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Jace's POV 2 weeks later
We were on the chopper to the base in Norway, I looked over to Ana "excited?" She nodded "finally I get to join Rainbow" I smiled "and a couple of my inner circle in the fight against turncoats and terrorists." She looked out the window "How much longer?" I looked at my watch "5 minutes" I looked at my phone as it rang "Erik, how you been?" He laughed "well my legs fucked and I'm rotting away but I'm alive so not bad" I sighed "it's more than a lot of our friends can say, we'll be back in 5" he paused "we?" I chuckled "I've got a new pal to add to our family" he sighed "how can you make getting a new teammate so cringy and painful?" I laughed "because that's my job" he replied "Kid, you have too many jobs let this one go" I laughed harder "Never, I'll see you in a bit." Ana looked over "You seem happier" I sighed "I never really noticed how much I missed them, it's been nearly a month since I've seen them" she nodded "well on the bright side we've got some down time" I shook my head "things rarely go that well" A couple minutes later, I felt the chopper jolt as it touched down and I ripped the door open "Ready to meet the family?" She nodded with a smile as we exited and I moved to Harry, Kilo and Erik  with Ana behind me "gentlemen, it's been awhile" Harry smiled and Erik whistled "When you said you had a new recruit I wasn't expecting one that hot" I chuckled "Her beauty has nothing to do with why I recruited her" Erik gave me a look "Okay maybe it had a little" she looked between both of ya mouth agape as Harry spoke "Don't think too much about it, Jace hasn't let me down yet" she sighed as I looked at him "Yet? Yet?! Does that imply you think I'll let you down?!" He sighed "stop being dramatic, your team is waiting in their briefing room come on" I looked at Erik "wanna give me a ride?" He sighed "No, the fuck?" I looked at Ana "he's a buzzkill, don't mind him" as we started to the briefing room as I leaned down and scratched Kilo's ear. I asked "How's Lera?" Erik sighed "Shes been worried sick since you never called her" I looked at him "I thought she hated me" he waved me off "no, quite the opposite." Several minutes later, Erik and Ana were laughing at me before I poured myself a glass of bourbon I heard Ana "Where the fuck did you get that?" I looked at her "The fridge.. you know... where alcohol goes" She looked at me "when did you go to the fridge?" I thought about it "a minute maybe two minutes ago" as we entered and I started drinking my glass as I sat down kilo sitting to the left of me "Hello everyone been a while, this is Ana our new medic. She'll get to know you in the coming days. Fill me in, what do we know?" Lera spoke up "we know they're working primarily out of the Middle East, all their operators are consolidated in several countries surrounding Iran as a sort of Satellite defense" I nodded "Marius, what do you have?" He stood up "Valkyrie is working out of Afghanistan, Lion, Gridlock, rook and ela are in Iran. Amaru , Alibi, Vigil and Goyo are in Pakistan" I nodded as I moved to Thatcher "Mike?" He stood "The wankers are holding the countries leaders as hostages controlling the countries, we'll have to launch ops to take them down and crush any support for them" I motioned to Timur "Timur" he proceeded "jackal and Mira have been spotted in Spain and Lesion and Ying have been spotted in Germany" I sighed "so we have to clear them out before proceeding to the Middle East" he nodded as I moved onto "Maxim, give me something good brother" he smiled "we caught one trying to sneak into the base" I cocked an eyebrow "Oh really? Which one?" He smiled "Nøkk" I leaned back "Oh Wow! Hahahahaha! Where is she?" He replied "Holding Cell Bravo" I nodded "Great fucking job guys. Well fucking done" they all smiled as I said "So it's come to my understanding we have some new friends since the split finished " they nodded "Maxim, Marius bring them in, I want to talk to them" they stood up and left as I heard Ana behind me "They don't question your orders?" I shook my head as Lera spoke "We might have some confusion to why he's given the order but we don't question it.. we trust he knows what he's doing" I sighed looking down as Ana nodded "makes sense" as Marius and Maxim entered with a couple operators "well well well this is an unexpected lot" Maxim and Marius took up position on either side of me with their hands on their guns as I looked them over "Seamus, Zofia, Max(Mozzie), yumiko(Hibana), Sanaa(Nomad) and Mark(Mute)... why are you all here? Hmm? What's your reason for staying?" Zofia stepped up "I just wanted to be friends with my sister, she wanted to be rivals and now she joined a terrorist organization. I love her but I can't allow her to kill innocents and terrorize people" I cocked my head "you know you may have to pull the trigger and kill her, right?" She nodded as conviction filled her body "I'm ready to do what I must to protect my daughter" I smiled "Welcome to the squad, take a seat. Who's next?" Seamus stepped forward "Mike is like a father to everyone in the SAS and James(Smoke) joined the group that almost killed him over what? A new recruit and a dog? I can't forgive him and I can't allow him to continue desecrating the SAS emblem by being a terrorist" I inspected him standing up