💖Playing Pretend/ Copying💖

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The twins were in their play pen in the living with Boruto watching them, he was more or less reading one of his many comics books. Himawari was playing with one of the many stuff animal toys the twins own, Hinata humming can be hear from the the living well she cooked dinner. (Y/n) Listen to the humming, how she loves her mother's voice at was an angel, little did (y/n) she started to hum like her mother copying the rhythm and swaying side to side. Boruto and Himawari stared at their sister then soon enjoy the quite humming in the home.

🍅 Sasuke🍅
Sakura was in the backyard hang up some wet laundry, take down and folding the now dry laundry. Sarada was helping her mother well (y/n) sat in on a blanket on the ground near them, " (y/n) growing up really fast mama,Papa should be here to watch us grow up." Sarada said her voice laced with sadness well she looked at her baby sister. Sakura was lost in thought she knew Sasuke would most likely miss (y/n) grow up like Sarada, the moment of sadness was disturbed when both of the girls turn to the little Uchiha, she was playing tea party with her toys Sarada brought out for her, the older Uchiha girls held a small smile enjoying the time, but little did they know a small snake keep an eye on them.

🖌 Sai 🖌
Ino was in the back getting a customer's bouquet ready for him, Inojin was at the front desk with his sister in his lap as she scribble on a piece on paper Inojin ripped out of his sketchbook. Customers came in and out, payed for the flowers and left. Inojin looked around the shop with a bored while (y/n) was scribbling on her third piece of paper. The bell to Signal that someone was here chimed through the shop " Welcome if you need any help I'm here!" Inojin shouted not to yelled so his sister's ear won't hurt. The Customer went up to the desk and place the flowers down (y/n) looked up from her crazy color lines and at the flowers, she put her crayon down pick up the flowers and started to put them together like a bouquet like her mother does and place them on the piece of paper she scribble on not to long ago, (y/n) rolled it up trying to handle it to the customer, the customer looked at the one year nervously should he take it or not but either way Inojin though it was cute the she was copying there mom.

💤 Shikamaru💤
Shikamaru and shikadai were in the backyard, since it was a nice day, Shikamaru thought it was time to show shikadai some of the Nara clan shadow technique.
Temari and baby (y/n) were on the back porch watching the boys while enjoying the day outside, shikadai was in a squatting position while Shikamaru was 2 feet away from him in a lazy standing position. " His to young for that, let's try something with my fan." Temari said while looking at her son struggling, Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders and walk to switch places with his wife. While temari show their son how to use the fan their daughter was watching every move while her  father closes his eyes, (y/n) saw a smaller fan that her mother brought out to cool herself and her daughter off in case it got hot outside, she grabbed it and started to wave it around like her mother did awhile ago, "Trying to be like your mother now?" Shikamaru ask his daughter in a lazy voice with a small yawn at the end but just earn a small laugh from  (y/n).

 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now