Chapter Twenty Four : Sides

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The blaring music sounded distorted in Michael's ears. The ladies dancing on his laps seemed hazy,their laughter deafening and his mind disoriented.

He had specifically requested for the hard drugs Chuks sold to his special clients. All he wanted to do was forget everything that had happened to him. He managed to reach the green bottle of alcohol glistening on the table and downed its contents.

He smiled at the realization that he was going to have sight blinding migraines the next day. He truly deserved that bit for letting his father die under his watch.

His phone buzzed and he quickly fished out the device, swiped and placed it on his ears. The level of alcohol in his system had caused a defect in his sense of sight and the name on the screen seemed blurry

A voice spoke and he quickly recognized it even in his drunken state.

"Michael where the hell have you been?"

"I........ Uhm... I'm.... Out" he managed to drawl after thinking of words to use.

"I take it that you've not seen her"

"Seen....... Who....... Uncle Paul"

"No! Your father's wife!" Paul angrily retorted

"Oooooooh oooooooh" Michael drawled then cackled a laughter that almost made Paul drop the call on him.

"You know her name uncle Paul, you even knew who she was before you told me to woo her. Isn't that strange? Whaaaaaat were you trying to do?"

"I was trying to beat her at her own game! Now where on earth is she? There are really important things we need to discuss. The three of us"

"What exactly are we going to talk about? I don't think I want to speak to Nenye again. You can go talk to her, then whatever you discuss can be relayed to me" Michael ended the call and whooped so loudly, he startled one of the strippers.

Chuks watched his friend drink himself to stupor but ignored him. All he had been thinking about was the breach in his security system that even led to a kidnap in his club.

Things didn't feel right.

His mind pointed out to moles and girls. Though he was sure the girls who worked in the club feared him enough not to jeopardize their work or put his business at risk.

But who then tampered with his camera?

Joe quickly whispered something into his ears that made him get up abruptly. He instructed Joe to watch Michael as he exited his room.

The fact that she had summoned him in that manner made him doubt no less that the CCTV incident was related to her own case. It was disappointing that the priest had ended his own life even before he got the chance to make his enquiry.

Chuks arrived his office where he saw Nenye waiting. She seemed to be in distress and kept tapping her feet on the ground.

"Oh thank God you're here!" She spoke getting to her feet as she became aware of Chuk's presence.

"If it's Michael you're looking for, he's downstairs. Something is not right with him today I think he's going way above his usual level"

Concern spread across Nenye's features as she pictured Michael getting wasted beneath them.

"I think I had a hand in that... But that's not why I'm here. You are the only bad guy.. Evil Man.. i know. Others are priests, choristers and helpless orphans"

Chuks became amused with her intro and almost chuckled.

"What exactly makes me a bad guy.. Or man as you put it"

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