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🍜Naruto 🍜
(Y/n) was getting ready for bed, being careful of her arm as to not bump it or move it to fast. Himawari was in bed looking at her sister making her rub her own arm and feeling sad for her, (Y/n) laid down on her bed turning her back to Himawari and closed her eyes.
(Y/n) was surrounded by darkness, the floor was ankle deep of water and when she breathed out it was a cloud of white. " hello" shouted (Y/n) but no reply "please" she continued to shout out into the darkness, " Mommy!" She shouted one more time before a loud splash made her shut her mouth and freeze in fear, she turned around slowly a person was coming up from the water, their body was contorted it made a clicking sound, (Y/n) slowly got up and backed away slowly till the creature snapped its head in her direction, (Y/n)'s eyes widen her breath caught in her throat and within a half second she ran into a random direction, tears ran down her face scared for her life till she saw another creature running towards, her legs didn't stop in time and when the creature was near her she.."
(Y/n) woke up gasping for air, sitting up in her bed she looked around the room but got scared when she heard creaking from the floor, it was to much to handle "Daddy!" She screamed at the top of her lung, that's when Naruto busted through the door in his cape and hat since he just got home, he seen one of his daughters crying out for while the other sleepy rubbed her eyes.
After coming out of the hospital and getting her Sharingan,since (Y/n) got her eyes and for being young her body couldn't handle the strain, therefore her eyes went weak and in need for glasses like her sister, (Y/n) still wasn't use to her glasses even after week of wear them. (Y/n) was in bed staring at her clock on her night stand with her (f/c) farmed glasses the time was burry but it seemed to be late into the evening, tossing and turning for the 5th time that night she faced away from her night light and closed her eyes.
(Y/n) was in the backyard again, the stick was in her hand like the day she damaged her eye sight, she heard something growl lowly behind her, she slowly turned around to see a creature it's towered over her maybe even taller than her mother, the creature just stood there like it didn't even notice her. (Y/n) breath was in her throat, her legs were bucked in place in till the creature started to move closer, (Y/n)'s body come to a decision,a flight or fight response, her body ran away from the creature, the creature heard her movements and chased after her. (Y/n) ran deep in the woods, her breath was ragged,her legs were tired and they gave up making her fall to the ground. The creature was behind her and grabbed her head digging its thumbs into her eyes while she screamed at the top of her lungs, her legs kicking the air but no one came till..
She screamed at the top of her lungs covering her eyes, Sakura ran in and held her closer Sarada was at the door looking at the scene in front of her, her sister crying about her eyes.
Ino did not leave (Y/n) side for anything, she slept on the floor and watched her all night, checked her head to make sure she not getting a fever again, Ino did this for almost a month till everything slowly went back to normal and (Y/n) was alone in her room without her mother.
Everything was normal for little (Y/n) the sun was up and shining in her room, she heard her mother humming, she got out of bed and followed her mother's humming into the kitchen where she was sitting at the kitchen table drink her tea in the morning. (Y/n) noticed her father and brother weren't there which was unusual since their father was always there and the same goes with her brother, she didn't put to much thought into it she wanted her mother, she made her way to her but the atmosphere around Ino was not the motherly love she always had no it was something darker, when (Y/n) went to hug Ino , Ino pushed her back like an unwanted child thinking she was maybe hurt she went to kiss her mother's bruise but was again pushed away. Ino got up from her seat and toward her daughter and shouted at her, the way Ino shouted was not her mother but she couldn't do anything (Y/n) watched with tears in her eyes as her "mother" walked away from her...
(Y/n) woke up crying, her heart felt broken till her real mother came in almost breaking the door in the process and Sai following in suit, After calming down (Y/n) Ino made a promise to her daughter that she wold always love her no matter what.
💤Shikamaru 💤
(Y/n) laid in the hospital bed she was on her 4th session with lady Tsunade and Sakura to heal her body from the incident, her was almost heal this was the last session and she couldn't wait to go back home and be with her family and sleep in her own bed, during the session they allowed her to sleep since this one was a bit longer than an hour.
(Y/n) was back in her yard ,no one was around it was empty the wind swaying the leaves in the trees gently it was peaceful but something felt off. (Y/n) walked into her home, on the outside it looked normal but on the inside it was a mess, the furniture was throw about some of the dishes were shattered, going in the house further she saw what seem to be red paint but upon closer in section it was thicker and had a weird smell to it. (Y/n) knew what it was, she tried to stay calm and not jump to conclusions, (Y/n) heard heavy footsteps coming behind her and hid as fast as she can, peeking out she saw a man that was covered in blood. (Y/n)'s heart was going crazy that she held her breath to clam her down she backed away as slowly as she could but the floor was against her and made a sound, the man turn around and made eye contact with her and lunge at her,(Y/n) fall back...
(Y/n) shot up in bed gasping for air like she had dived into the deep ocean, she was in her room at the hospital, she heard the door open and her family walked in all happy she was heal and can go back home, (Y/n) looked at her mother and jumped out of bed to hug her and held onto her tight.

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