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        My mind was filled with confusion, frustration, and sadness. I lay-ed in my so called bed and stared at the ceiling. Ever since the blonde; Newt talked to me fussing words out of his months that I used to love him and other nonsense. I've kept to myself, I ate when I needed to, I showered when I really stink and pretty much that's all.


'        Alby hasn't position me in a job before or even talked to me yet. The people that would visit me we're Newt especially, Thomas and Minho. I guess more people would visit me if I wasn't the one who screamed every night. 

        Thoughts filled my mind with questions, who was I? How did I look like? Why did Newt loved me? Why don't I love Newt? Who was the person Newt loved before all of these happened?


        "Talia?" Someone knocked. I let out a mumble, "Come in." 


        Coming in was Newt, he had a cup of water and a sand which on both of his hands. I sat up sniffing out my nose. He plotted down the cup of water and the sand which near a stand and sat down beside me. 


                "Hi." I say as I started the conversation. 


             "Hey, how you've been?" He asked worriedly with those dazzling eyes. 


        "Its been good, I mean besides me forgetting some stuff. How about the girl?" I asked crossing my legs. 


        "She's locked up for four more days." He informed me and I let out a sigh.



    "Look whatever was between us in the past, I don't want it to interfere with our future. I may have loved you but that was the old me. Right now, its a new me. With new memories to create and I hope someday I'll love you like the way you loved me." I rambled.


    It was finally off my chest; for the past few days I've wanted to tell Newt about this but could manage it until I felt like I have the words and now I do.

        I looked at Newts face, he didn't show any emotion and it was very difficult to try and see whats he thinking about. I wanted to say so many things to him but the words we're lost in my mouth. 

        "Okay, but I just want you to know that I found this inside my pockets when I woke up." I sighed pulling out a piece of paper from the pockets and handing it to Newt. 

        His hands we're shaky when he reached the paper. His hands we're warm and it felt like home. 

        He opens the letter and his eyes widened. "Whats wrong? What does it say?" I asked frantically. He hands me the note. 

        Get out of the Maze now, every things going to change.


           It read, wait Maze? We're inside a Maze? "What does it mean by Maze?" I asked turning towards Newt who was gone. I groaned and threw the paper at the ground following Newt. 


      "Newt!" I shouted as I spotted a blonde. He didn't stop talking, I groaned and ran towards him. "Hey, whats wrong?" I asked plotting down my hand on his shoulders, but he shook it off.



         "I can't be with you. Whenever I'm with you all I could think about is my lips crashing into yours. You might not feel it, but deep down I bloody know that you love me. Its hard for me to stay in a room that your in. I tried okay? I tried from restraining my feelings from bursting and I'm done. Whats best if you just leave me alone okay?" He says as he angrily walked off leaving me confused and somehow heartbroken.

        I stood stay, tears starting to form at the corner of my eyes and then it all came out. I was bursting in tears. I wiped my face as I walked off. 

        Why is this effecting me so much? My heart felt like it just broke into millions of pieces. I must really have loved him with all my heart and now I couldn't stop myself from crying. Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember Newt and his love for me?

        All of this wouldn't have happened if I still lived, maybe it was the best if I just leave this god dam place. Maybe I should just leave and run inside that maze ti'll I find something. Ti'll I have found a way to let these people. 

        I was sitting down under a tree near the entrance of the maze. As of right now, no one has looked for me. Which is a good thing, I'd rather be alone than a bunch of people asking me questions. 

        My mind raced to the idea of me running of in the Maze. Maybe Newt will forget about me like I forgot about him, maybe me leaving will take his pain away, maybe me not being in his sight will make it better not only for him. But for everyone. 

      My heart started to pace, and my breathing was heavy. What should I do? The Maze is about to close pretty soon and I still yet need to decide. 

      Whoever that voice was telling me to go out that Maze has something to be part of this. Just my luck, the entrance of the Maze has closed.

        Maybe next time. 

HELLO Babes!

Hopefully this is long enough? I don't know. I just didn't want you guys to wait ti'll Christmas! And poop Newt! Why you gotta be such a heart breaker though?

hope you enjoyed!

ILY Shankheads! <3



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