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Jace POV
I walked back in to see Ana looking at me "Rainbow?" I nodded "Just my boss checking on me" she sighed "I've always wanted to join Rainbow, work with people from around the world" I sighed "it's in a rough place right now" she looked at me "what do you mean?" I looked to my right "you got someplace we can talk privately without the eavesdroppers?" As the said people shrunk under my gaze she ran a hand through her short white hair "yeah follow me" I smiled as I stood up "lead the way" as we moved through the halls she asked again "so what did you mean?" I chuckled "patience" she sighed in frustration. After about a minute we arrived at her dorm, I looked around as she fiddled with the lock before opening the door as I followed her in. I looked out the window as I heard "so you gonna tell me what you mean?" I laughed slightly as I turned to her "rainbows in the middle of a large split" she cocked her head "a split how?" I sighed "an operator went rouge because people liked me over him, said I turned everyone against him and that the rest betrayed him by choosing a newbie and a dog over him. He has a lot of friends who are leaving and following on his path of terrorism, we've taken a lot of casualties on both sides my side taking a good few harder hits." She looked at me warily "why are you telling me this?" I sighed "I could use a medic on my side again" she perked up on the word again "Again? What happened to the last one?" I felt the tears welling up before I blinked them away "he.. uh.... he was stabbed about a month and a half ago, a couple days ago the terrorist, that slipped away on the mountain, and her accomplice set bombs near my teams dorms hoping to kill us, they succeeded mostly. 6 out of my 13 survived, our medic died from his wound reopening and bleeding out." I heard Ana gasp "oh my, thats.. that's horrible" I nodded "you don't have to accept the offer if you don't want to ri-" I stopped talking as she said "I'll do it, I want to help the world that's why I became a cop" I nodded with a smile "Welcome to team Rainbow." I stood up and extended my hand as she smiled and shook it. I took out my phone "Harry, I'm coming back in a day or two after I check their camp and try to catch her trail again" he was quiet before "Any reason you're coming back so soon? I thought you said it'd be a couple days?" I sighed "I like to think I'm a pretty good tracker, but I lost her trail when my NVGs got busted so I'm gonna try again in the morning, see if I can catch her scent again" I heard his chair compress as he leaned back "so where are you?" I chuckled "a SCO19 base" he sounded surprised "SCO19? Why are you there?" I replied "apparently when a green beret calls the cops they decide to send SWAT" he chuckled "Makes sense" I looked at Ana as I said "I'm not coming back to base alone" he sounded intrigued "oh? Why's that?" I replied "I'm giving this medic a chance, She knows what she's doing so I figure having another medic to take Gustave's place and help Lera is a good thing" he paused before saying "I've got bad news" I sighed "more operators turning?" I got a short reply of "yes" I looked down "who left now?" "Ela, smoke, rook, amaru, goyo, pulse, vigil, gridlock, alibi, Capitao, echo, Nøkk" I sighed "what about the rest?" He replied "they all sat in the auditorium and told their reasons for remaining loyal to Rainbow" I looked at the moon "so the sides are set?" Harry paused "Yes, now we just have to hunt down the turncoats" I sat down "it'll be slow, these are all tier 1 operators they'll know how to cover themselves" he was quiet for a bit "we know they're in the Middle East, we have coordinates of a base, we have an advantage for now. We just have to try to jump lead to lead as we get our hands on the turncoats" I couldn't really argue with his logic "fair enough, have a good night Harry" he replied "you too Jace" I hung up "you sure you want to do this? You'll be going into combat against special forces" she looked at me as I saw the fire light in her eyes "I want to make a difference" I nodded "is there any place I can get some sleep before I go back to the camp?" He looked at her couch "take the couch, it's not the most comfortable but" I smiled "thank you Ana" she waved me off "it's nothing" I turned to her "I hope you don't mind but I sleep shirtless" she shrugged "doesn't bother me" I nodded as I took off my shirt and laid down looking at my watch 12:36, tomorrows going to be a struggle.
