Chapter 19

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Nevermore bridge

Wren stood in a black suit befitting the captain's rank, his arm decorated with a badge designed in a mermaid with a crown of bone and coral, her visage holographic to show a kind and beautiful goddess morph into a terrifying sea monster queen. Rather befitting with his ship, and his crew of carefully hand-picked telepathic creatures he had found in the past couple weeks since he started flying out. Searching through the Nevermore's list of crew and allies, he had tracked down descendants of Primal races, and more telepathic ones to help when he didn't have time to communicate while connected to his ship's computer. The ship itself took time to repair and figure out if she was to be a light fighter, or a full carrier with enough artillery to rip open planets, but some of his crew were war vets. He had listened very closely, hearing out their opinions and how he should use the ship until they found a niche in between them where he fit the carrier quite nicely.

"All right, let's talk party preparations..." Ravyn had come over, her heels clicking on the metal tiles as her infamous cape swirled around her own dark plum night suit. He knew now it was mainly theatrical for her to wear make-up, look dark and stay mysterious, but he kept it quiet. He had found a great friend in Ravyn, whose real name was Rachelle, and had confided in her, especially on nights where his spirit took a nasty hit with missing his friends and Akifa terribly. She helped him practice more on his telepathy, even stretching into long broadcasts, sending out messages to multiple people at the same time, and then different messages to many people at the same time. It usually ended with a nasty migraine, but now he could thank her all day. She had helped him significantly, and Doc was even happier seeing him fill out with muscle.

"All captains are here and assembled, Captain Ravyn, but what're we going to do? The Maiden's been untouchable for the longest time, how will we get past all those fighters?" One captain, Jynx, had raised her hand, her bright pink hair, eyes, and nails gleaming in the dark while her flight suit thankfully was a black color. She had run the Moulin Rouge, primarily a red-light district carrier with all the workings of a full whorehouse that actually was used as a spy/sabotage facility for the Nevermore, giving information through the armada in a series of encrypted messages and letters.

"Easily, apparently. Lately, that ship has had a nasty reputation for shooting down its own evacuating ships, killing men, women, and children, regardless of station or employment. It's made quite the enemy on the inside, so there's a good chance, we might get more allies by invading their space. Besides, as far as I know, the pilots tend to be lazy with shooting down the drones, in regards to the last attack we sent out. Not to mention one of its best is currently out of commission, but we'll still be cloaked and going in silently, just to be safe," Ravyn added, looking over the screen showing each ship in her fleet. Wren glanced up, tapping to copy the screen to his side as he looked over each of the ships, listing out each strength and noting their weaknesses in build or lack of weaponry. Shifting some around, he put the ones with the strongest shields around the Nevermore, while the others with the cloaking ability out into the attack parties, furrowing his brow in thought. Ravyn smirked, stopping her work as she watched Wren working quietly, trying to find the best formation for everyone's protection before clearing her throat. He flicked his ears, glancing up as he flushed a pale pink, closing the screen.

"Sorry... but I figured I could help in working out where everyone should go, for the least amount of casualties," he admitted, showing his last formation of the ships as Ravyn arched a brow, the captains talking amongst themselves a couple spoke up, agreeing to the formation.

"Well, all who vote for this attack formation?" Ravyn asked, smiling as she also raised her hand, more than over half raising their hands in agreement as Wren blushed, smiling softly.

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