The next chapter

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Lera's POV
Why does he always do things the hard way? He could've just shot Maxim, he should've. I looked at him as he slept when I heard one of the berets "Ma'am" I looked over "да?(Yes?)" she looked nervous "how does someone get to where you're at?" I cocked my head "To rainbow, you mean?" She nodded "Training, don't be afraid to train in different things. As far as I know the captain," as I motioned to Jace "has trained with almost every unit we have remaining at Rainbow." She looked at him before back at me "How do you deal with him? I remember command always being upset with how he'd take risks or go off hunches instead of following orders"  I sighed "So it's not a new thing, great." She chuckled softly as I continued "I deal with it by being there with him, we're all selected because we're some of the best at what we do whether that be CQC in Jace's case, medical treatment in mine or sniping in one of our operators cases. We all have to trust the other knows what they're doing so for most of his investigations or hunches that we acted on I was there with him." She nodded as kilo laid on my feet I radioed Harry "Harry, we'll be back to the Ford in another hour." He replied "Good to hear, we'll have the lost prepared for a proper funeral. They'll be remembered for the heroes they were this mission is getting declassified prepare to be heroes soldiers get some rest" I looked around the chopper at the remaining 7 standing ops and the KIAs "everyone get some sleep it's been a long night"
Jace's POV(1 hour later)
I woke up and slowly looked around realizing where I was I remembered the mission and smiled I survive. I felt Lera move in her sleep as I struggled to get upright and laid her down on me as I watched the landscape pass I put in my earbuds and started listening to music the first song that came on was Chosen ones and I couldn't help but chuckle at the timing.

