twenty one

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        Things aren't the same anymore, after they've been taken away from the Maze, chaos struck. Talia was separated from everyone and sadly Newt has lost the person he cared about the most.

        "Whats going on?" Thomas shouted as we flew in the air. Things weren't going as fine as they thought, the helicopter seems like it would have a rough landing. 

        Talia was awake and afraid, but Newt held tight onto her hand. "Talia, looks it going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Newt says as he rubs her forehead calming her down. 

        "But what if its not going to be okay? Maybe it was best if I died back their with Chuck." Talia says dumbfounded. Newt frowned at the girl who wanted to die and finally end this madness. 

        "Talia don't say that. You're lucky it didn't kill you and to hell if you died I would've lost my mind and stay with you their." Newt poured out making Talia smile. 

        "Hold onto something!" The pilot shouted and everyone held tightly on something, but it wasn't enough. A few minutes later the helicopter landed roughly on the ground, scattering everyone's body around. 

        WICKED must've been waiting for this as they took the chance to take Talia as everyone else we're unconscious. Talia who was awake fought from the people who we're taking her away from her family. 

        "Let me go!" She shouted, pulling her arms away from them. 

        "You need help and you know it." One of them says as they hit Talias head with a back of a gun leading her into darkness.


        "Where are we?" Thomas asked rubbing his head, looking around the unfamiliar place looking for his other friends who we're laying down. Thomas walked towards Newt who was waking up. 

        "Talia?" Newt shouted becoming aware of what just happened to them. "Talia?!" He shouted once more, no response. 

        "What happened?" Minho asked rubbing his head as he walked towards the two boys. Thomas and Newt shrugged their shoulders. "Where's Talia?" Minho asked. Minho has always cared for Talia, like she was his little sister that needed protection and would die if he found out someone/something has hurt her. 

        "We don't know, as far as we know." Newt said shaking his head. "We have to get out of here and find Talia." Newt demanded standing up firmly. Determined to find the love his life, see her face again. 

        "What if she's dead?" Clint asked taking notice of the group. "I mean she was shot, lost a lot of blood." Clint sighed. 

        "Shes not dead." Newt greeted through his teeth. "Shes not dead okay?!" Newt shouted, he was the only person who believed that she's still alive while the others has given up hope for Talia. 

        Thomas was pacing around the room, thinking of something a way to get themselves out of here. Thomas then remembered how he can speak to someone through his mind. "Talia?!" He shouted in his head hoping Talia would hear it. 

        It took a couple of minutes, until Thomas finally had a response. "Thomas?" Talia asked. "Yea it's me. Where are you?!" Thomas asked, no response. 

        "Talia?" Thomas shouted. "Damit Talia!" He shook his in frustration, she must've been knocked out. 

        "Talia's alive. We're going to find her." Thomas said, determined. 


omg hey guys how are you all, i hope you enjoed this chapter I was going to make this longer but i though twentytwo should have more action and have more parts from the Scorch trials and yeah

thank you all for your feedbacks and lovely comments, it makes me really happy :)


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