🚺 (y/n)🚺

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Question: should I do did
1:) the [h/c]-haired baby giggle happily as her father kiss her cheek
2:) the dark-haired baby giggle happily as her father kiss cheek

I want to know what you guys think

• Hima-Chan looks like herself
• Born with clear blue ocean blue eyes
• two whiskers on both cheeks
• dirty-blonde hair with dark blue hidden in it
•slightly tan skin lending more to the tan side
•you have Naruto's smile
• shy yet compassionate
• very outgoing with those your comfortable with
• innocence yet love playing pranks with Boruto
• love being with your sister 24/7
• daddy's girl

inherited the Uchiha pale skin & eye shape
• Sakura's eye color
• light pink hair with jet black hidden in it
•you have Sakura smile
• very clam and happy much like a child sasuke
• very compassionate for a baby
• love your sister especially when she give you her stuff animals
• you love sweets treats
• Mommy's girl

• inherited Ino's light blue pupil-less eyes and eye shape
• surprisingly you inherited Ino's mother hair color light brown
• inherited Sai pale skin
• you have Sai's smile
• shy yet curious
• kind and compassionate
•tough when push comes to shove
• very artistic like your father and brother
💤Shikamaru 💤
•inherited Shikamaru dark black hair
• Temari's dark green eyes &shape
• slightly tan skin lending more towards pale
• you have Termari's smirk
• very smart but lazy
• blunt when someone ask them to be honest
• very happy
• have a temper when in a good nap
• has energy when thing need to be done
• mommy's and daddy's girl
•mostly mommy's girl

 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now