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Jace's POV(6 hours later)
    I opened my eyes slowly, getting used to the brightness of the room. I was about to sit up when I felt lera move in her sleep, glancing down I saw her shaking slightly before I tightened my grip on her and she settled. I looked at my watch 08:37 I decided to lay there and let Lera sleep. Closing my eyes, I just appreciated the moment of being a normal person for a bit before kilo started licking my cheek causing me to laugh "Kilo, stop. Blue on blue." A little while later I felt Lera stir. I opened my eyes and looked down as she yawned and went roll before I grabbed her keeping her from falling to the ground. Rubbing her eyes she looked up at me her hair standing up like goku as I chuckled lightly, "Morning," she looked at me still half asleep "Good morning" as I asked "How'd you sleep?" She leaned back as she replied "Pretty good but my pillow kept moving" as I sat up "I blame kilo but anyway come on, let's get some breakfast and then shower" she nodded as i managed to get my legs out from underneath her before standing and walking to the kitchen, "What do you want?" She looked over lazily "I could go for some potato pancakes" I nodded "Are you ready for the Raid next week?" She sighed "Not really, I have a feeling it's going to go really badly." I nodded slowly "I don't know. Everytime I think of it I get chills, like someone's pointing a gun at me." She sighed "yeah" I looked over for a second before turning my attention to the pan. Once I finished making the food we moved to the table and started eating. I heard Lera "So what's on the agenda?" I sighed "I've got to go to Oracles eye, then the med bay, then I've got to write a report and start making plans for the Raid." She whistled as kilo whined begging for food "a lot on your plate then" I nodded "It's really fucking stressful, there's so many moving pieces to keep track of." She nodded "I'll help where I can" I smiled as I took her plate "thank you, now go shower" she stood "I'll be out quickly" I waved her off "Take your time" 15 minutes later I was in the bedroom when I felt a presence behind me.
Lemon starts here

I turned and saw Lera in her underwear as she spoke lust present in her voice "I figure I can help with that stress problem" I smirked "oh I think you can" as her hand trailed down to my crotch as I pulled off my shirt

