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The day turned into night in a blink of an eye, the cool air of the night blew throughout the village and into the homes of the people that left their windows open, drifting into a room of a young girl was tossing and turning in her bed.
~(Y/n)'s dream~
Sitting up in her bed and rubbing her eyes letting them adjust to the darkness in her room, looking at her door to see the lights were on and heard the movements of people, making her way out the door and down the hallway to come face to face with a red haired woman and a blonde man sitting at the kitchen table, " I know you, your the fourth hokage." (Y/n) said sounding calm but on the inside her heart was going crazy, Minato and Kushina laugh at their granddaughter's ability to try to be calm, Kushina walked to the young girl cupping her face and smiling at her " This is kinda awkward lady." (Y/n) said to Kushina, smile fell from her face "We are your grandparents (Y/n)."
Kushina said in a quiet voice, Minato cleared his throat gaining the attention of both females in the room, " Come sit down (Y/n), and Kushina I'm sure Naruto has his reasons for not telling her." Minato said calming down his wife, " Actually lord 4th, My father is usually busy with being hokage ya know." (Y/n) said awkwardly Kushina felt angry at how her son failed to mention his mother and father (Y/n) saw it in her eyes but Kushina soon calm down when Minato held her hand.

(Y/n) stayed getting to know her grandparents, she hated to hear how their life was cut short, in the middle of Kushina speaking (Y/n) heard a faint sound of wind blowing and someone writing with soft mumbling, getting up and following the sounds she came to a door that was glowing in between the spaces " It seem our time is up with you, time to meet someone else." Minato said meeting her at the door Kushina was right besides him nodding in agreement " Honey before you go, You should keep your hair out of your eyes, their beautiful." Kushina said taking her hair clip off and clipping into
(Y/n)'s hair away from her face, with one last smile she open the door being in engulfed by the light.
Once the bright light had settled (Y/n) looked around spotting a man in the distance and started walking towards him , he stop what he was doing
" It seem like Naruto genes were stronger than the Hyūga." Jiraiya said sipping his drink " I know you, My father visits your grave stone every now and then." (Y/n) said sitting next to him " How is your old man ?" Jiraiya asked remembering his days with the whining brat " His okay I guess, I never really see him only for missions and if he comes home early that is." She said her smile going down Jiraiya didn't take to kindly to those words, 'you would think for someone who had no family he would be there with them' Jiraiya thought " Tell him this..." Jiraiya said whispering the other half in her ear, " Okay I'll tell him when I see him, if I see him." (Y/n) quietly said the last part looking around she was in a clear area of the forest  Jiraiya just looked at her a female version of Naruto but you can tell she had some Hyūga in her, Jiraiya and (Y/n) stayed and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere they were in. (Y/n) was looking in the sky when a flock of birds were over her head,Jiraiya took notice and smiled at her "Com on let's go." He said getting up
"Where are we going Pervy sage." (Y/n) asked getting up from her spot Jiraiya laugh to himself about the name Naruto gave him when he was younger, the two kept walking talking about whatever came to mind it was a pleasant walk
" (Y/n) can you go on ahead I think I forgot something." Jiraiya said making an excuse for
(Y/n) to go alone, walking farther away she started to hear two people fighting going in close and hiding behind a brush she tried to stay hidden but a boy around her age or a little older looked in her direction ' Is that uncle Neji and Grandpa ?'
(Y/n) thought to herself , questions started coming to her; did Grandpa died ? No it couldn't have died she saw him yesterday morning but it did leave a good amount of time for him... No it would have been big news for everyone in her family... maybe it was her great uncle, stepping out of the bushes and making her way towards the males fighting the older male stop once (Y/n) was in sight then the younger male stop and smiled at her "(Y/n), you look just like Hinata." Neji spoke out with his father nodding behind him the moment was short live when an disembody voice called out to the girl
" (Y/n) it's time to wake up." Neji said putting his hand on his niece's shoulders gently shaking them "But uncle Neji... I don't want to leave you." (Y/n) whispered her voice beginning to break Neji smiling repeating the same sentence over again till it soundly like her mother's voice.
Waking up groggy to the blurring sight of her mother waking her up.
The sun was beaming bright sending a heat wave to Konohagakure, a girl with dark pink hair in work out clothes punching and kicking the air, there was kunai knife stuck in tree and loose on the ground growing tired and her muscles reaching their limit she decided it was time to go home and shower.
After her shower and eating she laid on the living floor watching t.v. when she drifted off to sleep.
