A new scar

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Jace's POV
      I awoke with a throbbing head ache I heard Gustave faintly as if he was hundreds of feet away from me. I groaned holding my head before opening my eyes as the headache started to subside a minute later. I saw the Russians and Gustave staring at me as kilo started trying to get on the med bay bed. I looked at doc "you got any Advil?" He smiled while shaking his head "you should've quit when you got cut the first time" I chuckled "what I should've done and what I did do are two very different things my friend" Alex laughed "yes, yes it is. How're you feeling?" I sighed "I've got a nasty headache and my body is sore as shit" he nodded as I heard Lera start teasing him "Maxim you've got to stop cutting teammates in training" he got defensive "It wasn't my fault" the rest caught on "well we weren't the ones who cut him and Lera" Timur spoke up "I mean he just becomes one of us and you already gave him two scars" Maxim looked down getting upset, he obviously felt bad. I spoke up "alright alright enough leave him alone. It was an accident, besides it's obvious he's upset about it" he looked at me "you're not mad?" I chuckled "do you know how much you've helped me? Do you know how many woman I can get now? I get to say I got these scars doing hand to hand combat with a bad ass Spetsnaz operator when I go out on the weekends to drink" he chuckled "I guess that helps." I smiled "no hard feelings alright?" He nodded "thank you." I looked at Alex "hey big man wanna help me out of this bed?" He sighed as he walked over and Lera said "hey hey no! No! Stop that! You're staying in the bed!" I looked at her as Alex lifted me up "Jokes on you the Lord is on my side Mom!" She was shocked "Mom?" I nodded "you're acting like my mom, trying to keep me in bed when I'm sick but the Lord is in my corner" she sighed "you're a toddler" I nodded "a toddler with badass scars and an attack dog, who gets the bitches" the rest of them laughed as Alex replied "you sound like my nephew!" I smiled "you never told me you had a nephew" he nodded "I have kids too" I laughed "we have to re-evaluate what you tell people" he nodded as I asked "Does anyone know where my clothes are? Or are we just staring at my sexy body the entire day?" They laughed as Finka replied "they're over here." I looked down "you wanna pass me my pants?" She looked away as she gave them to me and I dropped my hospital gown I looked at the rest of the guys as Gus walked back in and froze "what in the hell is going on here?" I looked at him trying not to laugh "an examination of peak human physical condition" he laughed "you're an idiot, put on some pants so Lera isn't as red as Ash's hair anymore" I sighed "you're a buzzkill Gus" as I put on my pants he said "this is all you're getting out of me" as he handed me the Advil. I heard Lera "Does he have pants on?" I chuckled "I can always take them off again if you want" Alex laughed as Lera called me an ass. I smiled "well boys and Lera I'm off to go see the Germans. Kilo, heel" she came over as I grabbed the rest of my shit and walked out the door.

Lera's POV

    "Alex what the fuck?" He looked confused "what?!" I yelled "he should be in that bed relaxing! Now he's off to do god knows what with the Germans! What if he gets hurt again?!" Alex waved me off "Lera, he's okay. He was joking and having fun despite just waking up from a hour unconscious and having just been cut to shit by Maxim." I sighed "I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of you if he gets hurt because you helped him out of that bed after I told you not to" he laughed "I'm sure you will." I spun on Maxim "and you! You should've been more careful! What would have happened if he didn't react and try to move and you stabbed him!?" Maxim looked down "I wasn't trying to kill him, it... it was just an accident" I sighed I could tell he was torn up about it "look at me Maxim" he looked over "I know it was an accident, he's already forgiven you but you need to be more careful" Gustave spoke up "Lera, look at them. They may not show it but they feel terrible. Give them a break. I'll have Jace back to check on his wounds" I sighed "fine, fine. Alex we still on for drinking tonight?" He nodded "yeah, that is if you can make it" I nodded