and walking to him "what would you do if smoke was in front of you right now?" He looked at me as I walked circles around him "I'd make sure he stays down" I pressed "How?" He looked torn "I'd break his legs" I sighed "that'd only strengthen his conviction. I've made my decision." He looked at me "You aren't prepared to join us in battle against our former allies" as I walked towards my chair I heard the wall behind me break I smiled as I turned "where was that anger when smoke attacked thatcher?" He was getting madder "Where is this anger as He slaughters innocents?" He was shaking "Where is your conviction? For an SAS operator your conviction is non existent" as he snapped and threw a punch to which I dodge twisting his arm kicking him in the head before getting him in a headlock "Where's your fight?!" As he tried to break free "Where's the power?! Where's the soldier?! He struggled harder "How can you beat Smoke when you don't have the dedication?! Zofias prepared to kill her sister you can't accept killing Smoke?!" As I released and he breathed hard to get some air into his lungs "I know... I know I'm weak... but I will kill him... I'll do whatever I have to to get strong enough to kill him" I smiled "there it is" as I extended my hand "get up soldier, no team member of mine will be in his knees" as I yanked him up "take a seat, Who's next?" Sanaa stepped forward "They killed Jalal(Kaid), they crippled my friend, they destroyed my home.. I will avenge them all... I will crush them like breaking their back against the mountain" I smiled "An inspired speech really, but what would you do if Lion was in front of you right now?" She stared me in the eyes hers glowing with hatred "I would crush him, I would beat him so badly no one could ID him" I chuckled "Take a seat" I turned "Max, what are you doing here? Hmm?" He sighed "tori(Gridlock), she was... she was my teammate... my friend. We went through so much together but she ran off to be a terrorist. I can never forgive her and I can never allow her to continue to destroy the memories. I'll kill her before I let innocents die. I took an oath to protect those who couldn't protect themselves" I nodded "Well max, color me impressed. I didn't think you had it in you. I can see it, the need to avenge her" he nodded looking down as I put my hand on his shoulder "you aren't alone we'll get her." He smiled slightly and took a seat as I turned to Yumiko "let's hear it" she sighed tears welling as she spoke "Jordan(Thermite)... I loved him, emphasis on loved, he betrayed me.. he crushed my trust and then Masaru(Echo) does the same? Unacceptable I can't let it go unpunished, for his treachery I'll take his fucking head" I nodded "We shall see" as I turned to the last operator "Mark, let's hear it. What's your reason for turning on Smoke?" He looked at me His eyes narrowed and holding pain and anger but also happiness "James.. he's a snake. Snakes burn. Anyone who can swear an oath to the queen and country and turn on it for some power? I'll destroy them.. I hope I find him so I can put a bullet in his skull" My eyes narrowed "we'll see, won't we?" He nodded and took a seat. I turned to face them "I'm going to warn you now. Any of you stray even 1 iota this side of right and I will fuck you up so badly it will take 894 doctors to unfuck you just so we can ID you" they all pulled back "dismissed. I'll call for a briefing when we get an update on Lesion, Yang, Jackal and Mira" they all nodded and stood up to do their own thing. I walked to the window and looked out at the night sky.
Lera's POV
I want to talk to him but what am I going to say? I'm sorry that I blamed you for the death of Alex even though I knew it wasn't your fault? I sighed and went to stand up when the new medic Ana came over "You're Lera right?" I nodded uncertain "yes I am, how'd you know?" She laughed "Jace talked about you a good bit while I was in hospital" I smiled "all good things I hope?" She nodded "he got a bit down when he got to the bombing and how you hate him" I looked down "I don't hate him" she chuckled "Yeah, he doesn't believe it though, He thinks he let you down, Thinks you hate him" I looked at him "Really?" She nodded "He was pretty torn up over it while I was in hospital and even in the field when we were tracking enemies I could see he wasn't completely focused" I looked over at him and Erik as she smiled "You should make your move, he's pretty good looking and I'm sure there's a lot of women who're thinking of doing the same" my head snapped to her "I don't... what? You think I have a crush on him? What? Wh-why would I?" She laughed lightly "Maybe because of how you look at him? or how he spent a month out in the middle of a forest searching for any clue to where the enemies went so he could protect you from them? Or because of how your cheeks are red and you got defensive when I brought up the topic?" I sighed "Fine... fine you caught me. I have a small crush on him, He's done a lot for me with no reason other than he wanted to and he still continues to stand guard even after just getting back from a mission and thinking I hate him. It hurts you know? To see him so torn up over words I said in pain" she nodded "The pain is only going to grow unless you talk to him, he's only going to listen to you" I nodded as I looked at Erik as he rolled away from Jace.