I woke up to my alarm threw on my shirt and gear before heading to the base's commander's office I knocked I received an uncertain "come in?" I entered "good morning sir, I'm in need of a helicopter ride" he looked at me "why should I let some random lad, I've never met, use on of my helicopters" I leaned forward "Because I'm a green beret, who's working with Team Rainbow and on a mission sir" putting some emphasis on the sir. He leaned back and gulped "I'll call one of our pilots" I nodded with a smirk. After around 5 minutes two younger soldiers carrying pilots helmets "Sir?" The commander referred to me with a hand gesture as they turned to me I started "I need you two to give me and an associate a ride back to where the mans body was retrieved" they nodded as we exited the room "you two go prep the chopper I'm going to go grab my associate" as I split off to run to Anas room once I arrived I entered "Ana get your gear on" she bolted upright and bailed out of her bed "what? What's going on?" As she frantically looked around "Get your gear on, you're coming with me" she nodded as she ran to find her pants and the rest of her gear after 4 minutes she had it all as I finished loading my shotgun and opened the door "you ready?" She nodded as we hustled out to the airfield. When we arrived the pilots nodded as we loaded up Ana looked tired as I said "we've got 40 minutes take a nap" she nodded as we lifted off and I admired the landscape. We arrived as I tapped Ana, "we're here" she stretched as I hooked up and checked the rappel rope before sliding down followed closely by Ana. I sighed as I saw the dried blood from the night before as we set off towards the tree line until we found where she broke through the branches. I looked back at Ana "Stay behind me and on the path" she nodded as I carefully followed the now visible tracks at this point cold. I almost lost her tracks in the noise of it all but some how managed to stay on it, I noticed her tracks randomly stop. I paused thinking about what she could've done before dropping to a knee and aiming into the trees. Ana crept up to my side "think she's in the trees, yea?" I looked at her "no I think she used them to try to slip me last night, look there's a clean path she followed if you look at the broken branches" she searched the trees before saying "I kinda see what you're saying" as I slowly followed the path after 100 meters she must've gotten tired from jumping since she dropped back to the forest floor I smiled "gotcha" as I followed the tracks until we came to a cave, I looked at Ana before turning on my light and moving in I paused "Smoke, she was in here with a fire" moving deeper into the cave we found the camp. I put my hand above the coals "still warm, probably 20 minute head start on us" before I turned and hustled back out to the forest picking up her tracks again I moved faster than normal following her tracks. After 30 minutes we were nearing a lake that connects to the ocean according to Ana, I heard a boat engine and took off running after 3 minutes I broke out onto the beach I saw a boat around 70 meters away I lifted my shotgun but couldn't pull the trigger there were civilians. Anger filled my body as I fell to my ass and yelled "You fucking cowards using civilians as shields!" I heard screams as rounds impacted the beach near me causing me to stand up and sprint for the tree line tackling Ana as a round impacted my vest luckily not going through. I looked down at her "You okay?" She nodded slightly red as I flipped over to my back next to her breathing heavy "I've got to call Harry" I pulled out my phone "Harry, you need to get the British Navy covering this entrance to the ocean Lion and Valkyrie are making their way there" I heard him typing quickly "I've notified them but I don't know if they'll make it in time" I sighed "as long as the attempt was made" he chuckled "have you checked their humvee yet?" I sighed again "No, we're heading there now" he questioned "We?" I chuckled "yeah, the new medics here with me" as I sat up. I turned to her "let's go, alright Harry I gotta go so we can make some progress" he replied "stay safe, we don't know if they have any extra allies" I replied "Yessir" hanging up I nodded as we started joggin back to Meghans camp. Another hour, chatting and becoming friends before we reached the camp. She crouched next to Maestros corpse "why is it all burnt?" I glanced over as I opened the trunk of the Humvee "I tossed his body there" she looked at me "why?" I kept searching the trunk "he helped killed a lot of good friends. They didn't die fighting, they died protecting our organization by my orders. If they don't want to fight my men in open combat, they don't get the respect that befalls a soldier" I stopped looking as I stared at the box I'd just opened "Holy shit" Ana walked over "woah, they stole a bomb?" I shrugged "apparently" just as she was about to say something it started beeping "Oh fuck!" as we turned and ran we got around 19 meters away when the Humvee exploded and we got launched from the overpressure as I crashed to the ground I heard a scream my head snapped to the sound as I saw Ana with a branch through her thigh. I stood up and ran to her "Hey hey Ana I'm here I'm here just breathe and stay awake for me okay?" She nodded "I trust you" I