The worlds in diagonal

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Jace POV
     As I arrived to the hospital everything was starting to get dark I managed to stumble to the door  before collapsing. I could faintly see the shape of a security guard as I mumbled out "US Army I have knives" as he motioned for the nurses to lead the way as he picked me up.  Everything faded to black as I heard the metal detectors going off. When I came to I noticed 3 things immediately 1.) the heart monitor is really fucking annoying 2.) these bandages are itchy as shit and 3.) Lera is here. The last one made me do a double take, I sighed I'm really not trying to argue in the hospital. She must've heard me as her head snapped up from the side of the bed "Jace, please just listen and let me talk" I looked into her eyes as saw only pleading and determination, I nodded motioning her to go on. she took a shaky breath before saying "I know that I can't get you to take a stay off the front for a while, I know that you're always going to be on the frontlines protecting me and everyone else. I'm sorry that I tried changing you, I'm just scared that one day you're not going to come back to me. I love who you are and what you do but the fear overwhelmed me and now were in this position, I'll try my hardest to support you on the front if you do me the same by taking a break every now and again and just spending some time with me and relaxing." I mulled over her words, damn I really have been neglecting her. I looked up at her "I'm sorry Lera, I didn't realize I had been neglecting your wants. I've been so hyper focused on staying ahead of Lion I've stopped taking care of the people at home I'm fighting to protect" she looked up, the hope shining "so does this mean what I think it means?" I nodded "I want to have you be the person I come to when I think of home, I want to have my downtime consumed by you. Lera Melnikova, do me the honor of having you to call mine" she lunged forward and gave me a bone crushing hug "yes, yes I will" as I grinned and muttered out "lera, wounded... wounded" she let go as we hear the door open, turning my attention to the doorway I see Amelia come flying around the corner "Hi!! Are you feeling better?!" I chuckled "Yes, im feeling much better all thanks to Wojtek(Bonus points if you know where the name comes from)" she smiled "See, I told you he'd help you feel better!" I laughed as I heard Zofia from the door "Amelia, calm down. It's still early" I looked at her "What time is it?" I heard feliks "around 10:30" I nodded "please tell me I get to leave soon" Feliks shrugged and Zofia turned to him "Why don't you go and get one of the doctors so we can find out if he's good to go" He gave a half assed salute as I heard Amelia "Daddy's going on an adventure!" before seeing her run to him "Can I come with you? Can I? Can I?" he smiled as did the rest of us "Yes, you can come with me" as they disappeared Zofia turned to me "I take it you two fixed the problem?" I looked at Lera as she spoke "Yes, something good came of it as well" Zofia's attention was now squarely on me "So you did it?" I sighed "yes mom, I told her" Zofia looked at Lera "What did you say?" she smiled "We're together" zofia smiled broadly "Good he needs you more than he realizes" I sighed "Holy mother of god you really are acting like my mom" she turned "You never talk about your family" I nodded "Not the best terms" she got a look of realization "Oh... oh" just then the doctor Feliks and Amelia entered and they started talking in Polish. I must've looked as lost as I was as Zofia said "he's just going to do some final checkups and then youll be out of here, you're off the field for a week or two but no crutches" I sighed before nodding. after he finished doing the check ups I got my clothes back and struggled to put them on before they made me sit in the wheelchair. once we reached the car I sat in the back with Amelia and Lera "Tell me we're heading straight to the airport" Lera nodded "then we're back to Norway" I sighed "Oh thank god" the rest laughed as Amelia was getting excited "We're riding a plane?!" I nodded "Yes, its a private plane so it's just us" she looked like she was going to explode as I smiled and said "we'll get you some food if you behave" as Amelia sat stock still I heard Lera "you're good with kids" I laughed "I guess" I heard Feliks "ever think about having kids?" I sighed "No, I haven't really put any thought into what im going to do after the Army" he nodded as Zofia asked "What about you Lera? you ever thought about kids?" she looked out the window "yes, but i'm not sure if I should with my disease" I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked over as I pulled her close "It's okay, we'll find a cure" she nodded as I spoke again "plus it's almost time for me to re-up" she looked at me "What do you mean?" I realized "Oh, the military has contracts and after a certain amount years you can either exit the military or re-sign the contract. You get a bonus for re-upping, I'm gonna put it into research for your disease" she gasped "jace... you don't have to" I smiled "I Know" as we pulled into the parking space and got out. I looked around for any sign of Mira and Jackal as Zofia and Feliks got their suitcases and we moved through the gates towards the private jet. I kept glancing toward the roof of the terminals searching for any glint or sign of them. Lera must've noticed my nervousness as she dropped back near me "What's up? what's bothering you?" I looked at her "I don't know, Just feel like we're being watched" she nodded as she moved towards Zofia and Feliks "We should pick up the pace, I don't like this" they nodded as feliks picked up amelia and we moved just that much faster towards the plane when we finally reach it I saw lera move towards the cockpit. The Ramp raised and we taxied to the main runway, but the feeling of being hunted never left "Everyone put down your window shudders, if we are being hunted I want to break line of sight" they nodded and we set about lowering the shudders. Lera joined us as we took off. I sat down with a sigh "Thank god it went smoothly. It's odd though, my feelings are typically right about these kinds of things" she nodded with kilo laying her head on my lap as Amelia ran past us "Mommy they gave me candy!" and Zofia jumping up "Give it here!" I chuckled as