Leaning back and humming along I relaxed before I remembered what Harry wanted "I'm gonna be the next Six...." I hope Harry knows what he's doing, because I sure as shit don't, I sighed before listening to the music and just appreciating the pain I'm in, it means I'm alive. I looked at Lera as I combed my fingers through her hair and noticed my dog tags on her neck I smiled "I told you I'd come back as long as you had those" the rest of the ride was uneventful a couple bits of Berets waking up thinking they were dead because of the hell we just fought through. Soon we were approaching the Ford when I sighed "Hopefully the other raids were as successful as ours" I heard Lera "I'm sure they were, if they weren't the militaries of the world will make sure we win. I mean Germany, Russia, the US, Britain, France, Australia and Poland have already sent their armies to the Middle East to help us combat them, I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to get the surviving turncoats" I sighed "I want to be on the frontlines helping them" she laughed "Well you can't do that anymore. You've got a new chapter of your life coming up." I looked at her "Just me? Where are you going?" She looked at me weird "I'm still gonna be here with you, I just don't think it's a new chapter for me" I laughed "Well you'll be off the field, I'm gonna talk to Harry about getting all our current operators and having them as Drill Sergeants for the new generation of Rainbow. You know, start over with a new team and let the past scars fade." She thought it over "As much as I hate it, I think you're right, that should be the next step for Rainbow." I pulled her closer as the rear ramp lowered as we stood preparing to exit as I looked at the body bags "I'll get you all medals and you'll be legends in history, I'll make sure of it" as I saw the deck of the Ford appear after another 30 seconds I felt the chinook hit the tarmac. We walked off as we look at our uniforms all torn and dirty, looks like we went through hell. I looked at my uniform, the pants were bloody and cut up, the lower part of my pants were cover in mud. My shirt was tattered, the sleeve had a long cut in it as the other was covered in blood as was my torso. I sighed in relief as I rotated my arm and hear the pop "come on everyone we've got to get to the control room. The deck crew are going to take care of the casualties, Mike(Thatcher) help Zofia please" he nodded and helped her support her weight as we made our way to the room. After 7 minutes of everyone acting like we were ghosts, we arrived at the door and I nodded at them as I opened the door and held it as the rest of my team moved through it before closing the door and standing at attention in front of our commanding officers kilo sitting next to me. Harry smiled "At Ease, you've all done the impossible and have earned the right to say you're legends. The world has watched with baited breath as you executed your mission. For that we thank you." We all saluted as he said "Relax, let the military structure slip away for a bit we're all just people in this room." I sighed "We lost too many, over 2/3 of our team died." He nodded solemnly "Yes, but in return for their sacrifice You all saved the free world from an era of terror." I heard jasmine, one of the medics, "With all due respect sir, we were fucked from the word "Approved" this mission never should've been clear to begin with" I looked at her as one of the Beret commanders said "Jasmine, you settle down now or you'll be on toilet duty for a week" I snapped and stepped in "Sir, You know just as well as we do this mission was a shit show, No air support? No relief force? We had our air support pulled for some unit in Tehran! Our mission was to kill the leader of the most dangerous terrorist organization since Bin Laden and you pulled our support for soldiers with tanks! You got my men killed you bastard! I'll kill you!" As i lunged for him being grabbed by the rest of the squad as I clawed to get to him as kilo growled "Those men and women had families! And you got them killed! We should've had those fucking helicopters!" The commander looked shocked "Are you going to tell their families?! That you were the one who pulled the air support that would've made them get home! Are you?!" He looked down "I have a responsibility to my men.." I cut him off before he could finish "Yeah?! Well you killed mine!" He looked at me with remorse in his eyes "I'm sorry... I thought since you're all so highly trained you'd survive without the choppers" I yelled "That's what happened in Red Wing! You all learned nothing from the SEALs!" I slumped as Harry spoke "Jace, you know how hard it is to be in this room... we had to make a choice, those soldiers in Tehran were a larger force we were hoping you'd be able to last long enough for the cobras to make it back... they red lined it all the way back to your unit" I looked at him as the tears welled "Sir.... why didn't we get told? We could've planned around it, you all got my men and women killed because you didn't tell us. I could've planned around it" Lera hugged me "Jace, it's not their fault. They tried their best, we couldn't have stopped the mission we were already there and the casualties we took would've been pointless if we bailed out then." I looked at her and then at Harry and then the other commanders "I better see each and every one of you at their funerals, they better get medals and you all better apologize to their families." They all stared at me "of course, we'll be there" I buried my head into Lera's shoulder as I felt the tears leak over. I heard her "Harry, we're going to our bunks. Can we hold the debrief some other time?" I looked up as he looked at me before turning to the officers "Yes, go ahead. I think it's best that everyone gets some rest after this mission." With a nod Lera stood and dragged me to the bunks the rest of the team moving to their bunks. I collapsed on mine as Lera laid next to me and kilo pushed her way in between us, I chuckled as I gave kilo kisses "Who's a good girl? Hmm? Is it you? Did you eat terrorists?" She barked happily "Yeah, you're a good girl." Lera chuckled "you talk to her like she's your child" I laughed "Maybe, she's all I've had for a while. Why don't we get some sleep?" She nodded as I wrapped my arms around her and kilo before closing my eyes. When we woke up 4 hours later we moved to the control room to debrief I hate debriefs it's great we get told all the things we learned from getting shot at, What's not to love?! I sighed as I opened the door and moved to the table. Harry looked at me and then the rest of the team "Let's keep this short, shall we?" I nodded as he spoke "What went wrong on the mission?" I stared at him "You mean besides the shit show that was the air support?" he sighed "yes jace, besides that" I leaned back "Where to start?" He motioned me to go on as I did "making us wait 45 minutes for humvees that got trashed immediately, the window being too small, our gear being outdated, lack of support, shotty planning as a result of our commanders denying me critical need to know information! But other than that this mission was a fucking cake walk" I heard one of the commanders "I get you're mad but this isn't constructive" I looked at her "You think I give a shit about being constructive? It's not like you'll listen to anything we say, if you did you'd have learned from Red Wing." She looked down as another stepped forward "watch how you talk to her, I'll have you court martialled." I laughed "Oh... Oh scary.... Oh... Oh... Oh shiver me timbers.... Shut up man! You weren't there, you watched on that stupid fucking screen thinking "I hope they make it" after you put us in that position. My team would've made it clear if I had the information that you all decided to withhold so go ahead court martial me! I dare you!" He seemed shocked "You don't care about your record? Your career?" I stared at him as I countered "You don't care about your soldiers?" He recoiled like I punched him in the stomach "thought so, Harry are we done here?" He nodded "we'll be heading back to Norway at the end of today, then you'll start your apprenticeship and we'll talk about any ideas you have." I nodded as we left and I thought about the future and what it has in store for me, being Six fuck what have I got myself into. I looked forward and saw Lera and kilo and thought obviously something good.
The end

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