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I was curled up in a ball; sitting in a chair, while trying to cope with the fact that I will have to live the rest of my life without a mother or a father.
I heard someone walk into the room, I looked up to see my uncle standing in the doorway, all his weight on one leg and leaning on the door frame. He had come straight from work while still wearing his work clothes. Tears came streaming from his eyes like the water rolling off a freshly waxed car, and all I could say was "their gone" I cried as I stood up to hug him.
"I know" he whispered softly into my ear as he wiped my tears away.
After I calmed down a little we went to see my brother, who was still unconscious. He lay still on the hospital bed breathing like he was just punched in the throat. I went to sit by the side of the bed and grabbed his hand which was as pale as the sheets he was laying on. I was whispering soothing words into his ear; everything will be ok OR we'll manage, I wish I would believe that myself.
Then unexpectedly his heart stopped..........the doctor and nurses came rushing to his side, at the same time one of the nurses walked me out if the room saying "honey, you should wait outside of the room."
Me and my uncle were waiting for the news about my brother, when suddenly the doctor came out and told us the worse news we were expecting, he was 5 year old brother died without having his first love, first kiss, and knowing all the troubles and wonderful aspects of life. I couldn't take it, something inside me was completely broken..........the next thing I new I was laying on a double sized bed with my uncle beside me. "Where are we" I ask, confused.
"My house, sweetie" Sam answered. Sam is my uncle, he is in his early twenties but already has a wife and a six month old son.

The days past by and it was time for the funeral. Uncle Sam bought me a black dress that was about two centimetres higher then my knees, it was cute but I didn't care all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball in my bed and sleep, thinking it was all a dream and when I wake up I would see my family again.
After the funeral me and my Uncle stopped by my old house to pick up my stuff, because since I'm under eighteen I have to live with my uncle and attend the high school across the road, which I would gladly attend because after my loss the last thing I want to hear is a bunch of "sorry's" and "you'll be okay's".


sorry for not publishing in a while, I will publish the next chapter sometime next week.
I hope you liked my latest work, so vote, comment and read😄😄

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