
2.3K 68 18

        JOKE, sorry for false chapter alarm! But I know you guys wouldn't have read this if it was an authors note.

        But guess what?! We have over 700+ views in just 1 and a half month! Holy cooooow! Thats amazing, you guys are so amazing for giving this book all its love and its support and I'd like to dedicate this to the people who have commentin and voting (: 

- itsjayn

- greenienewt

- myprotecterc

- catastrophe 

-  SxphiaKylx 

- TrisPriodeen

- Sangster_Gangster04

- newt_greenie 

i looooove these people <33333

thank you everyone else who has supported this book, its just they have been the most active or the ones showing their support for this book. I'm not saying the others aren't, but you guys are still awesome!


take care! 

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