~~~~Chapter 4~~~~

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Before I begin,i would like to thank all you wonderful readers who read and commented and voted!Much much appreciated!:D Please spread the story around!I have like 600+reads for chapter1 and only near 200 reads for chapter2!!:( 

   "Hey lads!Good News!Chris will be discharged tomorrow!" I said excitedly.

 *Liam POV* 

   When i heard that good news,i couldn't believe it.I was so happy."Hey lads guess what?Chris will be home tomorrow!"I shouted excitedly

 Niall suddenly stood up and slowly smiled "Oh me gawd!Lads come on!Let's go to the hospital!" He shouted as he ran towards the door.We immediately followed him.He went towards the drivers seat and once we sat in,he drove off.

  Within a couple of minutes,we reached the hospital and ran out towards Chris room.We saw Harry outside wide awake staring at the walls.Niall,me and Zayn went inside to check on Chris..she was awake.

    *Louis POV*

I knew Harry had felt our presence but choose to ignore him..I have known him for 3 years.How can i not know how he feels.

 "Hey Harold what happened?"I asked him in a gentle voice as i sat down beside him."I cant forget..I just can't forget that scene happened 1 1/2 years ago" He said slowly and in a low tone.

 ''Those 2 fuckers who are responsible for Christina's state.I am gonna take revenge."He continued slowly raising his tone.I could feel that anger in his voice..Harry Edward Styles,now 21,wants to take revenge..I  was really shocked at his new look.

"Hey Honeydew,Your 21..not some 12 year old kid.As you heard,Karma's a bitch.It will smack their faces badly.Don't yo-"

"HOW CAN I LOU?HOW!MY CHRISTINA WAS ALMOST GONE TO HEAVEN!HOW!I AM GOING TO HUNT THEM DOWN AND I DON'T CARE!" He suddenly stood up and shouted before i could continue..

   *Christina POV*

    I was drinking some water when i saw Niall coming in with tears.He suddenly ran towards me and hugged me..I saw those 2 lads behind him,smiling.

"Yo,bro whats wrong with ya?" I giggled a little at his actions.

"Aha nothing sis just missed ya" He said as he wiped his tears."By the way your wondering who are they?They are my best friends.His Liam,His Zayn and the other 2 are Louis and Harry."He continued. 

     '''Oh....cool!"is only i could answer...They looked pretty rich as they were wearing expensive stuff..so as my brother..

  Suddenly i heard a very loud manly voice.I was very shocked and almost jumped on my bed..That guy with the quiff went out to check..what's his name..ahh Zayn yes..

V-O-T-E pleaseee!!<3 

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