Christmas Eve Part 4 (Is that Prince???)

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***Please forgive any typos.

"Do you like my outfit?"  Jeanette smiled.

I had to admit that she was looking rather fine.  So fine, that I wanted to tell her to change, but I knew that would cause a fight.  

The stylist I hired was specifically told not to bring anything too tight or revealing.  When Jeanette saw the racks of elegant, yet conservative clothing, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.  Then she reached inside her purse, gave the stylist two hundred dollars and kindly told her to have a nice evening.  

I graciously apologized to the stylist, and as I walked her out, I kindly took that $200 back.  Jeanette didn't know this, but I had already paid her handsomely, and she wasn't getting a $200 tip when she for being there for less than five minutes.

Jeanette however, decided to call a small boutique in Brooklyn and requested for them to bring her a rack of clothes to choose from. When I tried chastising her about it, she looked at me and scoffed.

"If you think I'm wearing a long sleeved, loose fitted turtle neck dress to see Lenny, you're sadly mistaken.  Choose your fights with me wisely Mr. Nelson."  She walked off.

Now here she is, standing in front of me two hours later, asking me how she look? 

"You look alright."  I nonchalantly answered.

Jeanette  sarcastically laughed.

"I've never looked alright to you!  Are you mad that I got extra dolled up for Lenny, or are you simply jealous?" She teased.

I was both to be honest, because her being "extra dolled up" was an understatement.  The new fragrant scent on her was spellbinding, and the make-up lessons I gave her, were executed to a flawless perfection.  Also, she chose to wear an outfit that hugged every curve of her petite frame.  She was certainly letting me know that she was planning on turning many heads tonight, especially Lenny's.

Jeanette was the first girlfriend I ever had who outwardly showed her adoration for another man.  For the past three hours, it was Lenny this and Lenny that; she even had his music playing in the background, trying to explain to me that's how she align her chakras for a Lenny Kravitz concert. 

I understood that she didn't really know that much of my music, but the way she was sooo into Lenny and his music, had me feeling some type of way.

However, I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Lenny's going to say hello, and be on his merry way.  You however, will be coming right back here with me afterwards, so why would I be mad...or jealous?"  I curtly stated, as I slightly rolled my eyes.

Chuckling at my tone, Jeanette seductively walked up to me. 

"Coming right back here with you is exactly why I chose this outfit.  So stop being petty and tell me how I really look."  She gave me a lingering, lustful peck.

This woman definitely knew how to simmer me down.

"Absolutely gorgeous."  I admitted, deepening the kiss.

Before it got too hot and heavy, Jeanette pulled away, giving me direct eye contact.

"You are the only man I want. No matter how much money another man has, how prestigious he may be, or how much younger than you he is, I will always choose you; you'll always be the man I want to leave the party with.  Never second guess that."  She said with the upmost sincerity.

Not  allowing me to respond, she simply gave me another lingering peck on the lips, and walked away.  All I could do was take a deep breath and sigh with relief, because that one statement gave me reassurance that she didn't even know I needed. 

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