Meeting the coworkers

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Jace's POV
     As the helicopter touched down, I ripped the door open and I jumped out and helped Kilo out, for a 112lbs wolf dog, she's a baby when it comes to getting off the helicopter. I grabbed my bag and gave the pilot a two figure salute before turning and walking to Harry and a mountain of a man who I'd come to find is named Sledge. I looked at Harry "Morning sir" Harry smiled "how was the flight?" I looked at Kilo "she was being a brat, but besides that pretty good" the man extended his hand and kilo growled I whistled before saying "he's okay, he's not going to hurt me" she stopped growling as I extended my hand and shook his "Jace "Wendigo" Nox and this is my partner, Kilo" he nodded "Seamus "Sledge" cowden" I smiled "kilo, say hi" she sat down and barked as Seamus looked at me "can I pet her?" I nodded "just let her sniff you first" before I turned to Harry "how've you been in the last month?" He smiled "not bad but I'm starting to worry I'm overworking my operators with how much the masks are doing" I nodded "well I'm glad we can help relieve some of the load" I turned back to Seamus and Kilo before pulling out a baseball and calling his name "why don't you play with her for a while? she seems to like you" He looked up "you sure?" I nodded "here catch" as I tossed the ball to him "I'll meet you at the cafeteria when we're done playing" I nodded as I turned to Harry "shall we?" He nodded as he turned and headed towards the base. I looked at his form "so is there anything I should know about the base or operators?" He must've been thinking it over because it took a minute before he replied "Doc and Lion are constantly butting heads.... a combat of ideologies, Ash and Zofia are rivals as a result of their gadgets being similar and Doc and Finka are constantly swamped with work in the med bay" I sighed "a lot of disagreements between operators, does that effect missions?" He shook his head "sometimes, most of the operators are adult enough to put the differences aside" I sighed in relief "thank god" Harry chuckled "yes, I'm happy with how my operators act"
Eventually we got to the med bay where I met Finka and Doc, Harry walked into the room "Doc, Finka this is our new operator Wendigo" I shook both their hands "I'm Jace, I look forward to working with you. If I can help out around here just let me know, I've got some basic medical training so I'd like to learn some more" Finka smiled "I think we can make use of you, I'm Lera by the way" I nodded with a half smile "I'm glad to be of use. Nice to meet you Lera." I turned to Doc "I hope having my partner in here doesn't make it so I can't help." He looked confused "why would your partner make me turn away the help?" I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of kilo "this is my partner" he nodded "is she well behaved?" I shrugged "yeah, she gets a bit antsy sometimes but yeah" Lera piped up "what are you talking about?" I gasped in realization "oh I didn't show you," I pulled out my phone again and pulled up the picture of kilo "this is Kilo, my partner" Lera was excited "you have a dog!?" I nodded "Seamus is outside playing with her" she gasped as she ran out of the room I turned to doc "so I can help out around here?" He nodded "we'll get you some more training and then I'll gladly accept the help" I smiled "well I've got a lot of people to meet so we best be off" as we exited I heard kilo growling "Oh shit!" I yelled as I turned and ran towards the sound dropping my bag and charging through the door to the track. I saw a man in a yellow suit holding a baton staring at kilo while Seamus is in between the two of them. I didn't even wait to hear what had happened as I charged and tackled the man in yellow pinning him and sending punch after punch into his face, I got thrown off of him as kilo ran to my side growling. I glared at the man as I drew my pistol on him "you ever lift a weapon to her again and I will kill you!" He laughed "I doubt it's even loaded" my response was to move shift my aim to next to his foot and fire a round before pointing it at him again "that's the only warning shot you're getting!" Seamus stepped to the man as Lera came towards me "Jace, put the gun down." I looked at her "no. Not until he gets the fuck away from her" she turned to Seamus "get him out of here or he's going to die" Seamus nodded and started dragging the man away I relaxed slightly before crouching to kilo "come here princess, you're okay right? Paw" she gave me her paw as I started checking her over "other paw" she gave me it "you're okay, you're staying with me from now on" I stood up as Lera spoke "would you actually have shot him?" I nodded "yes, yes I would've. Kilo is my partner and anyone who threatens her is no ally of mine" she sighed "please don't kill someone on base" I nodded "it's not my main objective" she looked at me "where's your gear?" I looked towards the building "The hallway and by where I left Harry" she nodded "come on let's go get it" "who was that guy anyway?" She sighed "that was Lion, the resident asshole. He takes time out of his day to tell everyone how they're messing up" I sighed "fuck me, Kilo! Come on stop sitting around" as we walked I came upon my gear and put Kilos carry harness on her locking her to my back since she was sniffing everything and lagging behind.

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