The raid

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The 4 teams and their accompanying units were standing in front of me "you all are about to launch simultaneous raids on 4 high value targets. The objective is to recover a captured family member of one rainbow operator. Any questions?" One of the KSK operators raised his hand "Ja, what do we do if the target isn't at our compound?" I replied "Search for any usable intel and then destroy the building" he nodded "Any more questions?" No one asked so I nodded "Fall out, move to your assigned chinooks" they all walked away to the awaiting chinooks.

 Any questions?" One of the KSK operators raised his hand "Ja, what do we do if the target isn't at our compound?" I replied "Search for any usable intel and then destroy the building" he nodded "Any more questions?" No one asked so I nodded "Fall...

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Lera walked up "I'll be back in 3 hours" I nodded "we'll have our movie night when you get back, stay safe alright?" She smiled "of course" as she crouched petting kilo before standing and walking away to get on the osprey. I watched them take off and fly away before I turned to Erik "let's get back to the Oracle, we'll monitor everything from there" he nodded as we made our way there. Once we arrived I put on a pot of coffee "Hey Erik, how about that chess game? They've got an hour flight" he shrugged "Why not" as I got out the board and pieces. We sat down and started playing. Around 30 minutes later Harry walked in as I was getting coffee and Erik was thinking about what move he was going to make and kilo was sleeping in her bed. I turned at the sound of the door opening "Oh hey boss" he waved "What's going on here?" I moved back to my seat "we're playing chess waiting for the teams to reach the compounds" he nodded as Erik spoke "they've got about 30 minutes left in the flight" he moved over to the table as I sat down and made my move, moving my queen "check" Erik sighed moving his king as I moved my bishop "check" Erik moved his king again as I moved my other bishop on the same row as his king "Checkmate" he sighed "Son of a bitch" I nodded as I drank my coffee and my phone dinged I pulled it out and saw a text from Lera "can I call you?" I replied "Yeah" I answered when she called "Some of the KSK operators are hitting on me" I sighed as I opened the team com for lera's squad "Alright listen here shitbirds, I'm with Lera I will gladly allow her to shoot anyone who hits on her clear?" I heard a chorus of discouraged "yes sirs" "good, you're tier 1 operators this isn't some middle school date night get your shit together" I closed the channel and returned to the call "Better?" She chuckled "yes love, thank you" I sighed "try not to shoot them, please" she sighed over dramatically "if they hit on me they're getting shot" I replied "yeah, I guess that's fair" she laughed "so are you behaving?" I chuckled "yes mom, Erik and I were just playing chess" she replied "good, how's kilo?" I looked over "She's sleeping in her bed right now" I heard Marius in the background "Tell him I said Hi!" I chuckled as Lera said "I take it you heard him?" I smiled "yeah, tell him I said hey will ya?" She told Marius and I heard him yell to Ana "I'm his favorite!" Which they started arguing about who was my favorite Lera sighed "It's like having kids" I chuckled softly "yeah, I guess it is" she quickly replied with a yawn "I'm gonna take a nap, get some sleep before we arrive" I sighed "Talk to you when you're done" I moved back to the table before looking through the UAV cameras I paused on one Harry walked over "what?" I slowly replied "I don't know, something about this makes me nervous but they're just doing normal shit" he looked at the screen I heard over my headset "5 minutes make ready" Lera's team was the first to reach their objective. After 5 minutes, We watched anxiously as they rappelled onto the roof and Lera laid out the exothermic charge. The team backed away as Lera hit the detonator and started the charge. A really big fucking hole opened up, Lera and the rest quickly pushed in the hole. I sighed and hoped for the best. After a painfully tense 8 minutes we heard over the radio "Compound secure, no casualties no sign of the HVI. Beginning our intel sweep." I smiled "Bang on job guys really, well done" the next ones to arrive at was Mikes team I smiled "Thatcher, remember watch who you shoot" he growled out "Im not that old yet you fucking muppet" I laughed "Good hunting, stay safe" he sighed "we will" I saw them land on the roof and set up rappel points. I was intrigued by that choice since Glaz was there, actually now that I'm looking I don't see Glaz on the roof. "Mhmm" Harry looked over with a look of intrigue as I replied "I don't see Glaz on the roof" Harry nodded "I wonder where they have him" we watched as they slowly descended the side of the building Mute cracked a window up 3 inches and sent a drone in carefully closing the window again before pulling out the drone pad. After 2 minutes, he motioned down they slowly just as they were about to breach I heard Sledge on the Radio "sledge to Oracle, we've reached our compound" I switched to the UAV covering their area "Good, remember watch your fire and stay safe alright? I want no casualties" he responded "Rog' we'll get it done mate" I turned to Harry "can you watch Mike's feed?" He nodded. I carefully monitored the set up and positioning, everything's going smoothly as Kilo came over and sat next to me as I scratched behind her ear. I saw sledge look at Mozzie and Hibana and then the SAS team behind them, they all nodded and the door got turned to splinters as sledge hit it and they charged in. I sighed it just has to play out now, all I could do is watch. I saw flashes and puffs of smoke as grenades and rifles went off. After 6 minutes I heard over the radio "Sledge to Oracle," I replied "Go for Oracle" he continued "Compound secured, HVI is not here but we do have some intel, the HVI is in transit to Thatcher's compound" I turned to Harry "Tell Mike to hold on destroying the compound HVI is oscar mike to him" he nodded and thumbed the mic as I went back to talking to sledge "Rog' sledge, great job" I switched frequencies to Zofia's radio frequency "Redirecting your chinook, you're to move to Thatchers compound, HVI is in transit to that location" I heard her say "Nomad, tell the pilot to bring us to Thatchers location. A-ffirm we might arrive later than the HVI. ETA 35 minutes" I looked at my watch "Noted. Stay safe" I sighed as I heard Lera "We're returning to base, Primary objective: failed secondary objective alpha through Charlie: success" I replied "Have a wonderful flight. Cycle out between Ana You and Marius on who's asleep" she chuckled "Keep the bed warm for Me" I laughed "hurry home, Kilo misses you. Don't you princess?" as kilo whined and Lera laughed I said "See you when you get back" before I closed the channel. Turning my attention to Sledges operation they had a car come hauling towards the base "Sledge, unknown vehicle closing to the base fast 300 meters free to prosecute as hostile" they all set up an ambush and when the car came to sight for them they fired the car erupted in an explosion as the explosives in the backseat and trunk were hit by rounds and detonated. I sighed "Pack the intel you've gathered and extract I don't want to wait too long while you all search and have enemies attack" he replied with a huff "Aye mate" as they went inside to set up the explosives. I watched until they loaded up into the the chinook and took off. I breathed a sigh of relief until I saw a rocket streaking towards the bird. They couldn't react fast enough and it flew through the hanger of the chinook and into the cockpit I watched in horror as the helicopter spun out of control as the cockpit split off from the rest of the chinook and the rest of the front caught on fire,

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