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        "I want to be a runner." I calmly demanded. Newt looked at me, his face full of confusion and wordiness. I started to feel a little bit better but I could tell Newt wasn't. 

        "What the shuck just happened?" Alby said coming over to the both of us, still Newts hands are still clutched to mines. "Newt, come with me." Alby commanded. Making Newt move, standing up and walking off with Alby as he threw glances back at me. 

        "Gee, shank. You scared almost half of the gladers." Minho commented. 

        "I don't know what came over me, there were these voices that just kept repeating and repeating. Like it was tape and was on replay." I sighed. "I guess we shouldn't put ya on the slammer. Maybe with clint so he can check up on you daily? What about that shank face?" He asked and I nodded. 

        "Good that, I'll talk about this with Newt and Alby later. C'mon lets go." Minho said helping stand up and we walked towards the medical hut? 

        "So, what was up with you and Newt?" He questioned. I didn't reply as my head was still fond of what just happened. I really did want to become a runner. Trying to be a hero by finding an escape so we could free these people was something that intrigued me.

        "Okay, well I'll catch up with you later, there's something I want to talk to you about." Minho said his goodbyes and left. 

        "You made quite a scene back there." Clint laughed. "Well you know, a girl has to create drama somehow." I joked making him laugh as well. "I like you. Not like those other shanks." He commented. 

        "So whats wrong with me?" I asked as he did his daily procedure, checking my tongue, mouth and my head especially. 

        "Nothing. That was probably just a memory or something. Don't worry about it. Just rest for now, I know that everyone wants you to rest. But maybe resting is the best way you could do so you want have another one of those panic attacks." Clint said, but sounded more like a demand.

        I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Can I have like an hour of exploration? Chuck can guard me." I asked and he thought about it for a second and agreed and went out to call Chuck.

        I stared at the ceiling for quite some time now, until Chucks voice made me turn back to the reality. "Chuck!" I exclaimed walking towards him giving him a hug. 

        "What was that for?" He asked in surprise of my action. "I just missed your shank face." I smiled. I gestured him to go outside with me and he did.         

        "Wheres Newt?" I blabbered out. 

        "I don't know, haven't seen hims since he left the council meeting." He shrugged. I sighed. He probably thinks I'm a shuck. 

        We walked around the glade some came by to say hello, while others stayed far away as possible. There were a few people I got introduced to like Ben, Zart, Winston and Jeff. They were all nice people, but one person I didn't see was Gally. Ever since the incident near the maze I haven't seen him.

        "Chuck, wheres Gally?" I asked. He looked at me wide eyed. 

        "You're asking about Gally? I thought you hated him?" He says. I shrugged, "Well after you almost going off to the Maze, him, Alby and Newt got into a meeting and ever since that meeting he kept a low profile." He infromed me. 

        I scratched my head, I kinda wanted to see Gally to thank him for bumping my head and making me remember my name. "Hey Chuck, Alby needs you." A glader said making Chuck sigh and giving me a look that he was sorry and left.

        "Hey." The glader said.

        "You must be the eager ego wanting to get in my pants am I right?" I don't know what came over me, but I was proud of verbal words.

        "Not really, I'm into you know." He chuckled. This made me feel embarrassed, "Its okay, I'm Carl." He introduced himself. "Talia, I'm sorry. I just tend to blabber things out." I apologized.

        "Its totally fine, I just came here to get rid of Chuck so Gally can talk to you. See you later." Carl said giving me a goodbye sign and walked off.

             Gally wanted to talk to me? Alone?  I started walking off towards the opposite direction, to be bumped by the one and only Gally. 

        "Talia-look I came by to say sorry, but listen I've been getting some random dreams or either memories about you. You were a runner. In the dream or memory you helped us get out. I just want to point that out for you when they chose you're job." Gally blathered and walked off.

        What just happened?


        I guess I fell asleep somewhere outside because I do not remember faling asleep in the medical hut. Rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms out, I noticed Newt sleeping in a chair besides my bed. 

        "Newt." I whispered. "Newt!" I whispered loudly, getting his full attention. 

        "Bloody hell shank. Good morning to you too." He says yawning. 

        "Did you happened to bring me in here?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled looking down at my legs. "What do I look like?" I asked.

        "Well, first of all you bloody stink. Second, you're hair has little bit of a mixture with brown and blonde you're eyes are hazel brown, cheeks rosy, and little bit of freckles." He chuckled.

        I giggled, "So what happened to you? I coudln't find you after you know." I asked embarrassed about my actions.

        "About that, me and Alby just discussed about some rules and other sort of stuff." He informed me. "And Talia, about you wanting to be a runner, I-" Newt was cut off by Alby barging in.

        "Ah shanks awake, c'mon its day four. Time to see you're skills." Alby insisted. I sighed and stood up, "Can't I take a shower first?" I asked. He nodded, "Newt, will go look for suiting clothes for you. Be in front of the maze in five." Alby commanded.

        I sighed and walked outside. "Uh hey, you know where the showers are?" I shouted, hoping Newt would helped me find it. "Its by behind uhm Frypans cooking place." Newt shouted back and I walked towards Frypans kitchen and looked behind it to see the showers. At least there are doors. 

        "Wait up!" I turned around to see Newt running towards me. "Uhm, I'll guard the door for you so no other shanks can peek on you." He inisted. 

        "What about you? Will you peek?" I joked. "No, I can be trusted." He smiled. I smiled, I guess my cheeks were flushing red since he laughed at me and looked at me with those dazzling eyes. "Oh yeah here's uhm you're towel and some new clothes." He said, handling me the supplies. I thanked him and got into the shower. 


So sorry if this wasn't entertaining, I guess this was just a filler chapter you know to get more about Talia and this book needed some more Newt and Minho, because I love those characters. I will be putting Thomas in this book, but I think I'll put him in the series in the next chapter or a couple more away like 2-3 chapters from now.

But yeah thank you so much for reading. Still trying to reach the goal for this book. Still advertising. (: 

        Thank you once again.

        Vote, Comment and Share! Don't be afraid to comment funny things or to critize the story!

See you later shank heads! 


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