~(Y/n)'s Dream~
(Y/n) was back at the old Uchiha compound, the compound was full of life but there were faceless people all around but you can still hear the children laughing, people talking and the soft mumbling of the day to day, walking around taking in the old compound softly smiling at the flag on top of the police building
(Y/n) remembered a photo in the family albums of her grandpa standing in front it with her uncle Itachi "Excuse me." a man that looks like her grandpa said walking pass her 'Wait his the only person that has a face' (Y/n) thought, she let him walk a few feet away then followed behind him. Hiding in a tree close to her father's childhood home
' Why doesn't papa talk about you guys." (Y/n) thought to herself making her way to the backyard and hiding she saw her grandma who was sitting enjoying the peace and quiet when her grandpa and Uncle Itachi came to join her bring tea for them all and dangos on a tray " You can come out now." Fugaku said looking at the place his granddaughter decided to hide in, coming out of hiding she didn't know how to approach them, in her mind she didn't really look like an Uchiha like her sister but she did have their blood running through her veins,
" Why don't you look beautiful." Mikoto complemented, the compliment made (Y/n) a bit relax know at least her grandma likes her appearance. Mikoto waved her over and had her sit between her and Itachi while Fugaku sat next to his wife, " So....this is... just wow....umm..." (Y/n) was speechless she didn't know what to say
"You look so much like your mother." Itachi said breaking the ice first "You even have some of your father's features and his personality." Fugaku spoke up " Really it seems like I took on more of my mom grandpa." (Y/n) replied Fugaku choked on air lucky it didn't catch the attention of anyone, he smiled softly at the word "Grandpa" he whispered to himself being pulled out of his thoughts by his wife and granddaughter "Can you?" (Y/n) asked Fugaku looked lost "Can you do the fire ball justus for her." Mikoto repeated her question with a soft smile, nodding his head he got up a performed the justus.
The night grow cold, Mikoto was finishing cooking dinner for her family Fugaku sat near his oldest son and his granddaughter while Itachi and (Y/n) talk about how she inherent some of his features, a disembodied called out to her "Daddy." (Y/n) called looking around the room, it was suddenly empty and cold she heard the disembodied again "Daddy where are you."
(Y/n) woke up gorge rubbing her eyes and looking around her room and saw an old photo of her grandparents with her uncle and dad.
(Y/n) was out with some of her art supplies looking for a nice spot that would give her inspiration for a drawing or painting, after a 10-20 walk she found it and set up everything while looking around getting ideas, the atmosphere was calming the gently wind blowing, the birds singing were putting her to sleep and the next thing she knew she was falling asleep.
~(Y/n)'s Dream~
Waking up in a field of various of flowers, getting up and looking around the field she knew she wasn't where she was before hand. (Y/n) walked around the field wondering how to get back to her reality, coming across a man leaning against an oak tree; his eyes close enjoying the moment. Opening an eye he smiles at the young girl, the two smile at each other (Y/n) leaping into her grandfather arms while Inoichi holding her close as if he lets go she would disappear and (Y/n) letting some tears slip " Mom going to be so happy your really alive." (Y/n) whispered into the hug, Inoichi want to keep his mouth shut not wanting to break the girl's heart "(Y/n), I.." Inoichi couldn't finish his sentence while looking into her eyes the matches his own eyes, taking a deep breath " I can only be here for a certain amount of time, so until I go back let's have time together." Inoichi said his heart breaking when looking back into (Y/n)'s eyes.
The two sat in the field of flowers Inoichi struggling to make a flower crowns for his granddaughter
" Grandpa, why did you leave?" (Y/n) asked placing her finish flower crown on top of his head
" It wasn't my choice to leave, but all I know is that I help bring peace for you." Inoichi answer placing his semi-messed up flower crown, smiling at her dear grandfather, red-seeded dandelion started to float around thanks to a heavy wind blowing them around the two, (Y/n) being amazed the little floating feathers turning around seeing her grandpa turning into one smile at her with one last heavy breeze he turned into those little floating feathers.
Waking up in her brother's arms while he carries her home, looking behind him seeing her grandpa waving at her.
💤Shikamaru 💤
(Y/n) was playing a game of shogi with her father outside,the game was interesting between the two Nara members it was long of course both of them were good in strategies, Temari would check on them every now and then but when she check on them this time (Y/n) fall asleep well Shikamaru was still taking his time.
~(Y/n)'s Dream~
Waking up in the same area but the the atmosphere was different from before, it was dark almost a calming atmosphere, getting up she looked across the small table " Dad your still here?" (Y/n) said in a groggy state the man across her just laughed
" I'm a little different from my boy." The man said, waking up fully seeing the man in clear view
" Grandpa." She whispered Shikaku smiled moving a piece on the board. The two enjoyed a couple of rounds with small talk in between, ' she looks so much like father.' Shikaku thought
(Y/n) felt comfortable around her grandfathers, maybe because he and her father look some much alike, the air around them soon had a smell of cigarette smoke, almost like how her father would secretly smoke if he was overly stressed. (Y/n) excused herself and followed the smell outside,
Once she was outside the smell became stronger following the smell she turned the corner coming face to face to her older cousin's father Asuma
" Well...Shikamaru had a kid, That's surprising since he said they were troublesome." Asuma said laughing " why am I meeting you? Mirai want you meet you. " (Y/n) said looking at the man her father talks about highly, " Can you tell my king, I love them." Asuma said, with one big drag of his cigarette and exhaling a big cloud of smoke surround (Y/n).
" Wake up, you're so troublesome." Shikadai said shaking his sister wake, " Get your foot off of  me."
(Y/n) shouted " Shikadai leave your sister alone." Gaara said walking into the room.

 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now