Chapter Fourteen: Part 2

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************Three years ago ********

Chinenyenwa gawked at the man whom she admired so much before, but only repulsion and contempt filled her eyes this time. Respect, love and admiration had been flushed down the pipes by his wickedness

Sister Josephine had beckoned on her and when she went to meet the woman, she was practically shooed into the priest's office.

Father Morgan had been the one who always comforted her whenever she didn't get adopted. He would always pat her head and tell her

"You are a special girl, only the special ones get left behind"

Nenye had finally asked him why he believed so after she turned Thirteen. But he promptly told her that

"people are just ignorant, they don't really see how special you are, the world is blind my girl. Besides it only takes special people to recognize other special people"

It was after the revelation from her friend that she began to wonder if he was the real reason behind some of the children not getting adopted.

Chizaram's warning had made Nenye very vigilant and careful. She avoided father Morgan at all costs. She was almost sixteen, she knew her kind were prey to him.

He finally looked away from his book and stared at Nenye.

"Sit down my girl"

Nenye sat down slowly at the edge of the chair with her legs clamped shut. Something about being in his office made her very conscious of pregnancy, she even feared the air which he exhaled.

"Are you comfortable there?" He enquired with a somewhat concerned look and Nenye nodded.

"The adoption is going well, so many children will be leaving the orphanage by next week. It is wonderful doing the lord's work" It took everything in Nenye to let the hypocrisy in his words slide.

Father Morgan was aging, that much was visible on his face. The slight folding at the edge of his eye. His eyes always gleamed in the light. One feature that used to terrify Nenye when she was young.

The children had nicknamed him father cat. His full brows always made Nenye want to question God about how he unjustly made a man as beautiful as a woman. He was adorned  in his white cassock, his Pectoral cross hanging boldly on his chest. Nenye wondered if there was a heart beneath the cross.

"Are you sure you're fine Nenye?"

She only nodded and tore her gaze from his face.

"Is there something you wish to discuss with me?" He started again.

Nenye felt her heart stop at that instant and she stuttered with her response.

Had someone told him about her conversation with Chizaram?

She only bit her lip and shook her head.

" Sister Josephine said you wanted to see me? "

"Yes I did"

His gaze lingered on her face for a while before it fell to the book he was assessing.

"Just give me a minute, I'll be through with this. There are so many people downstairs, I think this is the most adoption we've gotten this year" He said with a smile that annoyed Nenye

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