Amelia pouted and gave Zofia the candy. Zofia examined the wrapper "There's a hole in the wrapper, someone did something to this" kilo started growling as Feliks turned to Amelia "Who gave you this?" She smiled "The nice Asian man he said he was friends with you and Uncle" Feliks looked confused "Uncle?" She looked towards me "Yes daddy, uncle" as she pointed to me I couldn't help but smile. I looked to Zofia and then to Amelia "Was his right hand bandaged?" She nodded I looked at Zofia "Lesion" she nodded before turning to Amelia "Did he give you more candy?" She nodded and went to get it "Give it to me, it could be poisoned. Did you have any?" She shook her head no. I smiled "I'll get you some real candy when we get to our new home, okay?" She nodded happily "good kid" I turned to Lera "I knew I felt like we were being watched" kilo sat up as she nodded "Just remember you're off the field for a week and a half" I sighed "I'm gonna be so bored" she laughed "well I'll be there to make sure you don't break yourself" I leaned back "At least it's won't be too bad" she nodded "you get to relax I get to take care of you and everyone finally gets to bond" I nodded before putting on Tremors(Another movie everyone should watch only watch to the third maybe 4th it gets dumb after that) Lera asked "What's this?" I looked over "Only my childhood, this is tremors a movie about Giant Worms eating people" she looked at me funny "That seems stupid" I gasped in an overdramatic way "How dare you!" She looked genuinely worried "Just watch, it's a lot cooler than it sound" she nodded as it started playing. I turned to Zofia "do you want me to sign you into my account so Amelia can watch something?" She nodded "Please do, she'll be bouncing every where if she doesn't have something to watch" I nodded as I stood up and walked over "let me see the computer" I typed in my information and hit enter "there you go, she can watch pretty much anything" they nodded as Feliks said "Thank you Jace, really for everything" I grew a small smile "don't worry about it, just another day in the life" he nodded "still tho, it means a lot that you'd get cut up that badly for people you barely knew" I looked at him "Zofia's part of my family, anyone who threatens us deals with all of us. I'm just glad I was able to win." He looked confused "Arent you a specialist in Hand to hand?" I nodded "even then 2v1 isn't the greatest situation to be in. Even after I shot his hand, he was still involved in the fight" he nodded as I moved back to Lera and sat down. I called Erik "Hey, we'll be landing in 2 hours, if you don't hear from us in 3 assume the worst and send everyone capable." He whistled "Damn kid, you think they're hunting you?" I sighed "I think if they manage to take down a private jet, they're trying to kill us all in one swoop" I heard him typing "last reported sightings of Jackal and Mira was Berlin" I asked "how long ago?" He was quiet for a second "2 hours" I sighed "they'd be in Poland by then." I heard his shift "I'll have some of our F-22s escort you in, I don't like this." I looked at Lera "me either mate, luckily if they check Zofia's house they'll only find Ying" he laughed "You got her?" I looked out the window "yea, she's gone. I'm gonna go, see you in 2 hours" I sighed and hung up. Returning to the movie the time just flew and we were coming in for a landing when all of a sudden the plane pitched and I heard over the PA "we've been hit, going down strap in!" I turned and saw Zofia with a look of terror "Amelia was playing in the back" I stood up "Lera, keep kilo safe" as I ran towards the back of the plane "Amelia! Amelia honey where are you?!" I heard soft crying to my right I turned and saw Amelia hiding in a corner crying "come here honey, Amelia I'm here it's okay" the plane rocked as I grabbed her "you're okay I'm here. Look at me I'm not going to let anything happen to you" she nodded "Uncle I'm scared" I nodded "I know honey but fear is just a feeling. You see me and your mommy we get scared all the time but we be brave for you, can you be brave for me?" She nodded wiping her tears "There we go, come on let's get to your mommy" as I made my way back I heard the pilot "Brace for impact 30 seconds" I hustled back to Zofia and Feliks I crouched down and buckled Amelia in "well keep you safe, stay brave little soldier" she nodded with a salute as I heard the pilot "Brave for impact I repeat brave for-" he was cut off as we made impact on the runway and I was thrown forward I hit the wall crashing to the ground I gasped as the pain registered coughing some blood before plane started rolling causing me to crash around the tube. I broke through one of the wood walls before hitting another as it came to a rest. I felt a new pain and slowly looked down through my lower left abdomen was a piece of rebar, I got flashbacks of Alex. Just then the plane shifted forcing me to put most of my weight on the rebar I yelled in pain. I knew that they'd get Amelia out of the plane and to safety first so I'd have to get myself off the spike. I tried to steady my breathing but the adrenaline was making it damn near impossible. I settled for getting it as close to level as I can before grabbing the spike and pulling myself a few inches toward the edge as I screamed in pain "Son of a bitch!" They must've flipped the plane since I spun like a corkscrew putting pressure a different part of the wound as I screamed again. Breathing deeply I tried to calm down and keep from blacking out. Just as I was about to pull myself forward I heard Lera "Jace?! Jace where are you?!" I yelled back "In here! Just hanging around!" She walked in and gasped as I said "I like to be the big Macho I can do it myself guy but please for the love of god help me off this thing" she walked forward as I said "And be ready to carry me out because I'm most likely blacking out" she nodded as I heard more footsteps I looked at the door "Maxim, get over here" he wore an expression of shock before he ran over and prepared to pull me off "Hey hey hey! If you're doing this do it all at once, I don't want to pause halfway through" they both nodded as I was picked up and yanked off. I yelled again as they quickly covered the wound and put pressure on it as they brought me out to Ana "oh hey Ana." Before passing out from blood loss.

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