Marinette inhaled deeply, rolling over in her bed as the morning sun shined on her face. She blinked her eyes open, staring out the window. She had the best sleep in a long time last night. Adrien . . . not so much. Marinette looked over at him flopped over in one of her chairs. After spending yesterday together, Adrien refused to leave. He wanted to make sure that she was safe, but more importantly, that she felt okay. Adrien insisted he stay because he was afraid that their return to Paris would shock her. That maybe it'd be too much for her to handle. It was sweet actually.
Since he's spent his entire life living in a mansion, Adrien has never slept a night outside of a bed. That chair he's curled up in must be terribly uncomfortable, yet he stayed there all night, going out of his own comfort zone for her.
Marinette sat up in her bed and stared at him. She really hoped that Adrien knew how important he was to her and how much she appreciated him. Adrien stirred, opening his eyes. He straightened in the chair and stretched, smiling at her.
"I had a dream." Marinette said, slowly smiling. She smoothed back her fluffy blue hair.
"Was it about me?" Adrien tiredly smirked.
"Partially." Marinette answered, sighing. "You were in it at least." She turned to the window. "It was . . . about my family. I want to see my parents."
"You do?" Adrien question. "But yesterday-your ties to people and the Miracle Box . . . I thought you were against all that."
"I was, but I think I want to mend my relationships now, you know? Maybe I shouldn't have pushed everyone away like I did." Marinette felt her bed comforter. "Maybe I should restore my friendships and return to the places I used to know." She looked up at Adrien. "The one thing I learned at the temple is that I can't run forever and now I don't need to anymore. I should make the most of my past for the better of my future."
"Someone's changing." Adrien yawned.
"For the best." Marinette replied, resting her chin on her knees, peering up at him. "I felt at peace last night." She announced. "I feel different as if I sorted my life out in my own dreams or something."
"Thirteen hours of sleep at night will do that." He chuckled.
"Or maybe it's the feeling of knowing that the man of my dreams was sleeping five feet away from me." She smiled, cocking her head to the side.
"There's that too." Adrien stood up, stretching again. He moved over to the bed, crawling to her and towering over. He planted a light kiss on her nose. "So . . . we're visiting your parents." He smiled. "I need about an hour to get ready." Adrien kissed her nose again.
"I never said anything about today." Marinette announced, her eyes widening.
Adrien leaned closer to her. "Being the anxious, yet creative woman you are, Marinette, you'll have new ideas before the sun goes down. I think you should stick with this one today. Best to see your parents while you're thinking about them before you can second guess yourself and back out."
"I guess you're right." Marinette agreed. "But I have no promises for how my dad reacts. He's met both of you on several occasions, but it's hard to tell what he'll say this time. I haven't seen my parents in a year, so . . . anything could happen. And if they suspect you're the cause of my disappearance, they might kill you."
"Positive thoughts." Adrien reminded, turning around. He bounced off the bed and headed to the bathroom, stopping at the doorway. "They'll be overjoyed to see you again. I can guarantee it. Your parents are two of the nicest people I've ever known." He smiled and shut the door behind him.
. . .
"I'm nervous." Marinette said, holding his arm tighter as they walked. Her heart began to beat faster. "I keep imagining every possible way this could go. Not many are good." She breathed.

The New Guardian
Hayran KurguMarinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in love with Chat Noir, but refuses to tell him her feelings. New holders appear to fight the duo and shake up their lives. Marinette makes a...