Erik's POV(before Ana and Lera spoke)
"How ya holding up, kid?" As I rolled up to him by the window he replied "not well Lt. Dan" while petting Kilo. I sighed "I'm not a Lt. and my name isn't dan" he turned "But you are legless, close enough" I chuckled "Jackass, so when are you letting the front drop?" I saw his head snap towards me must've thought it was better hidden. "I see it, the pain and anguish along with the disappointment and self-loathing" he sighed "I can't let the front down, I need to stay strong for the team" I laughed "Kid, holding in the pain isn't going to help the team, if anything it'll make it harder for you to keep your head clear and make decisions" I looked up at him "Take a night.. let everything out clear your feelings and then come back tomorrow and be the strong pillar everyone's come to surround" he looked down "thank you Erik, really, it means the world" I turned to roll away but paused "you should talk to Lera, she needs someone to be there" he sighed "maybe I will, you're offering a lot of advice today"
Jace POV
he waved me off "It's my job to guide you newbies" I smiled "Sure thing old man" as I grabbed the bottle of Bourbon and my glass and headed to the roof, kilo hot on my trail.

      As I leaned against the rail and took a drink admiring the sunset I felt a presence behind me I turned "oh, Hey Lera" she looked at me "

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As I leaned against the rail and took a drink admiring the sunset I felt a presence behind me I turned "oh, Hey Lera" she looked at me "...Hi, it's been a while" I nodded with a sigh "How've you been? I hope you're doing better since Alexsandr's passing" she nodded "I've been better.. worried about you.. but better" I smiled sadly taking another drink "I don't see why you were worried, I'm replaceable" she had tears welling as I turned back to the valley I heard "No, no you aren't!" I turned "how am I not? You don't need me, Erik could make the same decisions I do. I disappeared for a month on a mission for no reason making no real progress. I got some good people killed." She sighed "You didn't get anyone killed, no one blames you for their death" I looked at her before softly saying "you did" the tears fell, as she broke down "I'm sorry, I said shit I didn't mean. I was in pain I'd just lost Alex and I was searching for someone to blame and you were there. You were there for me even after I crushed you. You left to go and protect me" I nodded slowly as I took another drink "I guess, but what was I suppose to do? You're one of my best friends I don't want to lose you like I did Alex or Monika even if you hate me" she looked at me eyes wide "I'm... I'm one of your best friends?" I nodded with a small smile "yeah, you are well were I kinda crushed that boat by getting Alex killed" she looked down "I'm a terrible friend" I sighed "no... no, you're not. You were in pain.. you just lost your crush and I was the right person to blame.. it was my fault" she looked at me "You're insane" I gave her a weird look "what?" She repeated "You're insane" I cocked my head "How?" She stared at me before jabbing into my chest with her finger after each word "You. Are. Not. To. Blame." Kilo started growling as I laughed "yeah, right and the sun doesn't shine" she was getting mad "Shut up! You aren't to blame! The only people who are to blame is Lion and his turncoats! Stop torturing yourself because you think I hate you!" I looked at the bourbon in my hand "I know you do... I can see it, your eyes, they hold a hatred everytime I see them looking at me" she sighed "I don't hate you, I hate watching you crush yourself for no reason... we all know you're trying your best and you're doing what you can to keep everyone alive. I hate that you latched onto something I didn't mean and won't accept I feel differently. I hate watching the self inflicted pain because you think our fallen blame you." I slumped against the rail Kilo running and laying across my legs I asked as tears began failing "why don't you hate me?" She sat next to me against the rail "Because even after I said I did you still went and did an operation alone so I'd be safe. You do so much for everyone in our little family and never ask for anything, plus I'm falling for you" saying the last part barely a whisper I turned to look at her as kilo lifted her head staring at Lera "what was that last part? I didn't quite catch it" she looked down as I handed her my glass "Maybe some liquid courage can help you tell me?" As she took it and down the glass before sighing and looking at me "the last part was: Plus I'm falling for you" I was shocked "But... but why? I haven't been here for a month, I left you..." she chuckled "And what have you been doing every time you called Erik?" I looked down "Asking how you were" she smiled as she stood up and yanked me to my feet "You understand that I don't hate you? And that I want my best friend back? The fun happy one... not this shadow of the man I know" I nodded looking down "I don't know if I can go back to being the happy fun one" as I got enveloped by a bone breaking hug from Lera that I quickly returned as she said "Come on let's go watch a movie we've got to wait for an update on Mira and the rest anyway, I could use some quality time catching up" I smiled as I whistled "Kilo, heel" as she ran over from chasing the rabbit and I asked "Where am I staying? Erik and Harry never told me my dorm number?" She laughed "You're with me, Harry switched it so everyone has a roommate so we could cover each other" I nodded slowly "Any reason I was put with you?" She looked at me "I asked for you and Kilo, I figured we'd be able to catch up on the month you all but dropped off Rainbows radar" I nodded as we set off to our dorm "what do you want to do about the whole falling for you thing?" I looked out at the valley one last time "I think I want to let it go and grow or die on it's own, I mean I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to you but I don't want to rush it" she nodded "we'll see where it goes then."

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