smiled as I ripped the sleep off my shirt and rolled it as I put it in her mouth "bite down on this when it hurts, okay?" She nodded "If it hurts too much tap my shoulder" she nodded again as I grabbed her hips "on 3 I'm gonna start pulling you off the branch, Rog?" She nodded as I counted down "3..2..1.. pulling" as I lifted her light frame and started pulling her forward after a second she screamed and tapped my shoulder I stopped and looked at her "you good?" She nodded "I'm going to try to get you off fast so I need you to stay strong and bear with me so I can get you off and take care of you" she sighed as she calmed down "Do it, get me off fast.." I nodded "on 3, 3..2..1.." as I ripped her off the branch she screamed as I set her down and tapped her face "You with me?" She nodded "good focus on me" as I moved to her leg "bad news the wound is just below your pelvis and I'm gonna have to cut your pants to see what's going on with your leg, if anything is touched that should not be touched it's purely accidental" as I took out my fabric scissors and started cutting her pants away. I took my other sleeve and ripped it off using it to clean the blood away before putting a tourniquet on at the top of her thigh "okay, you've got a shard stuck in your thigh, I'm gonna have to go in to get it out. Hey hey! Stay with me focus on me!" I grabbed my radio "I need Medevac on my coordinates, I have injured in need of fast exfil!" I heard the base commander "I've scrambled the choppers they'll be there in 20, they're pushing their choppers to redline" I replied "A-ffirm, I'm working to stabilize" as I went and grabbed my pliers "hey! Ana! Stay with me!" While tapping her cheeks "focus on me!" She groggily replied "I'm... I'm fine" I stared at her "Stay with me, keep talking!" As I put the pliers into the wound and started pulling the shard out as she screamed in pain "I know! I know it hurts! Keep talking to me!" After a painfully slow removal I took my left sleeve and used it to cover her wound. I took my canteen and started splashing some water on her face when she started slipping away "Stay awake Ana!" After another anxiously 15 minutes I heard the chopper and lit a flare. I saw one of the medics rappel down as I lifted Ana and hustled over time him "she needs to get out of here now" he nodded "what about you?" I looked at her pale face "I'll be fine, I'll call for an extract just get her help" he nodded as I put her on the trauma board and helped secure her before backing away and watching as they leave. I sighed she's cutting it close, maybe 5 minutes before the golden hour slips. "Sir, I need an exfil on my position." The Commander paused "Littlebird is en route, eta 40 minutes" I sighed "Rog" I sat down and called Harry "yeah, about making it back tomorrow" he sighed "what happened?" I looked at the burning wreckage of the Humvee "She must've remote activated the bomb they had in the trunk. Ana got impaled on a tree branch and I'm going to stay with her until she's capable of moving" he paused for a good bit "god damnit... okay, I'll let your circle know. Tell her I said I hope she's okay" I replied "A-ffirm boss, see you in a week or so" he hung up and I started waited. Eventually the helicopter arrived and I got on "Get me back to base as fast as you can" he nodded and redlined it the entire time back to base. As we got to base he was trying to set it down carefully I yelled "just hover 20 meters above the tarmac" he looked confused but did it as I jumped out and rolled waving bye as I hauled ass to the medical wing. Bursting into the main office I looked at the receptionist "Where is she?! Where's Ana?!" The receptionist while scared typed into the computer before replying "3rd floor room 8c" I nodded before running to the elevators pressing the button after 20 seconds and nothing happening I busted into the stairwell and started moving up to the third floor before busting through the door and searching for 8c "8c....8c...8c.... Come on for Christ sake!" After another 4 rooms I saw it and opened the door "Ana?" I heard the door open after me and I looked at the doorway as the Doctor appeared "she's just sleeping, we managed to stop the bleeding. She'll be released in a week" I nodded as I stood up and walked over giving him a hug as the tears started to fall "thank you... thank you so much... I can't bear to lose another friend...." he gave me a hug "it's okay, you won't lose another friend today" I released him as I returned to Anas side. After he left I thought I should probably get her a change of clothes. I stood up and went to her dorm grabbing her pants underwear and a shirt before heading back, I walked in to see her looking down and crying I sighed before asking "Why are you crying?" Her head snapped to me "I thought you left to Rainbow" I looked out the window "No... I'm still here" as I sat down "how ya feeling?" She chuckled "Like hot shit" I nodded "I expected that" she looked at me "I got told you told them to leave you out there so I could make it back faster" I looked out the window again "maybe maybe not it doesn't matter" she pressed "It does matter" I sighed "Fine yes, I ordered the medevac to leave me to get you back here" she smiled "thank you, really" I shrugged "Just doing my job"

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