🤕You get hurt( major)🤕

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Author's note: 🛑WARNING🛑
Hello the chapter you are about to read include the following:
-bones breaking
-children in pain
-some angst
Please do NOT try this at home and for those who are wonder those are all major injuries according to the medical examiners
⭕️If you wish to continue please enjoy ⭕️
🧸🍪<— here's a teddy bear & a cookie for you those who stayed and read or not .

You around 4 years old now

🍜Naruto 🍜
Broken arm
It was still early in the evening the Uzumaki family was together finally, Hinata was getting the bath ready for the twins while Boruto was playing his game and Naruto dozing off on the couch. (Y/n) and Himawari were playing tea party with their stuff animals and dolls, when (Y/n) was now getting bored and wanted something sweet then remembered her mother had made cookies earlier that day and put it in the cook jar.
Making her way to the kitchen she spotted that the cookie jar was out of reached thanks to Hinata for moving it when she left, now determined to find it and get the cookies ,she pushed a chair from the dinner table to the counter and climbed up on it, standing on the counter she went through the cabinets but couldn't find it, Himawari followed her sister and her actions but instead of going on the chair she tried climbing the counters, (Y/n) tried carefully walking backwards when she stepped on her sister's hand, Himawari grabbed her ankle to get it off and turn fast causing her to fell onto the ground, her hand
exorbitant more of the blow and the pressure broke her forearm and pulling her muscles around her neck and shoulder to crack her jaw bone and to bruised any muscle around the damage area . (Y/n)'s screamed so loud it could've shook the house.
Hinata and Naruto run to their little girl, Hinata used her Byakugan and she grab her daughter gently and told Naruto they need to get the hospital getting the message they left leaving a shadow clone to watch the kids.
Loss of sight ( temporary )
(Y/n) was excited to see her sister train for her tests to become a ninja, Sarada was practicing her clone jutsu, (Y/n) tried copying her sister but since she was still small her chakra was still everywhere and not controlled yet. After watching Sarada for awhile she was getting bored went back home to do her own "training".
Seeing her mother walking inside with clean laundry, (Y/n) took this chance to play pretend, going through the sheets and pretending to be on a mission grabbing a stick nearby and using it as a Kunai . (Y/n) was running in between the hanging sheets and attacking the wind like an enemy, (Y/n) was in her head she even thought sound from reality was in her head.
Sarada was going inside after her training when she saw her sister playing in the yard, looking at the horizon it was time to go inside and eat, making her way to her sister she held a smile on her face looking at her sister having fun, (Y/n) was in her head feeling her imaginary enemy coming behind her heart started to race and the adrenaline in her blood really to strike in a flash she turn around. Sarada held her breath how can her little sister have the Sharingan with two tomoe.
(Y/n) looked at her sister thinking she was in trouble till her vision went from clear to blurry then faded into darkness, she felt something on her face it was  thick and smelled like iron. Sakura come out to get the clothes and to bring her daughters in,when she saw her two girls standing still thinking they were in an genjutsu she acted fast but it wasn't the case, Sarada snapping out and went to get their mother till she saw her , her eyes popping out and her mouth open. They both reacted when they hear the little Uchiha's voice " Mommy.." .
High fever
Ino was up early in the morning making breakfast for everyone, Sai woke up to the empty spot in the bed getting up he heard whimpering coming from his daughter room as while as some movement.
(Y/n) woke up feeling hot, she took off her blanket but felt cold instantly, then she grabbed her blanket and it started all over again, she silently cried not know what to do.
Sai made us way to his daughter's room to see what she was doing, opening the door he saw her teary eyes and red cheeks she was messing with her blankets and pillows everywhere. Ino served Inojin and went to woke up her husband and daughter, Ino bumped into Sai carrying their daughter , she was moaning in pain from the headache and the light from the sun hurting her eyes, Ino put her hand on her forehead it was warm and it seem to be getting hotter by the second.
Ino couldn't bring the fever down and her heart was breaking, (Y/n) was crying none stop nothing would help and Sai felt his heart break too, Sai felt tears come down his face, Ino grabbed (Y/n) she was hot to the touch even after a cold bath she was still hot, Sai got up from their daughter floor and followed Ino to the front door while she put her shoes on,
" Ino where are you going ?" Sai said questioning his wife who was opening the door " To the hospital Sai , her fever is not breaking and I'm terrified if we don't break it in time." Ino said holding her daughter closer and running to Konoha hospital.
💤Shikamaru 💤
Broken ribs
(Y/n) was jumping up and down excitedly while holding Shikadai hand, Temari was ahead of them excited to see her brothers again. Once the were at the gate ready to greet their brothers/Ojisan(uncle) they were coming to visit and to talk to the Hokage about stuff. Gaara and Kankurō could see the Konohagakure's gate ahead Kankurō tried from the journey was now full of energy and walked a little fast while Gaara shook his head that held a small smile once he saw his niece running to her other Ojisan and hugging him while waving him to come faster and his nephew stuck in a head lock from Ojisan Kankurō.
Gaara and Kankurō were out with the kids in the backyard, Kankurō was helping Shikadai train and Gaara was having tea with (Y/n) while watching them. (Y/n) got bored of watching Kankurō and Shikadai , letting her eyes wonder she spotted a fawn (baby deer) in between the trees looking at her family, getting up to see the fawn close up since she hadn't seen one, getting closer to the fawn trying to slow down her foot steps so she couldn't scare it away. While Shikadai and Kankurō were training Kankurō pull Shikadai closer to have him try to use puppet technique and to use one that had poison in and use it on the training dummies he went to put up.
(Y/n) was looking at the fawn behind a tree watching it eat the grass calmly, she crouched down so she can hide better and not scare it away, the fawn raised it's head up and turned to a sound coming from the direction of her house, the fawn ran away from the noise. (Y/n) was upset but walked back to her home when she noticed her mother talking to Shikadai about something then getting into a position, by the time (Y/n) was close enough her mother had use her fan and a massive gust of wind pushed (Y/n) off the ground and slammed her onto a tree trunk, her spine felt like it broke, her ribs were cranking and some were about to puncture her lungs, and she got whiplash, her vision was blurry and the ringing in her ear was all she could her till she face planted on the the ground. Temari was horrified at what she saw, she daughter slammed against a tree and face planted to the ground, Gaara,Kankurō, and Shikadai ran to the unconscious girl she was barely breathing Gaara picked her up with his sands and told his brother and nephew to grab Temari so they all could go to the hospital.

 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now