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        HI, ENJOY (: 


                "She was supposed to be in Group A! Not group B!" A man shouted. 

        "I-I didn't mean too, I-" The woman was slapped. What the hell? I tried to speak up but nothing came out of my mouth. "You ruined everything! Now the creators will kill me! You hear that they will kill me!" The man shouted aggressively.

        "'I'm sorry!" The woman plead. "You will do the best you can to get rid of her! I don't care how, just let her die, soon." The man said then left the woman standing in the dark holding her cheek with her left hand. 


        I moaned in pain. Sighing up, I yawned and rubbed my eyeballs until my vision became clear again. "What the hell just happened?" I asked groggily. 

        "Morning, princess." I turned around to see Newt sitting beside my bed. I smiled, "What happened?" I asked. 

        "You don't remember?" He asked with a shocking expression. I gave him a confused face. "Remember what?" I asked. 

        "Its better if you don't remember." He smiled, I smiled.

        Stop! Stop giving me that heart melting smile that makes my stomach twist and have butterflies. Am I developing feelings for him? I barely know him. "Okay, why are you here?" I asked out of no where. Its not like I don't want him here, Its just a little bit creepy seeing him watching me sleep. 

        "Alby announced a gathering. Its all about you today." Newt replied. 

        "Okay? Well are you going to escort me there?" I asked standing up. He chuckled and grabbed my elbow to ring it around his. I looked up to him to see him looking at me with those eyes. I quickly looked forward with my cheeks probably bright red. 

             As we were nearly there, we could hear shouting. I held onto Newts arms tight. What are they discussing in there? "I'll be right back. Stay here." Newt ordered. I gulped but then nodded.

        I fiddled with my fingers as I wait for Newt to come back out, it took longer than I expected. Thomas. Somehow that name sounds familar, the name makes me feel like home. I cleared my thoughts off as they took forever, I was suddenly becoming bored and decided to walk around the glade. 

        Clearly not everyone went to the gathering since I passed by two of the sections and seen like two or four people. I guess I was at the weird part of the glade. I walked through a forest, passing by some cross. This mus've been the grave yard, I thought to myself. 

        I wonder how long Newt, Alby and Minho stayed here? As far as I could tell a long time. I sat down, under a giant tree that covered up the sunlight beaming on me. This place was a peaceful place to think, but a disturbing place as you're near a grave. They must be looking for me

        I sat up and decided to go back as the sun is almost done and they're probably waiting for me. 

        As I walked through the forest, i bumped into a new glader. "Hey, Taniya right?" He slurred. 

        "Uhm, It's Talia." I corrected him. I started walking faster as usual, until my wrist was pulled. Hard. 

        "I've never seen a girl, so...beautiful. May I have a chance to peek?" He winked. I gasped as I roughly ripped his grip from me and started running. My hair was pulled backwards sending me to the ground, crashing my face through small rocks that smashed my body. It felt like little needles being poked and screwed in me. 

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