A light pierces the darkness

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Jace's POV
      I stared at the passing villages as we flew low and fast, it's been a while since I've ridden in a stealth hawk I forgot how quiet they are. I looked at my watch 21:50(9:50pm) as I heard one of the pilots "10 minutes make ready!" As I help up 1 finger on my left hand and a fist on my right and yelled "10 minutes!" As everyone nodded and checked all their gear as I checked my ammo count and took a deep breath as I felt Lera lean against me. I looked over and gave her a kiss on her head "now you're all lucked up" she chuckled "hooray" I rested my hand on her thigh "how's your gear?" She sighed "my knife is dull, I thought I sharpened it but apparently not" I nodded as I grabbed my seal knife and said "give it here" she was confused but gave it to me as I handed her mine and sheathed hers. She looked at me "No, give it back. You can't..." I stared at her "Lera, I have kilo. She has her stab vest and I have my boot knife. It'll be fine, I'd rather you have a knife that actually stabs and have to use my boot knife than me having it." She sighed "fine, but I get to make dinner tomorrow and treat you" I waved her off "we'll see" she sighed and I smiled before checking all of my gear carefully. The pilot came on my headset again "5 minutes" as I leaned into the middle of the helicopter hold up 5 fingers on my right hand "5 minutes!" As I saw everyone getting their war faces on. I sighed as I got out my make up and started applying war paint.

When I finished, I grabbed the rappel rope as I opened the door and hooked it to the rappel wing

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When I finished, I grabbed the rappel rope as I opened the door and hooked it to the rappel wing. I looked back as I grabbed the excess rope and waited. After a minute, the helicopter pitched back as the pilots quickly brought it to a halt and yelled into the mic "Green! Drop! drop! drop!" As I shoved the 180 feet of rope off the deck to the roof below as I grabbed the rope and prepared for my hands to burn. Even with the thicker skinned gloves after 90 feet it started getting extremely hot, burning my hands, by the 100 foot mark I just released the rope and dropped the remaining 15 feet before ripping off my gloves looking at the blisters forming before putting on my tac gloves. I looked up as the remaining 10 soldiers rappelled after me, most of them dropping at the 100 or 105 foot mark. We all set up a perimeter as the second stealth hawk moved in and the next 12 team members rappelled. Once everyone was on the roof we split off into our elements. "Everyone ready?" They all nodded "let's go to work." As I hear soft "Hooah"s since we managed to infil undetected. Setting up our rappel anchors I saw 2-1 and 3-1 begin rappelling down the sides moving to their points as my team split into our pairs and started our descent to the windows after a painfully slow descent I heard over the radio "Wendigo, 2-1 in position and prepped to breach" I replied "Rog'" about 10 seconds later I heard mute "3-1 in position" as I was about to radio for buck and Zofia I heard her on the radio "thatcher and I are set" I replied "A-ffirm, Buck, are we on time today?" He sighed as everyone chuckled softly before replying "You're an ass, yes we're ready." I looked at Lera as she nodded "Prepare for breach, 3...2...1...breach" as I kicked off the wall and detonated the breaching charge. I flew into the room quickly lifting my rifle firing two rounds into the closest enemy before shifting my aim to the next two, as they tried to get out of their beds, firing 3 rounds two into the first one and one into the head of the second as he stood. Looking to the far right corner I saw nothing as I called "Clear!" I heard a struggle in Lera's room as I moved over to the door with my rifle ready as I kicked it in I saw Lera with my knife in her hand stabbing this body repeatedly as I walked up "Finka, Finka! Come on we have a job to do" as she calmed down and looked at me I asked "you good?" She nodded as I nodded "good come on" as we moved back to my room and prepared to breach the hallway I heard footsteps moving quickly past the door as I ripped the door open checking left as Finka checked right, "clear" just then thatcher charged through the door holding a white mask infront of him slamming into the wall as he started kicking the man viciously in the head before breathing heavily and looking at me "Wanker scratched my gun" I nodded as I heard "3-1 to Wendigo," I quickly thumbed my radio "Wendigo ready to receive" as I heard Mute "lions not in the basement, we lost 2 in the assault. Moving to 1st floor to link with 2-1." I replied "Rog' we're moving to the second floor. Keep me updated" he gave a quick "Hooah" as Zofia joined us in the hall "alright people let's go. Form up" they got into the serpentine clear formation and we moved down the staircase

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