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                        "Talia? Hey wake up. The Maze's gonna open up soon." A voice spoke as I felt my shoulders being shooked.

        I groaned, who the hell could be waking me up at this time of day? "Few more minutes." I grumbled turning my whole body in the opposite direction.

        "You're the one who said you wanted to be a runner." By now I should've known this was Minho. I turned around facing my whole body to his direction, I sat up yawning and rubbing my eyes.

        "Did I have to wake up this early before?" I yawned out stretching my arms.

        "No, you're more worst." Minho laughed lightly punching my shoulders, "Lets get you dressed and help yourself with breakfast." Minho called out before leaving me.

        I groaned standing up and picking up the running shoes Minho had given me yesterday. I sat down on the grassy dirt beneath me tying my shoe laces tight, I was humming a song that I used remembered but was slightly caught off when I heard a cough.


       "Hey." The blonde spoke. I cursed under my breathe. Out of all the days, he chooses today?

        "Hey. I don't think its a good time to talk. Me and Minho are about to run into the Maze." I spoke awkwardly, fiddling with my fingers.

        "Oh, I-Its just that I was wondering if we could talk maybe after you come back?" Newt mumbled, but still making it sound like in English.

        "Yeah sure." I agreed not knowing what I'm getting myself into. I bit my lip before walking towards Frypan for breakfast and lunch.


        "Hey Talia?" Newt shouted making me turn my back. "Yeah?"

        "Be careful." Newt smiled making a smile plaster on my face. "I will." I replied turning around with a smile still on beaming on my face.

        "Morning T, Looking for you're lunch?" Frypan snickered.

        "Yeah." I replied back, he then pointed towards the back signaling that my lunch was probably over there.


        I walked towards the back grabbing a wrapped sandwich that looked decent and stuffed it into my runner bag. I jogged towards the front of the Maze my eyes meeting Minho's.

        "You ready?" Minho breathe in. I turned my head towards him.


          "You bet." I replied running in as soon as the gigantic walls opened. Once we've ran quite a distance from the Glade, I decided to take a break and stayed their waiting for Minho. 


        Once I saw a sight of him I began taking out the map that he gave me a few days ago, "So, which way?" I asked panting. 

Amnesia ▣ The Maze Runner ▣ NewtWhere stories live. Discover now