🚼 crawling🚼

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Hinata was slightly worried about you, you see himawari started crawling around but as for you, you would sit there and watch her from a distance.
You want to crawl around like your big sister, and when you saw your mom's worried face it made you want to try for her to see her smile you and your sister love so much. As Hinata took her eyes off of you and saw himawari gone again she told you to stay and went to go get your sister, this was your chance now to make mommy happy again, (y/n) had lean forward her hands making contact with the floor her body weight displayed evenly on her knees and hands though they were shaking a little bit (y/n) made an attempt to crawl but landed face first, but she tried again getting up and move her left hands first then her right knee then right hand and then her left knee she continued for a minute till she heard the door open and saw her daddy Naruto (y/n) crawled to her father Naruto look around till her saw is little girl crawling tears in his eyes as he Crouch down to get you as you were close to him now. Hinata saw the whole and saw the determination in your eyes when you started she didn't want to lose the focus but she silently cheered you on well Naruto was praising you.

Humming was a sound all to familiar to the young Uchiha girls the humming was soft yet loud often to be hear over the running water well their mother sis the dishes for the early evening dinner, Sarada and (y/n) were in the living room, well Sarada was reading one of your little baby books that your aunt Ino had got you, the words coming from your sister maybe you relax, your eyes beginning to feel heavy but there was soft yet loud to wake up you up. Sakura came out of the kitchen wiping her hands form the water on a kitchen cloth, "who could be that at this hour?" Sakura said but mostly to herself, Sarada being curious as well lay down a blanket on the floor and put you there with your favorite fluffy yellow duck, and had left to see, when she left you hear and small scream them a thump, curious come to you to, you got on your knees and hands and began to move forward with a few falling on your face attempt but you got the hang of it by the time Sarada and a man holding your mother over his shoulder came in, to busy trying to satisfied your curious to noticed them, but before you can crash into the man your sister picked you up and being to praise you and hug you well she was going on you look at the man in front of you and poked your forehead " good job (y/n)" Sasuke whisper to you with a small smile.

A warm early afternoon Inojin was out in the backyard with his art supplies, it was a calm day Ino had the day off of the flower shop, Sai was doing some mission around the village, and grandma was over for tea and to spend some time with the family, Grandma and Ino were talking about some adult stuff, while little (y/n) was on a blanket on the wood floor playing with her white stuff bunny, but some as all children she got bored and to look around and found your brother outside but really had you going was a beautiful butterfly the wings were white as snow that was freshly layered snow, it had landed on one of the rose your mother grow the rose was as red as the crimson that bleeds throughs a fresh open cut, it was pretty you want to have a closer look soon the deterioration was all you saw so you push to your hands and knees, the action was noticeable by the two adults in the room during this time you had the hang of it and crawled out but before you had the chance to even feel the grass your grandma grad you and lift you up and smiled at that smile made you think of your mother and she was right behind her smiling so big while they silently praising and grandma giving kiss all over your face while you laughed, Inojin just looked at his mom and grandma with a confused look.

💤Shikamaru 💤
Both Nara male were play shogi, shikadai was think about his movements carful finding the best way to beat his dad at the game and not being a tie again, while (y/n) and Temari were in the kitchen, temari cooking dinner well (y/n) was in her high chair waiting for her food so she can go back to sleep, " Do you want to get out (y/n) ?" Temari questioned her daughter without turning her head being with a Nara for as long as she had and having one before her daughter you can say she picked up on somethings like know when one is think of a plan, (y/n) felt she mother picking her up , walking in the living and place her on her blanket, " Now stay and don't fell asleep." Temari told her as well place her in the line of sight where she can keep an eye out for her, after a while (y/n) got bored and can't fall sleep with food in her belly, she was getting bored and she was missing her dad and brother, so she turn around on her knees and hands at first the was slow as to get how it work and went a little faster, little (y/n) can hear her father and brother but her mother was standing in the door she went through her mother legs and crawled to the opening in the wall and see her daddy and brother in the trees, it was a funny scene her father looked up her was proud that (y/n) was crawling, and so was her mother her anger at her husband and son for ignoring her was melted away when (y/n) crawled towards her mother while pass her to maybe fell asleep.

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