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        to be honest, this was such a pain in the ass to write. Okay, so I finished this chapter like a week ago, and I published it this morning but guess what happened. It deleted itself, like literally. Out of all the chapters wattpad could've deleted they chose to delete the finale.

        Right after I had to retype everything, I published it and guess what happened, it deleted itself AGAIN! I was genuinely pissed at this point, and now this is my third time writting this and I'm having such a huge writers block, I've forgotten what I wrote on the middle part of the story and the very last part and omfg its pissing me off, I'm sorry if this sucks in anyway.

        One last authors note at the end, which is important for you guys to read! Make sure you read that authors note or no more talia for you. 

        Anyways, I hope you enjoy this finale. There will be no epligoue, don't ask. But yep, hope you enjoy :) 


                Pain. Pain was something Talia could feel everyday. She sits in a room full of people experimenting on her. She wasn't even able to defend back, her hands and feet we're chained. They haven't fed her, or made her move a muscle. 


         At this point all Talia could think of was death. This was her way to die, starvation, or these chemicals in her body.  She could barely move her head up, but she still held onto hope. She held onto hope, hoping that someone will find her, care for her, like Newt. 


         It was only a couple days ago when they have done an experiment to her, making her memories come back. It took time but it all came back to her, how she came back, how she meet Newt and how she fell in love with Newt. She remembered it all, she remembered everything. But how could she have all these back when no one can save her. 


         Her fight was almost over and she was ready to die. She was ready to be forgotten, she didn't care about the others, Newt, Thomas, Minho, Clint. She just wanted to escape this horrible nightmare. 


       But why couldn't she just go? Why couldn't she just fly away and forget all the things that has happened to her. Why couldn't she?


          "Wake up." The man snarled, he lift her chin but it immediately fell back down. "C'mon, you're getting out of here. You're done for right now." He spit, taking out the keys and unchaining her hands and feet. The man carries her and put her onto his shoulder not having any troubles due to her loss of weight. 

        "Where am I going?" Talia groggily asked. She couldn't fight for herself, she was weak. The man did not respond instead he plopped her down to a cold white tile, hitting her back. "What the hell?" Talia cursed as she rubbed her back. 

        "Just wait and see." The man implied before leaving her. She was in a room, a tiny room perhaps. And there was this one huge screen that Talia has been staring at ever since. 

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