👥Meeting Mom's team 👥

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Hinata was enjoying a silent moment with her twin daughters, they were silently reading their books in the living room while their mother was busy knitting. Hinata had got up to start making tea, when she heard a knock on the door Hinata was about to answer the door when (Y/n) got to the door first upon answering it a big white old dog barked to say hello, (Y/n) then close the door on the dog's face and the owner's face as well she backed away from the door and bumped into her mother. Hinata held back a little laugh at her daughter shyness to new people.

Hinata apologize to Kiba and Akamaru as well as Shino for her daughter slamming the door on their faces, the tea kettle was making the little whistle sound indicating that the water was done boiling Hinata had excused herself while Kiba started to talk to the girls, " Look at you guys, you've both grown so much. Do you guys remember me?" Kiba asked pointing to himself, Himawari kinda remembers him because of his clans markers on his face while (Y/n) vaguely remembers him. Shino watched the girls while Kiba was telling the girl that they were on a team with their mother when they were younger and that they were their uncles. (Y/n) looked at Shino and noticed that he was looking at her, she walked to Shino and held his hand flipping it making the palm face up, and some of Shino's bugs came out to say hello to the young girl. Hinata had came out of the kitchen with a tray full of little treat and tea when she saw the girls playing with her old teammates.
🌸Sakura 🌸
Of course (Y/n) knew about her father and mother being on the same team as well as Naruto and Sai being apart of it, but since Sasuke was in the village for awhile Sakura thought it would be a good to get the team together before their everyday life get busy again,(Y/n) was at the kitchen table while Sakura and Sasuke were getting the food ready for their little get together.

Naruto and Sai along with their wives were at the door about to knock when a little girl tacked Naruto to the ground with a thud, Naruto groaned from being pushed to the ground while Sai let out a little laugh, once everyone was inside the women happily talked with one another and the males relaxed in the living room.
Ino and (Y/n) were out making a delivery for a small wedding and walking back to the flower shop , (Y/n) stomach growled when passing by a BBQ place,her mouth started watering at the smell of food Ino looked back to see why her daughter decided to stop when she saw a dream like state (Y/n) was in, Ino shook her head and started to walk towards the place.
When they walked in the BBQ they heard their names being called by two familiar face near by, Ino smiled at her teammates and walked closer while
(Y/n) started to yank her arm towards the front to order food but when she had seen Shikamaru there sitting next to a man with swirls on his cheeks.

After a while (Y/n) learned that they were all in the same team and the man with swirls was Chōji Shikamaru's best friend, he even gave (Y/n) the last piece of meat which shocked Ino and Shikamaru since he always get the last bite.
Temari had taken (Y/n) to Sunagakure to visit her brothers, walking around the village Temari went to find Kankurō first and went to the indoor training grounds, walking to an indoor area she saw her uncle Kankurō but ran up to Shinki instead where the said boy caught her in his arms giving her a hug while his teammates stop training as to not hurt the little girl or Shinki would kill them if she even came close to danger. Kankurō was a little heartbroken but upon seeing his sister and talking for a while they called it quits for today.

Once home (Y/n) asked why Shinki was always with those two people, " We're on a team and they are on my team." He explained to the 5 year old little girl while she play with the puppets her uncle made her, " Mommy were you on a team?" (Y/n) asked her mother who was listening to her little conversation.
Temari nodded and explained that her uncles and her were put together since they were train in a different way.

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