Jace's POV
I knocked on the German dorm door I heard Monika(IQ) inside "Who is it?!" I replied "Kilo and Jace" I heard running and the door open to monika "You're out of the med bay already? And why are you shirtless?" I looked confused "how long was I out? And because I was lazy and didn't want to put my shirt on" She replied "I heard the news about an hour ago" I sighed "damn, can we come in?" She nodded with a smile and moved out of the doorway as I heard her yell "Marius(Jager), Dominic(Bandit), Elias (Blitz) we have company!" I heard giggling as Marius and Dominic came around the corner and froze "mein freund, why are you shirtless?" I chuckled "I was lazy and didn't want to put it on" he laughed "you're something else" Dominic spoke up "so first day here and you're already getting cut up?" I nodded "turns out 4v2 isn't that fair" I hear Elias behind them "I could've told you that" I chuckled "how have you been, big brother?" He looked at Marius and Dominic "these two are causing trouble again and Monika is being her typical reserved nerdy self" she went to defend herself "Hey-" I turned around "Monika why are you getting upset about that? That's who you are and a lot of men like the hot quiet nerdy girls" she turned red as we chuckled "you boys wanna play Modern Warfare?" They nodded excitedly as we ran for the game room. Vaulting over the couch I heard Monika "maybe you shouldn't be doing so much exercise you did just get out of the medbay" I waved her off "I'm fine mon, it's just a couple cuts" she sighed "why do we have so many computers? There's only 4 of us in the dorm" I laughed "because gamers stick together. Isn't that right kilo?" She whined in reply "I know right" Monika sighed and moved to her computer I spun "Mon you playing?" She nodded as I yelled "Yes! Let's go" we were all loading up as I accepted the invite from Marius. "So what are we playing?" He looked over "I don't know TDM?" Dominic spoke next "sounds good to me Elias? Monika?" They both agreed "TDM it is" I was customizing my Holger-26 "mobility or stability that is the question" I heard Elias "stability, no one moves in this game anyway" I sighed "too right" we loaded in to azhir cave and I took off running towards the cave. Firing a couple rounds at the other end of the cave I didn't hear any enemies screaming about taking fire so I assumed it's clear. Moving into the cave I get to the open area by the truck before I get ripped apart from my left by an M4 camping in the tunnel from the well "Oh you've got to be fucking me!!" Marius guessed "M4 camping?" I sighed "yes." He continued "was it gold?" I slumped further "yes." He laughed "level 155?" I threw myself to the ground "Yes!" Elias laughed "Come on, get up." I sat back in the chair "cave is a no-go, Fuck That!" A minute later I heard Monika yell, I asked "you went into the cave didn't you?" She sighed "yes" I continued "you died to the gold m4... didn't you?" She replied "yes" I laughed "what do we say about the cave?" She sighed "Fuck That!" I nodded sagely "yes, yes we do indeed say fuck dat" I heard Marius "I'm gonna fuck him up with the 725" I yelled "Marius No!" He seemed surprised "why? Is it because I shouldn't fall to the dark side and use the 725?" I replied "what? No! It's because I wanna kill him" he sighed "I was beginning to think you care" I laughed "I'm just gonna countercamp the camper" Monika looked over "you sure that's good for your health? You look like you're about to lose your shit" I nodded as I mounted my rifle and pointed it at the tunnel "I will not move until you are dead" 2 minutes later I heard Elias "are you still there?" I replied "Ja, Er wird sterben, bevor ich mich bewege. Ich habe den ganzen verdammten Tag Zeit (he will die before I move, I've got all fucking day)" Dominic looked over "I forgot your parents are German" I nodded "I speak German and a bit of Russian" Monika was about to speak when I yelled "Yes! yes! Suck my dick! Garbage! Your mother used a Twix wrapper as a condom you fucking camping piece of shit!" She said "Um wow, I....uh....I take it you killed him?" I actually had tears streaming down my face "yes, yes I did" as I fell out of the chair and held Kilo "we did it princess we got the camper" as she licked my face as I pet her until I saw shadows over me. I looked up to see monika leaning looking down "You sure you're okay? You just cried after getting one kill" I nodded "I mean it killed my KD but it was so worth it" she nodded as we heard a knock on the door. I saw Elias move pass her and open the door I looked at the door as Elias opens it I saw Lera I said "hey Lera, why are you on the ceiling?" I heard Marius and Dominic "holy shit he's fucking wrecked" and "I hear you" Lera sighed "I got sent to retrieve you since max and Timur were worried about you, it seems Monika and Elias are taking care of you" I laughed "well big brother takes care of everyone and Monika was making sure I'm okay after I was moved to tears while we were gaming" she nodded "alright come on you big baby" I replied "I'm not a baby" Lera laughed "you're supervised constantly so you don't do stupid shit. Sounds like a baby to me" I sighed "fine fine so where are we going?" Lera laughed "the dorm" sitting up I replied "let's go then," I turned to the Germans "thanks for having me, I'll be back sooner or later" they waved bye as I walked out with Lera "still shirtless I see" I looked down "huh, guess I forgot" she laughed "how do you forget you're shirtless?" I joined her in laughing "I don't know" she looked at me "Hoping to get with Monika?" I shrugged "I'm just following the flow if I end up with her so be it" she nodded "I wonder if Alex is catching the hints" I looked over "have you told him straight up you like him?" She shook her head no I sighed before replying "he probably has no fucking clue you've got a crush on him" she looked at me "really?" I nodded "Guys, well we're pretty fucking dense. Your hints are probably flying over his head by miles" she nodded "I'll tell him tonight when we drink" I smiled "good luck" she nodded as I opened the door to see Timur in a headlock from Maxim "What the fuck is going on here?!"

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