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I turned and saw Lera in her underwear as she spoke lust present in her voice "I figure I can help with that stress problem" I smirked "oh I think you can" as her hand trailed down to my crotch as I pulled off my shirt. I felt her unbutton and then pull down my pants before feeling her hand on my flaccid cock, "my.... my... soft and you've still got a beast for me" she licked her lips as I smirked "let's see if you can handle it" as I felt her engulf me in her mouth causing me to groan. She was working hard, jerking me using her tits and her mouth trying to get me to cum. Her tongue hitting every inch before I grabbed her head and started thrusting after a minute I came as she shallowed before smirking "I hope you aren't done yet" before removing her bra and panties I chuckled "dear god no" as I pushed her down so her ass was sticking out before spitting on my fingers rubbing her pussy getting her wet before lining up "you ready?" She nodded the lust now glowing in her eyes as I pushed all the way into her as she moaned "oh my... oh my.... so big" before I pulled out to the tip before slamming back in. I repeated the process a few more times before grabbing her hips and picking up pace causing her to start moaning louder "yes! Yesyesyesyes right there! Oh fuck yes!" with her legs starting to give out under the pressure. I groaned "fuck Lera, you're so tight" I flipped her grabbing one of her tits still holding her hip with the other as I slowed down making her miss the constant pleasure "please... fuck me. I need it. Make it hard to walk" I smirked as I leaned down by her ear "your wish" as I picked up pace again grabbing her tits and kissing along her neck. I slammed into her cunt before lifting her and laying down so she was on top. I grabbed both her tits as she started bouncing "fuck babe you look so hot!" Id thrust up to meet her as she came down, moving my hands to her ass I helped her keep bouncing despite the pleasure. "Oh god! Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! It feels so fucking good!" I groaned as I thrusted before pulling her off me, "make me cum, I'm almost done" she crouched in front of me capturing my cock in between her tits moving up and down shed capture my cock as it emerged from her tits magnifying the pleasure as I groaned "fuck... it's so good" as she released my dick and started jerking me "come on baby, give me your cum. Cover my tits and face in it" as I felt my end coming "cum... cumming!" As she engulfed my cock one last time before I released covering her face and getting some on her tits as I breathed heavily "holy shit... tha-that was amazing.." Lera licked around her mouth "it was amazing for me too" I sat up "come on we've got to shower" as we both moved to the bathroom to clean up
Lemon ends
After we got out of the shower I looked over "Fuck I'm glad we don't have neighbors" she chuckled "yeah, me too. That'd be an interesting conversation." I nodded and threw on a new uniform that I'd been working on. I looked over at her "Ready to go?" She nodded as I took her hand, kilo barking since she wasn't getting attention and we exited the room and headed to Oracles Eye I opened the door for her as we entered, kilo hauled ass for her bed and I saw Erik looking at some satellite images "What do you have for me Erik?" He looked over "we've got a P.I.D. On lions compound it's Him and Ela." I nodded "anything else?" He sighed "we've spotted them moving in a large amount of ammo and explosives, we think they're trying to make WMDs." I hit the table "Fuck!" Lera stepped forward "what about the downed osprey?" He looked at her "we managed to recover half of the SAS team, sledge and Hibana died in the crash, Mozzie was wounded but he's stabilized and in the med wing now." I looked at her "can you run down and give them a hand? I'll be there in a bit" she nodded as she turned and walked to the door. I looked at Erik "what about the intel? Did we recover any of that?" He nodded "we got a couple pieces of intel but most of it was lost." I sighed "god damnit" I stood up and went to go to the door as I heard him say "Harry wanted to talk to you when you and Lera woke up" I looked at him "Harry will have to wait, I've got wounded to talk to. watch kilo for me" as I exited and moved through the halls to the med wing. When I finally arrived I heard moans of pain as I moved to Lera "Doc what can I do?" She looked at me smiling slightly "if you can go around and redo bandages that'd be great" I saluted "your orders ma'am" with a smile as i grabbed the guass and went around redoing bandages I was talking to one of the soldiers "how're you feeling soldier?" He looked at me "Well sir, my arm and leg hurt like you wouldn't believe. I just wish we got out before the rocket hit." I sighed "yeah, we were scrambling in the control room." He asked "what was supporting us after we got fired on?" I smirked slightly "An AURIEL predator drone" he asked another question "the operators here?" I nodded "I can send her down here if you boys want to thank her, she was on the drone the entire 5 hours we were waiting for the 160th to make it there" he nodded "please, if like to thank the woman who saved my life" I smiled "I'll send her down after I finish helping the other okay?" He nodded "thank you sir" I extended my hand "you did good kid, keep that up and you might just be here in your future" he looked determined as I moved onto the next bed. Once I finished changing bandages, I called Erik "When you get a chance send Kim to the med bay, some of the boys down here want to say thank you" he replied "of course, remember you have to talk with Harry" I sighed "I know I'm on my way now" as I hung up and walked to Lera "hey, I've got to run and talk to Erik, I'll be back to help when I get out of the meeting." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek "thank you for the help" I nodded as I left to Harry's office. Once I arrived I entered his office "Sir? Erik said you wanted to see me?" He nodded "I thought you'd be here earlier" I looked down "I'm sorry sir, I was helping at the Med Bay" he waved me off and stood up, guiding me to the window over looking the base "What do you see when you look out this window?" I was confused but looked around "I see an untouched forest, clear skies, people, pavement, some animals on the edge of the tarmac, equipment... umm... a couple drones, why?" He looked at me "everyone sees something different, I see home. You see the clash between nature and humans. My wife only sees the landscape." I looked at him "Sir, with all do respect... what does this have to do with anything?" He looked at me "my point is everyone sees something different when they look at something, Aurelia had her vision for Rainbow, I have mine. What do you want Rainbow to be?" I sighed as I thought it over "I want it to be the shield that protects civilians. I want it to be a family like I felt with the Green berets. I don't know, I guess I just want it to be a statue to WW2. The world tears itself apart but brave men and women stand ready to put it back together." He looked at me "a lot more noble a pursuit than I expected." I sighed "Someone has to be a hopeful" he nodded "I want you to be the next Six" my head snapped to him "Sir?" He smiled "when I retire I want you to take my place" I stuttered slightly "I-I don't think I can, I mean-uh I'm just a grunt, I.... I don't know how to organize all of this. I don't know how to talk with world leaders. All I know is combat, I don't... I don't think I'm even remotely ready for that." He chuckled "Jace calm down, breathe. I'm not saying take the mantle now, if you agree I'd teach you the ropes for you to take the mantle when I'm done." I took deep breaths "I can't... I have to do the Raid... I can't drop out of the Raid now." He nodded knowingly "if you like we can start the process after the Raid on lion. The head will be off the snake and you and Lera can orchestrate the remaining raids on their strongholds." I took one final deep breathe to calm down "If I survive, ill do it..." he smiled "great, I have no doubts you'll be one of the greatest Sixes in our history." I shook his hand "thank you sir, for believing I can do this." He laughed jovially "no, you made me believe with how you've bonded everyone here together." I smiled slightly "Is that all sir?" He nodded "go ahead, I bet Lera is wondering what's taking so long" I saluted before turning to the door and leaving. I walked into the med bay "Lera, we need to talk" as I walked out into the hall and waited. When she got out she looked worried as I engulfed her in a hug lifting her and spinning as she asked "What's got you so happy?" I looked at her "Harry wants me to be the next six!" As she had a look of disbelief "really?! He actually said that?!" I nodded "that's why he called me down to his office" she smiled as I hugged her again "all we have to do is get through the Raid next week and then we're home free" she smiled "I think we can do that" I kissed her forehead "I know we will" she smiled "come on, let's get in there and help the wounded" I nodded as we entered.

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