I mean he lies a lot and can be a bit rude at times."

"Oh, well...I don't think he's that bad. He's just different. Anyway, I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go rest for a while."

"Okay sidekick. See you later then!" Sidekick?

I ignore the comment for the time being and return to my room. I ended up sleeping past the time to eat dinner, so Kaito brought me some food. The food taste really good, it must be made by Kirumi. Once I finish I, put on some pajamas that were in my closet and brush my teeth. As I was trying to sleep, Kaito's words replay in my mind. What does he mean by Kokichi isn't the best to hang out with? He seems fine to me. I push the thought away and drift to sleep. Tomorrows another day. Another day to become closer to someone. Another day until the ten days are up. I really hope I can be let out of here, maybe even with someone.

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